Training: Java Certified Foundations Associate (Exam: 1Z0-811)
34 uur
Engels (US)

Training: Java Certified Foundations Associate (Exam: 1Z0-811)

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In deze training ga jij aan de slag met de programmeertaal Java. Java is een objectgeoriënteerde programmeertaal die ontzettend veelzijdig is en toepasbaar op elk platform. Het is nog steeds een van de meest gebruikte programmeertalen ter wereld. Het wordt onder andere gebruikt voor het ontwikkelen van webapplicaties, videogames en mobiele apps.

Is de Java programmeertaal jou nog niet bekend, dan is deze training geschikt voor jou. Je ontdekt hoe je een Java-programma moet schrijven en uitvoeren. Daarnaast leer je werken met de Java Development Kit (JDK) en de Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

In deze training leer jij over:

  • Java Virtual Machine en objectgeoriënteerde programmeerconcepten .
  • Features van de Java Development Kit en de Java Runtime, zoals Java Compiler, de Java Interpreter en de Java Disassembler.
  • Best practices voor codering.
  • Kenmerken van objectgeoriënteerd programmeren en hoe dit zich verhoudt tot Java.
  • Ontwerppatronen die gebruikt worden om herhaalbare oplossingen te bieden voor veelvoorkomende ontwerpproblemen.
  • Development Basics.
  • Werken met Java Operators .
  • Werken met de String-class-methoden.
  • Hoe je Java Math en Random number generator gebruikt.
  • Gebruik maken van de if-then-else- en switch-instructies.
  • Omgaan met uitzonderingen en hoe je jouw Java-code kunt debuggen.
  • Componenten van een basis Java-programma, zoals klassen, attributen, methoden en variabelen.
  • Verschillende Java-gegevenstypen en hun eigenschappen.
  • En nog veel meer!

Tot slot bereid jij je met behulp van deze training optimaal voor op de Oracle certificering; Java Foundations Associate examen (1Z0-811).

Inhoud van de training

Java Certified Foundations Associate (Exam: 1Z0-811)

34 uur

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Concepts & Features

  • Java is a powerful object-oriented programming language that

  • allows you to write code once and deploy it on multiple operating
  • systems. In this course, you'll learn about the Java programming
  • language and related concepts, as well as how to work with the Java
  • Development Kit and the Java Runtime Environment. First, you'll
  • learn about the Java Virtual Machine and object-oriented
  • programming concepts. Next, you'll explore Java features, such as
  • platform independence, security and robustness, architecture
  • neutrality, portability, and performance. Finally, you'll learn
  • about Java distributed applications, multi-threading, dynamic
  • loading, and real-world applications. This course is one of a
  • collection of courses that prepares learners for Oracle’s 1Z0-811:
  • Java Certified Foundations Associate certification.

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Development Environment

  • Java provides the right tools and features to allow you to be

  • productive from the very start. In this Couse, you will learn about
  • the features of the Java Development Kit and the Java Runtime
  • Environment. First, you will learn about the Java Development
  • Toolkit and the Java Runtime Environment. Next, you will learn
  • about the features of the JDK such as the Java Compiler, the Java
  • Interpreter, the Java Disassembler, the Java Debugger, the Java
  • Head File Generator, the Java Documentation and the Java Archive.
  • Finally, you will learn how to install the JDK, FRE, and the
  • IntelliJ for Java Developers. This course is one of a collection of
  • courses that prepares learners for Oracle’s 1Z0-811: Java Certified
  • Foundations Associate certification.

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Coding Best Practices

  • Writing code that is easy to understand and maintain is crucial

  • to the software development life cycle. Since Java is an
  • object-oriented programming language, the code is already organized
  • and grouped based on objects with properties and methods that are
  • associated with each object. However, as a developer you still need
  • to be cognizant of how you write your code. In this course, you'll
  • learn how to distinguish between clean and messy code and the
  • benefits writing clean code. You'll also learn best practices for
  • adding comments to your code and how to fix messy code. Finally,
  • you'll explore tools that can be used when writing and cleaning
  • code. This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares
  • learners for Oracle's 1Z0-811: Java Certified Foundations Associate
  • certification.

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Object-oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming(OOP) is a programming method based on the concepts of 'objects' that contain properties and methods. Objects can inherit their structure from other classes and interfaces, which allows for code reuse. In this course, you'll learn about the features of object-oriented programming.

First, you'll learn about the basics of object-oriented programming and how it relates to Java, including the concepts of Java objects, classes, and interfaces. Next, you'll examine OOP concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes, encapsulation, and inner classes.

This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for Oracle's 1Z0-811: Java Certified Foundations Associate certification.

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Design Patterns

  • While developing software, being able to use repeatable

  • solutions to commonly occurring problems greatly reduces
  • development time. In this course, you will learn how design
  • patterns can be used to provide repeatable solutions to the common
  • design problems. First, you will learn the importance of design
  • patterns and discuss the types of design patterns such as
  • Behavioral, Creational and Structural. Next, you will write code to
  • demonstrate how to implement the Iterator, Singleton and Adapter
  • design patterns. Finally, you will learn some advanced features of
  • software development, including design anti-patterns, software
  • refactoring techniques, API pattern principles, and API patterns.
  • This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares
  • learners for Oracle’s 1Z0-811: Java Certified Foundations Associate
  • certification.

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Development Basics

  • Java is a powerful object-oriented programming language that

  • encapsulates data and code in classes using properties and methods.
  • Java uses objects that can interact with other objects. In this
  • course, you'll learn about the components of a basic Java program
  • such as classes, attributes, methods, and access modifiers. First,
  • you'll examine the basics of Java development and the components of
  • a basic program. Next, you'll learn about Java features, such as
  • constructors, classes, attributes, and methods. Finally, you'll
  • explore Java access modifiers and how to compile and run Java
  • programs. This course is one of a collection of courses that
  • prepares learners for Oracle’s 1Z0-811: Java Certified Foundations
  • Associate certification.

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Basic Elements

The Java programming language is a simple and powerful language to learn. In this course, you will learn Java programming basic and the Java programming style guide.

First, you will learn the basic elements of Java including keywords, comments, variables, identifiers, and data types. Next, you will learn the conventions that should be followed when writing Java programs regarding formatting, naming conventions, programming practices, and using Javadoc.

Next, you will use the “this” keyword in a Java application to help understand scope. Finally, you will learn about using Java packages including the java.lang package. This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for Oracle’s 1Z0-811: Java Certified Foundations Associate certification.

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Java Operators

  • Being able to perform mathematical, conditional, and relational

  • operations is a key feature of the Java programming language. In
  • this course, you'll learn about the available mathematical,
  • conditional, relational, bitwise, and unary operations. First,
  • you'll explore the arithmetic and assignment operators available in
  • Java and how to use them. Then, you'll move on to learn about Java
  • unary, equality, and relational operators. Next, you'll examine
  • Java conditional and bitwise operators. Finally, you'll learn about
  • the precedence of Java mathematical, conditional, relational,
  • unary, and parentheses operators. This course is one of a
  • collection of courses that prepares learners for Oracle's 1Z0-811:
  • Java Certified Foundations Associate certification.

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Java Strings

  • Strings are one of the most highly used data types in the Java

  • programming language and working with strings efficiently is
  • important for displaying and manipulating textual data. In this
  • course, you'll learn to work with the String class and about the
  • benefits of using the StringBuffer and StringBuilder classes with
  • the stack and heap memory. You'll explore how to manipulate textual
  • data using String variables and work with the String class methods.
  • Next, you'll learn to use the more memory friendly StringBuffer and
  • StringBuilder classes. Finally, you'll examine how to use escaping
  • characters and String formatting specifiers. This course is one of
  • a collection of courses that prepares learners for Oracle’s
  • 1Z0-811: Java Certified Foundations Associate certification.

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Math & Random Classes

  • Mathematical operations are used to perform calculations of

  • numeric data types and being able to generate random numbers is an
  • important aspect of Computer Science. Java provides full
  • functionality for mathematical operations and random number
  • generation. In this course, you'll learn to use the Java Math and
  • Random number generator classes. First, you'll explore the various
  • methods provided by the Java Math and the Java Random class. Next,
  • you'll learn about and review demonstrations of the use of the
  • java.util.Random, the Java Math.random, and the Java
  • ThreadLocalRandom classes. This course is one of a collection of
  • courses that prepares learners for Oracle’s 1Z0-811: Java Certified
  • Foundations Associate certification.

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Decision Statements

  • One of the main components of modern programming languages is
  • the ability to make decisions using the data provided to them. Java
  • provides decision statements that can be used to make decisions and
  • being able to make decisions is a fundamental part of the Java
  • programming language. In this course, you'll learn about various
  • types of Java decision statements. You'll examine how to use the
  • if-then-else and switch statements. Then, you'll move on to learn
  • about String comparisons, the comparison operator, the equals()
  • method, and compareTo. You'll also learn about the strengths and
  • weaknesses of each comparison operator and the best time to use
  • each. This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares
  • learners for Oracle's 1Z0-811: Java Certified Foundations Associate
  • certification.

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Looping Statements

  • One of the main tasks of computer applications if to process

  • lists of data. Java lists of data can be processed using looping
  • statements. In this course, you will learn the various methods for
  • performing looping in Java programming language. First, you will
  • learn about the various types of looping statements available in
  • Java such as enhanced for loops, for loops, while loops, and
  • do-while loops. Next, you will learn about the best practices to
  • follow when performing looping. Finally, you will learn about the
  • break and continue statement. Finally, you'll learn how to apply
  • all of these looping methods. This course is one of a collection of
  • courses that prepares learners for Oracle’s 1Z0-811: Java Certified
  • Foundations Associate certification.

"1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Debugging & Exception Handling "

  • Sometimes the unexpected happens in your Java code and you will

  • need to figure out what broke and how to fix it. In this course,
  • you will learn how to handle exceptions and how to debug your Java
  • code. First, you will learn how to debug your code using the Java
  • JDB tool as well as using IntelliJ. Next, you will learn the best
  • practice for debugging Java code and some common syntax and logic
  • errors that you may encounter and methods for fixing these errors.
  • Finally, you will learn how to handle exceptions in your code using
  • the try catch block statements. This course is one of a collection
  • of courses that prepares learners for Oracle’s 1Z0-811: Java
  • Certified Foundations Associate certification.

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Arrays & ArrayLists

  • In Java, sometimes you have to iterate through and process a

  • list of data. In this course, you will learn how Arrays and
  • Arraylist are designed to handle looping through lists of data.
  • First, you will learn about Arrays and the ArrayList class. Next
  • you will learn about the Iterator class and how it can be used to
  • processes list of data. Finally, you will learn about special
  • classes used to store and retrieve lists of data such as the
  • LinkedList class, the HashMap class, and the HashSet class. This
  • course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for
  • Oracle’s 1Z0-811: Java Certified Foundations Associate
  • certification.

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Classes & Constructors

  • Java is a powerful object-oriented programming language that

  • encapsulates data and code in classes using properties and methods.
  • Java uses objects that can interact with other objects. In this
  • course, you'll learn about the components of a basic Java program
  • such as classes, attributes, methods, and variables. First, you'll
  • learn about the concepts of Java access modifiers and Java class
  • members. Next, you'll examine the differences between a class,
  • instance, and local variables and how they relate to Java. Next,
  • you'll learn about the concept of overloading and how it applies to
  • the constructor and methods. Finally, you'll explore how to create
  • and instantiate a class with and without constructor parameters and
  • modify the object fields. This course is one of a collection of
  • courses that prepares learners for Oracle's 1Z0-811: Java Certified
  • Foundations Associate certification.

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Data Types

  • Java provides different data types that can be used to store and
  • work with different types of data. In this course, you'll learn
  • about these data types and how to perform actions on them. First,
  • you'll learn about the various Java data types and their
  • properties. Next, you'll examine how to declare and initialize
  • variables in Java and purpose of the final keyword. You'll then
  • move on to explore data type casting and the concepts of widening
  • and narrowing casting. Finally, you'll learn about the Java String
  • data type and how it relates to the Java StringBuilder class. This
  • course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for
  • Oracle's 1Z0-811: Java Certified Foundations Associate
  • certification.

1Z0-811 - Java Certified Foundations Associate: Java Methods

  • Java is an object-oriented programming language that that uses

  • classes to store data and provide methods to access and manipulate
  • this data. In this course, you will learn how to create and use
  • methods to manipulate the data inside a class. First, you will
  • learn about Java methods, accessor methods, and mutator methods and
  • how they are used in Java classes. Next, you will learn about
  • describe overloading in Java and when to use it should be used.
  • Next, you will learn about interfaces and how they are used to
  • specify the behavior that a Class must implement. Finally, you will
  • learn about the static keyword and how it can be applied to a
  • method in a Class. This course is one of a collection of courses
  • that prepares learners for Oracle’s 1Z0-811: Java Certified
  • Foundations Associate certification.


Docent inbegrepen
Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
34 uur
180 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Softwareontwikkelaar

Geen specifieke voorkennis vereist.


Wanneer je deze training succesvol afrond begrijp jij de programmeertaal en concepten van Java. Je weet hoe je een Java-programma moet schrijven en uitvoeren. Daarnaast kun jij werken met de Java Development Kit (JDK) en de Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Tot slot ben jij optimaal voorbereid op het Java Certified Foundations Associate examen (1Z0-811).

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

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Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

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