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Excel is de krachtige spreadsheetcomponent van Microsoft Office. In deze training verken je de vele toepassingen van Excel.

We behandelen alle functionaliteiten van het databeheer en de vormgeving. Daarnaast nemen we je natuurlijk mee in functies als het aanmaken van grafieken en tabellen en het maken van formules.

Inhoud van de training

Excel 365

30 uur

Excel 365: Getting started in Excel 365

  • Excel 365 is the spreadsheet application in the Microsoft 365

  • suite. In this course, you will explore how to find and open the
  • Excel 365 application, navigate the interface and create
  • spreadsheets. Key concepts covered in this course include accessing
  • the app and exploring the interface, which features a ribbon with
  • multiple tabs, a status bar, and a Quick Access Toolbar with
  • multiple tools for visualizing your spreadsheet data. You will also
  • learn how to open a new workbook and how to create a worksheet from
  • a template. You will explore how to add data to a spreadsheet, copy
  • and paste data into a spreadsheet, resize columns and rows; and
  • delete items from a spreadsheet. In addition, you will discover how
  • to undo recent actions you may have performed in error, or redo an
  • action to save time. You will also look at how to insert one of the
  • built-in formulas from the Function library to perform calculations
  • on your data; how to save a worksheet or workbook that you've
  • created; and how to share your spreadsheets with others.

Gegevens toevoegen en ordenen in Excel 365

In Excel 365 is het makkelijk om nieuwe inhoud toe te voegen aan werkmappen en de volgorde van je gegevens aan te passen. Deze cursus toont hoe je inhoud toevoegt en beheert in je werkbladen, met onder andere hoe je kolommen en rijen toevoegt, net als gegevens toevoegen in je cellen. Je zal starten met te leren hoe je cellen kan vullen met de functie Automatisch doorvoeren, daarnaast zie je hoe je kolommen en rijen invoert in je werkblad. Vervolgens ontdek je hoe je gekopieerde gegevens kan plakken met de knop Plakken speciaal, hoe je waarden in een cel kan uitlijnen en hoe je rijen of kolommen kan blokkeren om onnodig scrollen te vermijden. Ten slotte zal je ook leren hoe je cellen en bereiken selecteert en hoe je inhoud van verschillende cellen samenvoegt of weer splitst.

Excel 365: Working with tables

  • Tables are a useful tool for quickly managing, analyzing, and

  • manipulating data as a range in Excel 365. In this course, you will
  • discover how you can easily create tables from a data range; insert
  • borders, and change the appearance and formatting of a table. You
  • will start by learning how to insert a table, and convert a data
  • range into a table. In addition, you'll learn how to transpose a
  • data range, which means inverting the columns and rows. You will
  • see that tables are highly customizable, as you learn how to use
  • the formatting tools and styles to change the appearance of a
  • table. Also, see how to use the Border tool to make the data in
  • your table stand out more. You will learn how to use slicers to
  • filter and manipulate data in a table; and how to resize and format
  • a slicer tile. Finally, you will explore how to add subtotals to
  • your data tables and how to manipulate the table date in other
  • ways.

Excel 365: Getting started with charts

  • Present your Excel 365 data visually by using charts. Excel

  • features several built-in charts, each of which can be customized
  • to suit your needs. In this course, you will learn how to insert
  • charts and add charts quickly with the Quick Analysis tool. You
  • will explore how to create a bar chart, pie chart, line chart, and
  • add chart labels. This includes adding a chart title and data
  • labels, and discovering how to present negative values in a chart.
  • Finally, you will explore how to apply basic formatting, such as
  • default colors, to your charts.

Excel 365: Formatting cells and ranges

  • Excel 365 contains several features to aid in data formatting

  • and manipulation. In this course, you will explore various ways to
  • format your data by type, which serves as a way of classifying the
  • data. Learn how to create drop-down menus, fill cells using the
  • Flash Fill feature, and how to create an automatic data series.
  • Next, you will discover how to create an automatic data series
  • using the advanced Fill Series options and how to format data,
  • including options to configure its size or apply font effects such
  • as bold, italic, and underline. Then you'll also see how to apply
  • cell styles; how to format cells with the Format Painter tool; how
  • to create customized number formats; how to apply custom cell
  • formats; and how to clear all formatting from cells.

Gegevens berekenen met formules in Excel 365

De kracht van Excel 365 ligt in de ondersteuning die het geeft wanneer je formules moet toepassen op je gegevens. Die worden ook automatisch bijgewerkt wanneer de onderliggende gegevens veranderen om ervoor te zorgen dat je berekeningen altijd up-to-date zijn. In deze cursus zal zien hoe je eenvoudige en meer geavanceerde berekeningen met formules opbouwt, inclusief het gebruik van ingebouwde formules zoals SOM en AANTAL, net als werken met formules die ALS.VOORWAARDEN, SCHAKELEN, MAX.ALS.VOORWAARDEN, MIN.ALS.VOORWAARDEN, AANTALARG, VERSCHUIVING, AANTAL.ALS, REST, QUOTIENT en GEMIDDELDEN.ALS bevatten. Je begint met te ontdekken hoe je eenvoudige berekeningen kan uitvoeren binnen een individuele cel; je ziet vervolgens hoe je formules kan gebruiken om geautomatiseerde cumulatieve totalen in een tabel te maken en subtotalen in te voegen. Hierna leer je hoe je verschillende formules gebruikt om cellen in een bereik te tellen. Je leert hoe je logische bewerkingen uitvoert, zoals ALS.VOORWAARDEN en SCHAKELEN, MAX.ALS.VOORWAARDEN en MIN.ALS.VOORWAARDEN en houd je gegevens up-to-date met AANTALARG- en VERSCHUIVING-formules. Ten slotte zal je zien hoe je standaard formule-opties kan configureren, gegevens met meerdere voorwaarden kan vinden, de resultaten van een deling kan ontbinden en gemiddelde waarden kan berekenen op basis van verschillende criteria.

Werkbladen afdrukken in Excel 365

Excel 365 biedt verschillende hulpmiddelen om werkbladen af te drukken. In deze cursus leer je hoe je kop- en voetteksten aan de pagina's in een werkblad kan toevoegen als je aanvullende informatie wilt toevoegen. Je zal ook leren hoe je je afdrukgebied instelt, de afdrukpagina-indeling aanpast, de afdrukinstellingen configureert en hoe je je werkbladen afdrukt in Excel 365.

Je werkvoorkeuren instellen in Excel 365

Haal alles uit Excel 365 door het aan je eigen behoeftes aan te passen. In deze cursus leer je hoe je de interface, het lint en de werkbalk Snelle toegang kunt aanpassen, je account-invoegtoepassingen beheert, gebruikersinvoer en sjabloonopties configureert en standaarddocumentinstellingen aanpast. De belangrijkste onderwerpen die in deze cursus worden behandeld, zijn onder meer hoe je het uiterlijk van de Excel 365-interface kunt aanpassen, inclusief opties om de werkbalk Snelle toegang en de bijbehorende opdrachten aan te passen, net als het Office-lint en de bijbehorende opdrachten. Je zal ook ontdekken hoe je een invoegtoepassing installeert en beheert, invoegtoepassingen vanuit het Office-lint installeert en aangepaste sjablonen maakt en deze sjablonen opslaat voor toekomstig gebruik. Vervolgens leer je hoe je gebruikers- en invoergedrag configureert, hoe je de instellingen om werkmappen op te slaan kan aanpassen en hoe je de standaardinstellingen van de werkmap wijzigt.

Excel 365: Ten common tools

  • To make the most out of working in Excel 365, you need to know

  • your way around the interface as well as understand some of its
  • frequently-used features. This course will explore how to use the
  • Zoom tools, make selections in your worksheet, and use the various
  • view modes. You will also explore how to navigate between
  • worksheets. In addition, you'll learn how to use the spellcheck
  • tool, and learn more about the AutoCorrect and Smart Lookup
  • features. Finally, you will explore how to translate text and
  • create an accessible document.

Excel 365: Customizing text & number formats

  • To configure how your data displays, you can use the various

  • built-in formatting options in Excel 365, or create your own. In
  • this course, you will learn how to use formulas to separate data
  • entries into various cells as well as to modify the case of your
  • text. In addition, you will find out how to create custom formats
  • for text and date or time values – including how to create custom
  • color formatting for data entries. You will explore how to create
  • randomized values, rank values; and round numbers up or down.
  • Finally, you will explore how to use formulas to make substitutions
  • or replacements for values.

Excel 365: Finding and grouping data

  • Excel 365 includes several methods for locating and arranging

  • data entries into groupings. In this course, you will learn how to
  • use the Find and Replace tools when working with specific-data, and
  • use the Group and Outline tools to manipulate data. To start, you
  • will explore how to jump to specific locations in a worksheet and
  • find items with basic search queries using the Find tools. Then you
  • will learn how to use the advanced Find tools to customize and
  • refine search queries, including how to use the Find and Replace
  • tools when working specifically with formulas. Finally, you will
  • explore how to replace cell contents and formats using the Replace
  • tools, observe how to group rows and columns in a worksheet,
  • control their display, and use the Group tools to create
  • outlines.

Excel 365: Filtering and sorting data

  • Excel 365 includes various sort and filtering tools, which you

  • can use to analyze the data in a worksheet. You can use these tools
  • to organize and choose what values are shown in a range. The key
  • concepts in this course include how to use filter tools and how to
  • remove duplicate values in a data range. See how to use column
  • filters to filter data and apply multiple filters to values in a
  • worksheet. Create filter arguments using text and number data types
  • to show values that meet defined filter criteria. Finally, you will
  • learn how to sort and filter data according to their background
  • fill color; sort data in a worksheet according to a specific data
  • type; customize the sort options; apply multiple criteria and sort
  • levels, and create and use custom sort lists.

Excel 365: Using conditional formatting formulas

  • Conditional formulas let you perform calculations in Excel 365

  • on a range of values by specifying the criteria the data must meet.
  • In this course, discover how to use built-in conditional formulas
  • and create your own. Key concepts covered in this course include
  • how to insert a conditional SUM formula to perform a sum
  • calculation on certain data values; insert a conditional message
  • formula that can be used to display one message if a condition is
  • met, and another if a condition is not met; check if a value is not
  • equal to another; and how to perform complex conditional formulas
  • to create conditions based on calculations and analyze your data in
  • a variety of different ways. You will also explore how to create
  • multiple conditions; how to use IF and OR in conditional formulas;
  • and how to use conditional formulas to count up value occurrences
  • or call out data. Finally, you will learn to use reference
  • positions in conditional formulas and analyze data ranges with
  • conditional formulas.

Excel 365: Applying custom formatting

  • To customize data even further, you can create your own

  • conditional formatting in Excel 365. In this course, you will
  • observe how to create and use conditional formatting, work with
  • intelligent data types, and convert values from the default base-10
  • number system into binary and hexadecimal. To start, you will
  • discover how to apply advanced conditional custom formatting to
  • data values and create conditional formatting rules to enhance how
  • your data values display. You will also delve into managing
  • conditional formatting rules and using intelligent data types that
  • can be mapped automatically to existing values in a data range,
  • thereby enriching your worksheets and reports.

Excel 365: Finding and analyzing data with formulas

  • A wide variety of Excel 365 tools can be used to retrieve,

  • return, and calculate data. In this course, you will explore how to
  • use formulas to retrieve specific types of information as well as
  • how to automate and simplify calculations with lookup tools. Key
  • concepts covered include how to automate formulas using the Fill
  • Down tool, how to use formulas to extract date values, and perform
  • calculations by using dates. Next, you will learn how to use
  • VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP formulas to cross-reference data lists and
  • check for missing values; how to find a value in a double-entry
  • table; and how to create automatic reports summarizing a data table
  • with the SUMPRODUCT formula.

Excel 365: Referencing data

  • In Excel 365, manipulating data requires knowing how to

  • reference cells. This involves using cell coordinates to extract a
  • specified cell's value. You can reference individual cells, a range
  • of cells, or entire columns and rows. In this course, you will
  • learn about absolute and relative cell references and how to use
  • data references across multiple worksheets. Key concepts covered in
  • this course include how to reference cells in your Excel worksheet;
  • how to use data across multiple worksheets to reference data for
  • formulas; and how to define absolute and relative cell references.
  • Next, you will learn how to work with named ranges to refer to data
  • and facilitate calculations, how to use cell references indirectly,
  • and how to perform calculations using constant values.

Excel 365: Solving data problems

  • Discover how to go further with your Excel 365 content by

  • understanding the potential for formula errors. See how to use
  • error checking and formula auditing tools, use the Goal Seek tool
  • to let Excel 365 update variables for a formula to meet a specific
  • outcome, and use the Watch Window tool to monitor data entries
  • stored in different locations. Key concepts in this course include
  • how to identify formula errors and understand the wide range of
  • error messages. You will also learn how to check for and evaluate
  • formulas in a workbook and how to use the Goal Seek tool to change
  • constraints and variables to optimize your data values accordingly.
  • Finally, you will explore how to use the Watch Window tool to
  • monitor specific data entries, even from other workbooks.

Excel 365: Using visual elements in Excel 365

  • An Excel 365 worksheet can contain more than just numbers and

  • text. In this course, you will discover how to make your worksheets
  • more visually appealing using hyperlinks, images, screenshots,
  • shapes, icons, special characters, as well as colors and themes.
  • Start by learning how to insert an image or photograph, which can
  • be used to illustrate your data, and then learn how to insert a
  • screenshot. Discover how to edit an image once it has been inserted
  • into your Excel spreadsheet. You will then explore how to adjust an
  • image's brightness, contrast, saturation levels, apply a variety of
  • artistic effects and even add a border. You can also create
  • diagrams using shapes and insert icons to help illustrate a
  • worksheet. You will explore the different types of links and
  • hyperlinks you can insert into your document. You will learn how to
  • insert special characters into a cell and see how to use colors and
  • themes to help data stand out and make a table easier to read.
  • Also, you will discover how to create and edit clean,
  • professional-looking titles with WordArt.

Excel 365: Customizing charts in Excel 365

  • You can analyze and present your Excel 365 data in a more

  • visually appealing way using Excel 365's various chart types. In
  • this course, you will learn how to work with different chart types;
  • and how to change a chart's appearance using the chart formatting
  • tools. Next, you will learn how to customize individual chart
  • elements, including customizing chart axes, moving or combining two
  • types of chart, and customizing the chart's titles, labels, and
  • axes. You will also explore how to insert and customize trendlines
  • that can be used for data ranges, movements, or correlations; as
  • well as how to add and modify Sparklines, which are at-a-glance
  • visualizations.

Excel 365: Creating advanced charts in Excel 365

  • Analyze and present your Excel data in a more visually appealing

  • way using Excel 365's various chart types. In this course, you will
  • learn how to work with different chart types; and how to change a
  • chart's appearance using the chart formatting tools. Next, you will
  • learn how to edit a chart's data series and customize the chart's
  • titles, labels, and axes. You will also see how to save a chart
  • type or chart formatting choice as a template to make it easier to
  • use and include in future spreadsheets.

Excel 365: Collaborating effectively in Excel 365

  • With Excel 365's sharing and collaboration tools, working as a

  • team has never been easier. To facilitate efficient collaboration,
  • see how to keep track of workbook versions, track changes, and
  • comments. Excel 365 also enables one to easily share workbooks via
  • email or upload them to OneDrive and SharePoint. In this course,
  • you will explore how to collaborate with other users on an Excel
  • workbook; how to edit a workbook's properties; track any changes
  • made to your workbook data; and learn how to manage a workbook's
  • version history. You will also discover how to protect Excel
  • workbooks from unwanted edits, and manage a workbook's comments.
  • Furthermore, you will discover how to manage your Excel 365 account
  • and the services you have connected to it and how to save your
  • workbooks to OneDrive. Explore how to use the integrated email
  • function to send your Excel workbook to other users via email. You
  • will discover how to share workbooks via a link. And manage link
  • access and permissions, so you can change link editing permissions
  • to be more restrictive or open. Finally, you can choose the format
  • for the workbook, send it as a PDF, and view a workbook's
  • statistics.

Excel 365: Creating PivotTables and PivotCharts in Excel 365

  • Excel 365 includes powerful tools to summarize data. In this

  • course, you will learn how to create, edit, and format PivotTables
  • and PivotCharts; and how to use slicers. Key concepts covered in
  • this course include how to use a PivotTable to find trends in data,
  • and how to add extra levels of detail and multiple value fields in
  • a single table. Because a PivotTable is highly customizable, you
  • will observe how to configure and customize its display and control
  • settings. Next, you will examine how to use label and value filters
  • to analyze data, how to use a slicer to filter data, and how to
  • customize the appearance of a slicer. Finally, you will explore how
  • to use data from a PivotTable to create a PivotChart and then
  • customize and format the PivotChart.

Excel 365: Manipulating PivotTable data in Excel 365

  • Once you have created your Excel PivotTables, you will need to

  • know how to manage and work with the data contained in them. In
  • this course, you will learn how to analyze, calculate, compare, and
  • work with Excel PivotTables as well as use the timeline. Key
  • concepts covered in this course include how to edit the source data
  • and field setup in a PivotTable; how to organize data logically by
  • creating data groups within a PivotTable; and how to incorporate
  • data from external sources to analyze in an Excel 365 PivotTable.
  • You will also learn how to use sort tools to change the display of
  • data; use filter tools to show and hide data, and work with values
  • for comparison calculations. Finally, you will discover how to
  • troubleshoot common PivotTable issues in Excel 365.

Excel 365: Troubleshooting common issues in Excel 365

  • In Excel 365, it is easy to prevent and resolve issues when

  • working with multiple workbooks. In this course, you will learn how
  • to check whether your workbook has compatibility issues with older
  • versions of Excel, whether it contains personal information that
  • you may not want to share with others, as well as how to recover
  • unsaved documents. Also, you will learn how to ensure formulas are
  • updated automatically when changes are made.

Excel 365: Performing data analysis and forecasting in Excel 365

  • Explore how to make the most of your Excel 365 content by

  • understanding the potential for data analysis and forecasting. Key
  • concepts in this course include how to use formulas to estimate
  • loan-related costs, and manage repayments. Learn how to insert a
  • forecast worksheet to display trends and make predictions based on
  • available historical data. You will find out how to combine the
  • NPER function with the IF and OR functions to forecast data that
  • meets one or more criteria; and observe how to use what-if,
  • variable-based scenarios that, once created, let you adjust values
  • and change your calculation options. Additionally, you will explore
  • how to use the Analyze Data tool to analyze a dataset to look for
  • patterns in the data and how to use the Power Query tool to import
  • or connect to an external data source, such as a database.

Excel 365: Managing macros in Excel 365

  • In Excel 365, you can use the Visual Basic Editor to create and

  • manage your macros. It's important to learn how to identify macro
  • components, so you can start writing code for your Excel workbook.
  • In this course, you will explore how to insert procedures and write
  • code in the VBA Editor. You will also learn about using objects and
  • even creating events to interact with those objects. Once you start
  • creating macros, it's important to know how to identify and correct
  • errors found in your code.

Excel 365: Using macros in Excel 365

  • If you are using your Excel worksheet to input data, you can

  • create forms to quickly fill out your worksheets. With the VBA
  • editor, you can insert, edit, and customize your forms to make
  • inputting data easier for your users. Excel 365 also makes it
  • possible to use macros within formulas to format text, perform
  • calculations, and even export charts to easily share or present the
  • data to others.


Engels (US), Nederlands
30 uur
Microsoft Excel
180 dagen online toegang

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Na succesvolle afronding van de training ben je bekend met de functionaliteiten van Excel 365.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Ontwikkel je tot data analist

Service is echt heel goed. Snel, klantvriendelijk, weten waar ze over praten en denken met je mee met oplossingen. Daarnaast hebben ze ook een goed leerplatform om je studie te volgen en na elke module een korte toets om te zien hoeveel je ervan heb begrepen en je kan de status zien hoeveel tijd je hebt besteed aan je studie. Ik waardeer ze enorm en ik raad elke ICT'er aan om met hen in zee te gaan om je studie te volgen.

- Emilio Jones

Training: Introduction to SQL

Eén training geprobeerd en deze naar tevredenheid gevolgd. Een module werkte in eerste instantie niet, maar na contact opgenomen te hebben met klantenservice kreeg ik snel antwoord met een oplossing.

- Lars van der Spek

Training: Certified Ethical Hacker (CEHv12) - incl. examen

Eerste keer dat ik een online training heb gedaan en zou zo weer een training volgen via

- Jerry Jialal

Training: Microsoft Managing Modern Desktops (exam MD-101)

Het resultaat van de groep is absoluut bevredigend. Ik ga in ieder geval geen ander meer bellen.

- Antoine Evertze, Sales Engineer bij Chubb

Training: PRINCE2® 6e editie Foundation- incl. examen

Als er wat is staan ze altijd voor me klaar. Ik word meteen geholpen als ik bel.

- E. Zeijlmans, P&O adviseur bij Parnassia Groep

Training: ITIL® 4 Foundation - incl. examen

Wij zijn gebaat bij mensen die bijblijven in hun vakgebied en continu getriggerd worden.

- W. van Uijthoven, IT manager bij gemeente Arnhem

Training: Excel 2013 Compleet

Ik heb al eens eerder een training gehad via en dat was een erg leerzame, leuke ervaring. Nu heb ik via het werk een online cursus en deze lijkt tot nu toe ook erg leerzaam.

- Michelle Brierley

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Hoe lang heb ik toegang tot de training?

Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

Waar kan ik terecht als ik vragen heb?

Je kunt onze Learning & Development collega’s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

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