Training: Java SE 11 Developer (Exam: 1Z0-819)
Java SE 11
41 uur
Engels (US)

Training: Java SE 11 Developer (Exam: 1Z0-819)

Vanaf € 422,29 € 349,00

Vanaf € 422,29 € 349,00

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1 x Training: Java SE 11 Developer (Exam: 1Z0-819)   + € 422,29 € 349,00
€ 349,00
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Wil jij jezelf ontwikkelen tot Java SE 11 Developer? Dan kan deze training jou hierbij helpen. In deze training leer je de basisbeginselen van de Java SE 11 programmeertaal. Je maakt kennis met object georiënteerd programmeren, de elementen van de Java programmeertaal en je leert eenvoudige Java programma's te maken. Java SE 11 is de nieuwste versie van Java en zorgt voor een aantal nieuwe verbeteringen in de productiviteit van ontwikkelaars.

Onderwerpen die onder andere aan bod komen:

  • Werken met arrays en loops.
  • Strings en Primitive Data Types.
  • Ontdek de JDK API documentation van de Java class libraries.
  • Flow Control & Debugging.
  • Inheritance, Polymorphism en Abstraction.
  • Lambda-expressies.
  • Java-toepassingen verpakken via JAR-bestanden.
  • Compileer en draai een Java-programma met behulp van de command-line interface (CLI).
  • Gebruik van Java virtual machine-compiler (JVM) .
  • Generics & Collections in Java.
  • Functioneel programmeren in Java .
  • Implementatie van NIO.2.
  • En nog veel meer!

Deze training bereidt jou voor op het Java SE 11 Developer (1Z0-819) examen. Naast de training is er ook een proefexamen beschikbaar, zodat je volledig voorbereid bent op het examen.

Inhoud van de training

Java SE 11 Developer (Exam: 1Z0-819)

41 uur

Java SE 11: Introduction to Java SE and the NetBeans IDE

Discover how to get up and running

Java SE 11: Variables and Operators

Explore the use of variables and

Java SE 11: Expressions, Arrays, and Loops

Discover how to work with branching

Java SE 11: Objects & Classes

Explore the essential elements of

Java SE 11: Encapsulation

Explore the concepts of

Java SE 11: Strings and Primitive Data Types

Explore working with strings in

Java SE 11: JDK Objects and Nested Loops

Explore the JDK API documentation

Java SE 11: Flow Control & Debugging

Discover how to implement flow

Java SE 11: Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Abstraction

Examine the methods of polymorphism in Java using inheritance, with subclasses and superclasses, and the use of abstract classes.

Java SE 11: Inheritance, Lists, Inference, and Lambda Expressions

Explore the use of inheritance

Java SE 11: Exception Handling

Explore the use of try/catch blocks

Java SE 11: Modular Design

Examine how to package Java

Java SE 11: JShell

Explore the use of the JShell REPL

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Fundamentals

  • Explore Java SE 11 and its language enhancements, the Shebang
  • mechanism, and key features. Discover how to create and run simple
  • executable Java programs, as well as how to create, import, and
  • manipulate packages and strings. How to declare and initialize
  • variables, work with local variable type inference, transform null
  • or empty strings into an empty optional, and execute Single-File
  • Source-Code programs is also covered.

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Arrays & Program Flow Control

  • Explore the structure of Java classes, as well as how to work
  • with Java control statements, Java operators, and loops. Discover
  • how to declare, instantiate, initialize, and work with
  • one-dimensional array, two-dimensional array, and Java objects.
  • Finally, how to read and write to object fields and manipulate data
  • with the StringBuilder class is also covered.

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Object-oriented Programming in Java

  • Discover object-oriented programming (OOP) basics including how
  • to create methods, overloaded methods, constructors with arguments,
  • subclasses, and superclasses in Java. Examine how to extend
  • abstract classes, apply the static keyword to methods and fields,
  • apply access modifiers, apply encapsulation principles to classes,
  • enable polymorphism, and use polymorphism to cast and call
  • methods.

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Fundamental Language Enhancements

  • Explore the differences between overloading, overriding, and
  • hiding, as well as the differences between class inheritance and
  • interface inheritance. Examine checked and unchecked exceptions and
  • errors, along with the characteristics of Modular JDK in Java SE
  • 11. In addition, discover how to create interfaces and try-catch
  • blocks, create and invoke methods throwing exceptions, and work
  • with list instances, ArrayList instances and Lambda
  • expressions.

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Core JVM Enhancements and Features

  • Explore the concept of HotSpot, how to control JVM compilation
  • with compiler directives, the changes introduced in JDK 11, and the
  • performance enhancements in Oracle’s HotSpot Virtual Machine.
  • Examine the role of class data sharing and the features of Native
  • Memory Tracking. How to write directives to control compilation,
  • transform null or empty strings into empty optional, and work with
  • Java SE 11 nest-based access control is also covered.

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Core Java Libraries

1Z0-806 - Java SE 11 Programmer II: Core Java Libraries

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Class Concepts & Managing Exceptions

1Z0-806 - Java SE 11 Programmer II: Class Concepts & Managing Exceptions

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Generics & Collections in Java

  • Explore the concepts of Generics and Collections in Java,
  • including different types of Generics, the Collections framework,
  • implementations of Adapter and Map interfaces, features of
  • concurrent implementations, and custom collection development.
  • Discover how to create and use interfaces with default and private
  • methods, simplify programs with Wrapper classes, and manage objects
  • with boxing and unboxing. Working with diamond notation,
  • NavigableSet, ConcurrentMap, ConcurrentNavigableMap, and marker
  • interfaces is also covered.

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Functional Programming in Java

  • Explore implementations of comparable subinterfaces, the
  • features of the Collator and RuleBasedCollator classes, the rules
  • of functional interfaces and their role in functional programming,
  • and the structure and syntax of building Lambda expressions.
  • Discover how to work with the Comparator and Comparable interfaces,
  • RuleBasedCollator, convenience factory methods and functional
  • interfaces, as well as how to create and work with Lambda
  • expressions and Lambda statements in Java SE 11.

1Z0-816 - Java SE 11 Programmer II: Streams & Pipelines

  • Explore streams and the Stream APIs, the differences between

  • collections and streams, the structure of stream operations and
  • pipelines, and methods of Stream interface in Java SE 11. Discover
  • how to create basic streams and apply methods on them, apply
  • reduction on parallel operations to manage concurrency, use the
  • StreamSupport class to create low-level streams, and prevent
  • interference when executing stream pipelines.

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Lambda Operations & Streams

  • Explore the java.util.function package interfaces, the roles of
  • the Predicate, Consumer, Function, and Supplier interfaces,
  • approaches for searching Stream data, and Optional class methods.
  • Discover how to work with Lambda expressions, method references,
  • and Function package interfaces, as well as how to extract, search,
  • and match Stream data using the Stream API. How to implement
  • calculations using the count, max, min, average and sum Stream
  • operations is also covered.

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Implementing NIO.2

  • Explore the concept of NIO.2, implementing buffers, the
  • attributes and methods of Path and File classes, and the channels
  • supporting asynchronous I/O operations. Discover how to perform
  • file I/O operations, manage metadata and walk a file tree using
  • NIO.2, watch for changes in directories, use asynchronous datagram
  • channels and multicasting, and implement completion handlers. Using
  • the new java.nio.file.files class methods that were added in the in
  • Java SE 11 is also covered.

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Java Migration & Service Management

  • Explore cyclic dependency, the different types and components of
  • services, service design and development, and service provider
  • deployment as modules. Discover how to migrate from Java SE 9 to
  • Java SE 11, run modularized applications, use JDeps, obtain service
  • loaders, create worker threads, work with java.util.concurrent
  • collections and classes, and write thread-safe code.

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Concurrency Management

  • Explore threading problems, the different states of threads, and
  • concurrency management packages, synchronization classes, memory
  • consistency properties. Examine the the Executor interface, classes
  • that can be used to provision tuneable thread pools, and the
  • exceptions that can be thrown while working with concurrency. How
  • to use the CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier classes, use the
  • ForkJoinPool and ForkJoinTask methods, and work with the TimeUnit
  • enum is also covered.

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Secure Coding in Java SE 11 Applications

  • Explore data integrity guidelines, how to enable accessibility
  • and extensibility in Java applications, and how to handle input
  • validation and mutability. Examine Java Cryptography Architecture,
  • the Engine classes provided by JCA, and capabilities of the
  • Provider class. Discover how to prevent Denial-of-Service and
  • secure confidential information in Java applications, secure
  • sensitive objects, and secure serialization and deserialization.
  • How to generate key pairs, verify signatures with the generated key
  • pairs, and secure socket code is also covered.

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Database Applications

  • Explore the contents of the java.sql package, how various SQL
  • types are mapped to classes and interfaces, and enhancements in the
  • features of the javax.sql package. Examine the Enum classes and
  • their uses in JDBC and RowSet objects that can be used to hold
  • tabular data in Java SE 11. In addition, discover how to connect to
  • databases, perform CRUD operations with PreparedStatement, perform
  • database operations using PreparedStatement and CallableStatement,
  • work with DatabaseMetaData and ParameterMetaData interfaces, and
  • use RowSet objects to manage data.

Java SE 11 Programmer II: Localization in Java

  • Explore the concept of localization in Java SE 11, including
  • locale management, using the Locale class, and resource bundles and
  • their uses. Discover how to format messages, dates, and numbers, as
  • well as how to work with commonly used annotations and the
  • Annotation package Enums. In addition, how to create and use
  • resource bundles, apply annotations to classes and methods, and
  • build and declare custom annotations is also covered.


Engels (US)
41 uur
Java SE 11
180 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Softwareontwikkelaar

Je hebt basiskennis over object georiënteerd programmeren en design.


Na succesvolle afronding van deze training weet je hoe je programmeert met Java SE 11 en ben je bekend met de verschillende functies van Java SE 11. Tevens is deze training perfect voor kandidaten die zich voorbereiden op het examen Java SE 11 Developer (1Z0-819).

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

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Je kunt bij ons betalen met iDEAL, PayPal, Creditcard, Bancontact en op factuur. Betaal je op factuur, dan kun je met de training starten zodra de betaling binnen is.

Hoe lang heb ik toegang tot de training?

Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

Waar kan ik terecht als ik vragen heb?

Je kunt onze Learning & Development collega’s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

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