Totaalpakket Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) - incl. examen
39 uur
Engels (US)

Totaalpakket Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) - incl. examen

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Wil jij de officiƫle certificering voor Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 behalen? Dan is dit totaalpakket iets voor jou!

In dit totaalpakket zit het volgende inbegrepen:

  • Examen
  • E-Learning
  • Live lab
  • Proefexamen

Microsoft Azure is een open en flexibel cloudplatform waarmee je snel innovatieve cloudoplossingen kunt bouwen en beheren via een mondiaal netwerk van door Microsoft beheerde datacenters. In deze training leer je algemene cloud computing concepten en specifieke Microsoft Azure functies voor het dagelijks beheer van cloudresources. Deze training is voor iedereen die nog weinig tot geen kennis heeft van cloud technologieƫn en die meer over Microsoft Azure wil leren. Ook is deze training een goede voorbereiding voor andere Azure trainingen.

De volgende onderwerpen komen aan bod:

  • Basiskennis van cloud concepten.
  • Kernoplossingen en beheertools op Azure.
  • Algemene beveiligings- en netwerkbeveiligingsfuncties.
  • Beheer van de Azure omgeving.
  • Identity, governance, privacy & compliance features.
  • Azure-kostenbeheer & serviceniveau overeenkomsten.

Deze training is afgestemd op de nieuwste examoutline en gaat in op de zes vernieuwde examenonderwerpen. Ten opzichte van de vorige examoutline ligt de focus meer op cloud concepten dan voorheen en minder op de Azure Services, wat overigens nog wel een belangrijk onderdeel is. Daarnaast wordt er dieper ingegaan op de diverse functionaliteiten, voordelen en gebruik.

De training is incl. 1 examenvoucher, deze kun je aanvragen via onze supportafdeling. Je dient deze aan te vragen gedurende de looptijd van de training.

Inhoud van de training

Totaalpakket Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) - incl. examen

39 uur

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Cloud Computing

The popularity of cloud computing has exploded in recent years. Organizations can streamline IT service efficiency with the use of cloud services in Microsoft Azure. In this course, explore five standard cloud computing characteristics: on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service. Discover cloud deployment models like public, hybrid, and community, and look at cloud service models including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Examine core Azure items, such as data centers, regions, and availability zones. Finally, focus on using Azure Arc to manage on-premises and multi-cloud environments. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Azure Management Tools

Familiarity with tools, including when and how to use them is crucial in the success and ongoing management of a cloud computing ecosystem. In this course, you will navigate the Azure portal, a web-based GUI for deploying and managing Azure resources. Next, you will explore command line interface (CLI) syntax, by downloading and using the CLI on an on-premises computer. Then, you will learn about Azure PowerShell cmdlets and download and install the Azure Az PowerShell module on an on-premises computer. Finally, you will discover how Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates can be used to automate the deployment and configuration of Azure resources. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Managing the Microsoft Azure Hierarchy

The Microsoft Azure hierarchy consists of management groups, subscriptions, resource groups, and ultimately resources. Cloud technicians must have the skills to manage Azure hierarchy constituents. In this course, discover how Azure subscriptions can be organized under management groups to facilitate the application of Azure role-based access control (RBAC) and Azure Policy. Then, use the portal, the command line interface (CLI) and PowerShell to work with Azure subscriptions. Next, create resource groups and Azure resource locks using the portal, the CLI, and PowerShell. Finally, move resources between resource groups. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Managing Azure Storage

The primary storage entity in Microsoft Azure is the storage account. Storage accounts have the potential to store files (blobs), queue messages, shared folders, and basic key-value tables. Begin this course by exploring how and when storage accounts can be used. Then you will create a storage account and upload blobs using the portal, PowerShell, and the command line interface (CLI). Next, you will use the Azure Storage Explorer and AzCopy tools to manage blobs, learn how to manage blob soft deletion to protect blobs from accidental overwrites or deletes, work with storage tiers, and manage storage account network access. Finally, you will manage storage account access through access keys and shared access signatures. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Azure Files

Shared folders have long been used in local area network (LAN) environments to provide centralized file storage and access. The equivalent functionality in Microsoft Azure is referred to as Azure Files. In this course, you will begin by reviewing how Azure Files works in the Azure cloud. Next, you will manage Azure Files shared folders using the portal, the command-line interface (CLI), and PowerShell. Then, you will map a drive letter to a shared folder from Windows and map a mount point to a shared folder from Linux. Lastly, you will configure Azure File Sync to cache cloud files on a local on-premises device. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Azure Network Infrastructure

The network infrastructure in the Azure cloud must be planned in much the same way on-premises networks are planned - the number of networks and subnets, domain name system (DNS) name resolution, IP address ranges, and network routing. Begin this course by reviewing a variety of Azure networking solutions and determining when they should be used. Then, create a cloud-hosted DNS zone using the Azure portal, the CLI, and PowerShell. Discover how to configure custom DNS settings for Azure Virtual Network (VNet). Next, use the Azure portal, the CLI, and PowerShell to create VNets and subnets. Finally, configure route table resources to control network traffic flow using the Azure portal, the CLI, and PowerShell. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Azure VNet Peering & VPNs

Resources deployed into different virtual networks (VNets) can potentially communicate using only private IPs if VNet peering is enabled. VPNs add network security by creating an encrypted tunnel over the Internet linking individual user devices or entire on-premises networks to the Azure cloud. Begin this course by exploring when VNets should be peered together and identifying the benefits of doing so. Next, configure VNet peering using the Azure portal, the command line interface (CLI), and PowerShell. Then, review how VPNs work and use PowerShell to generate a certificate for VPN authentication. Configure a site-to-site and a point-to-site VPN. Lastly, identify when ExpressRoute dedicated network circuits should be provisioned. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Azure Virtual Machines

Most Azure services use a virtual machine (VM), whether it is managed automatically by Azure or manually provisioned by you. In this course, you will first explore Azure Virtual Machine deployment options and settings. Next, you will deploy virtual machines using the Azure portal, the command line interface (CLI), and PowerShell. You will also redeploy a virtual machine to correct inconsistent network behavior, followed by resizing or adjusting the underlying virtual machine virtual hardware settings. Then, configure Secure Shell (SSH) public key authentication for a Linux virtual machine, attach a disk to a virtual machine, add a virtual machine extension, and capture a custom virtual machine image. Lastly, you will deploy Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) and implement Microsoft Defender for Cloud. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Azure Container Solutions

Application containers provide a logical boundary for application files and settings and provide portability and faster startup time than virtual machines. In this course, you will discover how containerized applications work, including which items exist in a container along with how containers are treated within a hosting operating system. Next, you will download, install, and manage Docker on both Linux and Windows hosts. You will then create a custom Docker container image from the instructions in a Dockerfile, and create an Azure container registry to store container images. Lastly, you will deploy managed cloud containers, or Azure Container Instances, in the Azure cloud. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Azure App Service

Azure App Service provides cloud-hosted web applications as a managed service. This means cloud technicians are not burdened with deploying the underlying infrastructure to support a web app. In this course, you will begin by deploying a web app into the Azure cloud using both the Azure portal and Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition. Then, manage deployment slots so that web app changes can be implemented and tested in a staging slot resulting in zero downtime for the production version of the web app. Next, you'll configure a custom domain name system (DNS) domain name for the web app and create a key vault and public key infrastructure (PKI) certificate for enabling a Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) web app binding. Finally, you will manage web app configuration settings and enable a content delivery network (CDN). This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Azure RBAC & Azure Policy

Role-based access control (RBAC) assigns cloud resource permissions for security principals such as Azure AD users and groups to the Azure hierarchy. Azure Policy can be used for fine-grained control of Azure resource deployments and configurations, as well as to check Azure resources for compliance with specific settings or security standards. In this course, explore how RBAC controls access to Azure resources at the management groups, subscription, resource group, and individual resource levels. Next, manage RBAC using the Azure portal, the command line interface (CLI), and PowerShell. Then, create a custom RBAC role and manage Azure AD roles. Finally, assign Azure policies and policy initiatives to the Azure hierarchy using the portal, the CLI, and PowerShell. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Managing Azure Costs

Most cloud computing charges are based on metered usage, so developing a strategy to minimize monthly cloud computing charges is paramount. In this course, explore a variety of ways in which cloud computing costs can be reduced, such as by using reserved instances or virtual machine (VM) auto-shutdown. Next, configure virtual machine reserved instances and analyze monthly cloud computing charges in the portal. Then, add key and value pairs, or tags, to Azure resources using the Azure portal, the command line interface (CLI), and PowerShell. Finally, create an Azure cost budget using the Azure pricing calculator and the total cost of ownership (TCO) calculator. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Managing Azure AD

Azure Active Directory (AD), now called Microsoft Entra ID, is a cloud-based identity provider that provides some, but not all, types of services available with an on-premises Microsoft Active Directory deployment. In this course, you will differentiate Azure AD from Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). Then, you will explore Azure AD using the Azure portal, the command line interface (CLI), and PowerShell. Next, you will create a new Azure AD tenant and configure administrative units to limit the scope of user and group management. You will configure a custom domain name system (DNS) domain name for the new Azure AD tenant and manage Azure AD applications, users, guest users, and groups using the Azure portal. You will use the CLI and PowerShell to manage Azure AD users and groups and use a bulk import user file to create users. Finally, you will manage Azure AD dynamic groups. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Managing Azure Authentication

Authentication proves the identity of a connecting user, device, or software application to an identity provider, which then allows authorization to access certain resources. In this course, you will focus on Azure authentication methods, including how to enable passwordless login using additional login factors. Next, explore Azure single-sign-on (SSO) and identity federation using trusted centralized identity providers. Then, manage Azure Active Directory (AD) service principals and managed identities and enable user multi-factor authentication (MFA). Finally, you will enable Azure AD conditional access policies and user self-service password reset (SSPR). This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Azure Service Resilience

High availability (HA) ensures that IT services and data are available when needed. Methods such as data backups, replication, and duplicate configurations can assure HA. In this course, you will explore how high availability can be achieved for Azure services and determine when those services should be used. You will enable cloud-based backup, virtual machine replication, and web application backups. Next, you will configure application load balancing to improve app performance and resiliency to failure. Finally, you will configure a virtual machine scale set, enable blob versioning, and enable storage account replication. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Azure Software Development Services

Microsoft Azure provides software developers with an array of service offerings to facilitate building and running custom code without configuring the underlying infrastructure. In this course, you will explore how DevOps relates to the Microsoft Azure cloud. Then you will create a message queue in Microsoft Azure. Next, you will discover logic apps that trigger workflows and function apps that trigger code to execute. Finally, you will configure an Azure blueprint to ensure an Azure environment that meets configuration requirements, such as for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, is easily created from the blueprint. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Monitoring Azure Services

Monitoring is a crucial ongoing task that ensures optimal cloud service performance, security anomaly detection, and compliance with specific laws and regulations. In this course, you will explore a variety of monitoring tools available in the Microsoft Azure cloud. You will work with a Log Analytics workspace and use the Service Health tool to identify Azure outages. Then, you will use Azure Monitor as a centralized cloud service monitoring tool and configure alerts and notifications related to Azure Monitor data sources. Next, you will enable web application insights for detailed web app monitoring and manage Azure logs. Finally, you will monitor Azure service performance metrics and view Azure Advisor recommendations. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Azure Network Security

Restricting traffic into and out of subnets and virtual machines is one aspect of a Defense in Depth security strategy, similar to perimeter and host firewalls configured in an on-premises network. In this course, you will begin by focusing on network security groups (NSGs) and learn how to create NSGs using the Azure portal, the command line interface (CLI), and PowerShell. Next, you will explore how Azure Firewall provides additional network security options beyond NSGs. Finally, you will learn how to manage Azure Firewall application, network, and NAT rules to control network traffic flow. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Migrating to Microsoft Azure

IT technicians can discover and assess on-premises IT services to determine suitability for migration to the Azure cloud. This can be done with tools freely available through Microsoft Azure. In this course, you will begin by examining various Azure migration options and when they should be used. Next, you will discover the Azure import/export service, which is used for large-scale data import and export into and out of the Azure cloud. Then you will install the Azure import/export tool and prepare a local disk to accommodate an Azure import job. Finally, you will create an Azure import journal file, an Azure import job, and an Azure export job. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: AZ-900 Exam Preparation

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Exam Candidates must be aware of how they will be tested on specific Azure topics. In this course, I will begin by discussing the contents of the AZ-900 exam including scoring and preparation. I will then cover how to plan cloud service deployments given a scenario. Next, I will cover how to deploy virtual machines (VMs) and web applications in alignment with specific requirements. I will address specific configuration requirements to secure storage account and VNet access. Lastly, I will meet business requirements related to secure user authentication, VM deployment, template deployments, and performance alerts. This course can be used to prepare for exam AZ-900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.

Azure Fundamentals

Microsoft Azure is een van de meest gebruikte cloudplatforms. De belangrijkste focus van het Azure Fundamental-lab ligt op de praktische toepassing voor het maken en beheren van cloudresources en -applicaties met behulp van het Azure-cloudplatform. Door het uitvoeren van opdrachten in een echte omgeving verbeter je je praktische kennis en vaardigheden op de diverse examenonderwerpen:

  • Cloud Essential Concepts
  • The Azure Platform
  • Azure Resource Groups
  • Azure Networking Concepts
  • Azure Virtual Machines

Microsoft - AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

  • Understand cloud concepts (15-20%)
  • Understand core Azure services (30-35%)
  • Understand security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)
  • Understand Azure pricing and support (20-25%)


Docent inbegrepen
Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
39 uur
180 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Systeembeheerder, Netwerkbeheerder, Softwareontwikkelaar, Databasebeheerders

Er is geen specifieke voorkennis vereist; echter adviseren wij wel dat je algemene IT- kennis of ervaring hebt.


Na succesvolle afronding van deze training ben jij optimaal voorbereid op het AZ-900 examen. Je hebt kennis van cloudconcepten, Azure services, Azure-workloads, beveiliging en privacy in Azure, evenals Azure-prijzen en -ondersteuning.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

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Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

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