Totaalpakket Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (AZ-305) - incl. examen
31 uur
Engels (US)

Totaalpakket Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (AZ-305) - incl. examen

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Wil jij graag de officiële Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Expert (AZ-305) certificering behalen? Dan is dit totaalpakket iets voor jou!

Bij deze training is inbegrepen:

  • Examenvoucher (inclusief herkansing)
  • E-learning
  • Proefexamen

De training leert Azure Solution Architects hoe ze infrastructuuroplossingen kunnen ontwerpen. Je gaat aan de slag met onderwerpen als governance, computing, applicatiearchitectuur, opslag, gegevensintegratie, authenticatie, netwerken, bedrijfscontinuïteit en migraties.

Deze training bereid je voor op de onderstaande examenonderwerpen:

  • Ontwerp oplossingen voor identiteit, governance en monitoring
  • Ontwerp oplossingen voor gegevensopslag
  • Ontwerp bedrijfscontinuïteitsoplossingen
  • Ontwerp infrastructuuroplossingen

Vervolgens test je met het proefexamen of je klaar bent om het examen AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions te behalen. Onze proefexamens zijn zo opgezet dat ze de echte certificeringsexamens zo dicht mogelijk benaderen. Zowel op inhoud als in de vorm waarin de vragen worden gesteld.

De training is incl. 1 examenvoucher, deze kun je aanvragen via onze supportafdeling. Je dient deze aan te vragen gedurende de looptijd van de training.

Inhoud van de training

Totaalpakket Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (AZ-305) - incl. examen

31 uur

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: Active Directory

  • As an Azure solutions architect, you will face a variety of

  • problems requiring extensive experience and knowledge of the
  • breadth of IT operations to design effective and appropriate
  • infrastructure solutions. Discover how to deploy and manage Azure
  • Active Directory to support cloud authentication and authorization.
  • Explore how to create and manage Azure AD users and groups using
  • GUI and command line tools. Finally, join devices to Azure AD and
  • configure custom DNS names, app permissions, and assign product
  • licenses to Azure AD users. This course can be used to prepare for
  • exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure
  • Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: Authentication

  • Azure AD authentication and authorization security settings are

  • required to verify user identities. Security identity objects such
  • as Azure service principals and managed identities are two options
  • provided to authenticate users and grant access to Azure AD
  • resources. Begin by exploring how authentication and authorization
  • differ and when identity federation should be used. Discover how to
  • provide permissions to software through service principles and
  • managed identities. Finally, explore how to utilize Azure AD access
  • reviews and enable various Azure AD security features such as
  • multi-factor authentication (MFA), conditional access, password
  • reset, and group management. This course can be used to prepare for
  • Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure
  • Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: Cloud Storage

  • Azure Storage is a scalable, durable, secure, and highly

  • available cloud storage solution for contemporary enterprise cloud
  • storage needs. Begin by examining the Azure Storage Explorer tool
  • and learn how to limit storage account network access, add disks to
  • virtual machines (VMs), and manage lifecycle properties for blobs.
  • Discover how to manage storage account keys and shared access
  • signatures and how to use role-based access control (RBAC) for
  • storage management delegation. Finally, explore how to manage data
  • archiving in a storage account. This course can be used to prepare
  • for exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure
  • Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: Blob Management

  • Azure Blob storage helps your organization store and access

  • considerable amounts of unstructured data, ultimately allowing for
  • the creation of analytics-driven data lakes, as well as
  • cloud-driven and native apps. Use this course to explore how to
  • upload blobs to a storage account using the portal, CLI, and
  • PowerShell. Then, manage blobs using the Storage Explorer tool.
  • Finally, discover how to manage blob storage account settings such
  • as soft deletion and legal holds. This course can be used to
  • prepare for Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure
  • Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: Data Solutions

  • Designing data storage solutions is a primary focus for Azure

  • solutions architects. This course will help you confidently analyze
  • your organization’s data storage needs and select the appropriate
  • solutions. Begin by exploring NoSQL and SQL Azure database services
  • and deploying a SQL database. Next, discover how to manage settings
  • related to cloud SQL deployments and how to use Microsoft Visual
  • Studio on-premises to connect to cloud SQL instances. Learn how to
  • resize a database and configure database high availability.
  • Finally, discover data analysis services such as Azure Synapse
  • Analytics and Azure HDInsight. This course can be used to prepare
  • for Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure
  • Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: Files Share

  • Azure Files provides fully managed shared folder access via the

  • cloud, allowing your organization to augment or replace on-premises
  • servers, seamlessly move apps to the cloud, and even simplify
  • future cloud development. This course explores how to manage that
  • share access using GUI and CLI tools. Explore how to manage file
  • shares using the Azure portal, CLI, and PowerShell. Discover how to
  • map a Windows drive letter to Azure shared folders, and then how to
  • use a Linux mount points to connect to an Azure file share. This
  • course can be used to prepare for Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft
  • Azure Infrastructure Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: Protecting Data at Rest

  • Data confidentiality is provided by the use of encryption using

  • cryptographic keys. Cloud apps and services are secured by
  • cryptographic keys and other secrets which are managed by Azure Key
  • Vault. In this course, you'll begin by exploring how encryption
  • provides data confidentiality using a variety of techniques. Learn
  • how to use a custom encryption key to protect the contents of a
  • storage account. Finally, discover how to manage SQL database TDE
  • and how to create and manage a key vault using GUI and command line
  • tools. This course can be used to prepare for Exam AZ-305:
  • Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: Virtual Networks

  • An understanding of Azure networking fundamentals is an

  • important aspect of designing infrastructure solutions. Azure
  • virtual networks (VNets) provide a range of functions including
  • DNS, routing, DHCP, and of course VM connectivity and access
  • control. In this course, you will discover how Azure network
  • service offerings can support Azure services without having to set
  • up a physical network infrastructure. Explore Azure DHCP and DNS
  • settings, as well as how to create and manage Azure VNets and
  • subnets using GUI and command line tools. This course can be used
  • to prepare for Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure
  • Infrastructure Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: VNet Peering & VPNs

  • Virtual network peering enables you to connect different virtual

  • networks and allows resources of the different virtual networks to
  • communicate. Use this course to learn how to interconnect VNets
  • within Azure and on-premise networks to the Azure cloud. Begin by
  • exploring how VNet peering links networks together over a global
  • backbone and allows communication using private IP addresses. Next,
  • discover how to enable peering using GUI and command line tools.
  • Review how VPNs provide a secure method for connecting to remote
  • networks and configure a site-to-site and point-to-site VPN.
  • Finally, discover how ExpressRoute offers an alternative network
  • connection to the Azure cloud. This course can be used to prepare
  • for Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure
  • Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: Managing Azure VMs

  • Virtual machines are the workhorse of most cloud computing

  • services. Explore how Azure virtual machines are deployed and
  • managed in the Azure cloud. You'll begin by discovering how to
  • deploy Windows and Linux VMs using GUI and command line tools.
  • Next, explore VM resizing options to accommodate IT workloads
  • running in VMs. Finally, you'll enable SSH public key
  • authentication for Linux hosts and enable Azure Bastion for secure
  • VM management over the Internet. This course can be used to prepare
  • for Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure
  • Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: Network Security

  • One way to reduce network and service attacks is to begin with

  • controlling the flow of network traffic through firewalls. In this
  • course, you will explore various types of firewall solutions and
  • when they should be used. Next, you will discover how to control
  • inbound and outbound network traffic using network security groups
  • (NSGs) through GUI and command line configurations. Finally, learn
  • how the Azure Firewall application network and NAT rules can help
  • control network traffic flow. This course can be used to prepare
  • for Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure
  • Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: Managing Azure Web Apps

  • Web applications can be created with or without a user

  • front-end. Hosting web apps in Azure allows developers to focus on
  • the app functionality without having to manage the underlying
  • infrastructure. In this course, you will explore how to deploy and
  • manage an Azure-hosted web application in the Azure cloud through
  • the portal as well as using Microsoft Visual Studio. Next, you will
  • learn how deployment slots can maximize web app uptime even while
  • making web app changes and testing them. You will configure custom
  • DNS domain names, enable HTTPS binding, and manage web app
  • settings. Finally, discover how APIs are used in Azure and how CDNs
  • replicate select content to reduce network latency. This course can
  • be used to prepare for Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure
  • Infrastructure Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: Application Containers

  • Many modern applications are run in application containers to

  • allow for modular and portable software solutions. In this course,
  • you will discover how containerized applications differ from
  • traditional applications. First, you will explore how Docker hosts
  • are configured on the Linux and Windows platforms along with how to
  • build and manage Docker container images. Next, you will deploy
  • cloud container solutions such as a container registry and Azure
  • Container Instances. Finally, you will discover when to use Azure
  • Kubernetes container clusters. This course can be used to prepare
  • for Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure
  • Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: Developer Solutions

  • Microsoft Azure provides services to facilitate the creation,

  • hosting, and execution of cloud environments and software
  • development solutions. Explore how various Azure services provide
  • relevant functionality for software developers. Discover how to
  • work with cloud-based message queues, function apps, logic apps.
  • Finally, create compliant Azure environments using Azure
  • Blueprints. This course can be used to prepare for Exam AZ-305:
  • Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: ARM Templates

  • Azure Resource Manager templates provide an infrastructure as

  • code method of deploying and managing cloud resources in an
  • automated fashion. In this course, begin by looking at how Azure
  • Resource Manager (ARM) templates can be used to automate the
  • creation and management of Azure resources. Create and deploy
  • templates using the portal, CLI, PowerShell, and Microsoft Visual
  • Studio. This course can be used to prepare for Exam AZ-305:
  • Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: Policy & Monitoring

  • Cloud governance requires control of cloud resource

  • configuration and the ability to centrally monitor cloud services.
  • Learn how Azure Policy can be used to check for and enforce Azure
  • resource configuration compliance. Discover how to assign built-in
  • and custom policies to various Azure hierarchy scopes and view
  • compliance results. Explore various Azure monitoring solutions and
  • view Azure logs. Finally, discover how to monitor Azure service
  • performance metrics, configure alerts and notifications, and view
  • Azure Security Center recommendations. This course can be used to
  • prepare for Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure
  • Solutions.

AZ-305 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions: Business Continuity

  • Proactive planning for inevitable IT disruptions can reduce

  • downtime for IT services. This is a vital step to ensure that any
  • business continues to run smoothly should disruptions occur.
  • Explore how cloud IT solutions can help ensure continuity of
  • business processes in the event of disruptions. Learn how to
  • configure container, storage account, and virtual machine high
  • availability. Finally, discover how to configure cloud backups and
  • enable blob versioning and web application load balancing. This
  • course can be used to prepare for Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft
  • Azure Infrastructure Solutions.

Microsoft - AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions

Microsoft - AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions


Docent inbegrepen
Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
31 uur
180 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Softwareontwikkelaar, Webontwikkelaar

Je hebt ervaring met het implementeren of beheren van Azure-resources en conceptuele kennis van:

  • Azure Active Directory.
  • Azure-compute zoals VM’s, containers en serverless oplossingen.
  • Virtuele Azure-netwerken inclusief load balancers.
  • Azure Storage-technologieën (ongestructureerd en databases)
  • Algemene toepassingsontwerpconcepten zoals messaging en hoge beschikbaarheid.

Let op: het AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator examen moet je behaald hebben voor het AZ-305 examen.


Na het afronden van deze training kun jij:

  • Oplossingen ontwerpen voor identiteit, governance en monitoring
  • Oplossingen ontwerpen voor gegevensopslag
  • Bedrijfscontinuïteitsoplossingen ontwerpen
  • Infrastructuuroplossingen ontwerpen.

Tevens ben jij optimaal voorbereid op het AZ-305 examen: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

Hoe gaat het te werk?


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Hoe lang heb ik toegang tot de training?

Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

Waar kan ik terecht als ik vragen heb?

Je kunt onze Learning & Development collega’s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

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