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Altijd al de basis van programmeren willen leren? Deze cursus is namelijk uitermate geschikt voor iedereen die de basisprincipes van softwareontwikkeling wilt leren.

Aan de hand van duidelijke uitlegvideo's leer je over de beste manier om code te schrijven, object georiënteerd te programmeren, best practices om veilige code te schrijven en leer je waar je allemaal rekening mee moet houden bij het ontwikkelen van software, zoals:

  • De kosten
  • Het ontwerpen
  • Het ontwikkelingen
  • Testen
  • Onderhouden

Kortom, deze cursus brengt je de basisprincipes van softwareontwikkeling bij en is ideaal als je jezelf bijvoorbeeld wilt laten omscholen.

Inhoud van de training

Software Programming Fundamentals

11 uur

Software Programming Fundamentals: Design and Development Best Practices

  • start the course
  • describe the concept of planning and its part in the creation of a software application
  • identify why it is important to properly plan your project
  • describe the initial steps taken in planning your software application project
  • identify the main components included in a planning document
  • identify the importance of maintaining and updating your planning document
  • identify issues that your design should address
  • identify the main components of a design document
  • describe how the planning documentation is helpful during the design stage of your project
  • identify the importance of maintaining and updating your design documentation
  • describe the importance of the planning and design stages of software development
  • identify the characteristics of the Sequential software development model
  • identify the characteristics of the Iterative and Incremental software development models
  • describe the features and benefits of using the Waterfall method for development
  • describe the features and benefits of using the Agile software development method
  • describe the features and benefits of using the Spiral software development method
  • describe the features and benefits of using the RAD method for development
  • describe the features and benefits of using the prototyping method for software development
  • describe the purpose, main sections, and importance of a development document
  • describe the benefits associated with implementing coding standards in your project
  • describe the benefits of implementing version control in your documentation and project
  • identify the importance of maintaining and updating your development document
  • list the methodologies and importance of documentation during the software development stage

Software Programming Fundamentals: Source Coding Best Practices

  • start the course
  • recognize the benefits and importance of writing quality source code
  • describe the concept of self-documenting code and its importance in the creation process
  • describe why you should include comments in your code and distinguish good comments from bad ones
  • identify best formatting practices for use in your source code
  • identify source code that utilizes best coding conventions
  • recognize the benefits of using best practices for naming identifiers in your program
  • recognize the various styles used in different programming languages for naming identifiers
  • recognize the best practices used when naming identifiers
  • recognize identifiers that follow the best practices
  • describe the purpose of methods and be able to distinguish between methods and procedures
  • describe method cohesion and its advantages when creating methods
  • identify best practices for working with arguments and distinguish between by value and by reference parameters
  • identify best practices for working with return values
  • identify best practices for working with exceptions
  • identify source code that follows best practices for method writing
  • describe the capabilities of a class, including abstraction and encapsulation
  • recognize best practices for using constructors and destructors
  • identify best practices for declaring a class and creating an object of that class
  • recognize best practices for implementing inheritance and polymorphism
  • describe the characteristics and use of interfaces and abstract classes
  • recognize how to create and work with interfaces
  • recognize how to create and work with abstract classes
  • describe the benefits of following best practices when creating source code

Software Programming Fundamentals: Software Security Best Practices

  • start the course
  • identify the goal of application security and the need to consider security issues in the design and development of software applications
  • list the guidelines for implementing security in your software development process
  • recognize the various ways that your application can develop security problems
  • identify the possible consequences of security problems
  • identify the importance of data validation within your application
  • describe the main functions that your data validation should perform on input data
  • recognize code that follows best practices for validating input data
  • identify the importance of validating and encoding output data returned from your application
  • recognize code that follows best practices for validating output data
  • recognize the importance of implementing authentication within your application and how it relates to security issues
  • identify the various resources requiring authentication and potential associated security issues
  • identify best practices for implementing authentication within your application
  • recognize best practices for creating secure passwords
  • recognize best practices for allowing users to change or recover passwords
  • identify best practices for managing and maintaining passwords
  • describe best practices for safely and securely handling errors in your application
  • list information contained in logs and how to securely handle the log files your application generates
  • identify best practices for securing data that is accessible by your application
  • describe best practices for securing the uploading of files from within your application
  • describe best practices for securing database access from your application
  • identify best practices your application should use for managing memory
  • list the best practices for creating secure applications

Software Programming Fundamentals: Best Practices for Maintaining Code

  • start the course
  • describe what refactoring is and recognize the benefits of performing code refactoring
  • identify code conditions that can benefit from refactoring
  • list the steps involved when performing refactoring on source code
  • identify best practices for refactoring
  • describe how refactoring can be implemented to improve methods in your source code
  • recognize techniques for refactoring program functionality when working with objects
  • describe refactoring techniques to simplify how your program works with data
  • describe how conditional statements in your source code can be optimized with refactoring
  • recognize how refactoring can help optimize calls to methods in your source code
  • describe how to improve generalization in object-oriented programming through refactoring
  • list the benefits and categories of refactoring code
  • identify the benefits of performing maintenance on source code
  • identify the types of peer reviews and describe the benefits of performing inspections on your source code
  • list the roles and responsibilities of the participants involved in peer review inspections
  • list the stages of a software inspection and describe the function of each
  • describe the sources and effects of errors within your software application
  • list and describe the most common types of errors caused by poor programming
  • identify the sources of errors introduced by code improvements and how best to minimize these errors
  • describe how functionality errors occur and how to minimize them
  • list the various methods for testing your programs
  • describe the purpose and principles of unit testing
  • describe the techniques for detecting bugs when testing your programs
  • list the steps involved when debugging your source code
  • identify the benefits of maintaining, testing, and debugging source code


Engels (US)
11 uur
Software Development
90 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Extra product informatie 0
Doelgroep Softwareontwikkelaar, Webontwikkelaar

Voor het volgen van deze cursus is geen voorkennis vereist. De cursus is in het Engels, maar ook goed te volgen voor mensen die mindere kennis van de Engelse taal hebben.


Na het volgen van deze training ben je bekend met de basisprincipes van het programmeren van software. Na afloop krijg je tevens een certificaat van deelname.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Ontwikkel je tot data analist

Service is echt heel goed. Snel, klantvriendelijk, weten waar ze over praten en denken met je mee met oplossingen. Daarnaast hebben ze ook een goed leerplatform om je studie te volgen en na elke module een korte toets om te zien hoeveel je ervan heb begrepen en je kan de status zien hoeveel tijd je hebt besteed aan je studie. Ik waardeer ze enorm en ik raad elke ICT'er aan om met hen in zee te gaan om je studie te volgen.

- Emilio Jones

Training: Introduction to SQL

Eén training geprobeerd en deze naar tevredenheid gevolgd. Een module werkte in eerste instantie niet, maar na contact opgenomen te hebben met klantenservice kreeg ik snel antwoord met een oplossing.

- Lars van der Spek

Training: Certified Ethical Hacker (CEHv12) - incl. examen

Eerste keer dat ik een online training heb gedaan en zou zo weer een training volgen via

- Jerry Jialal

Training: Microsoft Managing Modern Desktops (exam MD-101)

Het resultaat van de groep is absoluut bevredigend. Ik ga in ieder geval geen ander meer bellen.

- Antoine Evertze, Sales Engineer bij Chubb

Training: PRINCE2® 6e editie Foundation- incl. examen

Als er wat is staan ze altijd voor me klaar. Ik word meteen geholpen als ik bel.

- E. Zeijlmans, P&O adviseur bij Parnassia Groep

Training: ITIL® 4 Foundation - incl. examen

Wij zijn gebaat bij mensen die bijblijven in hun vakgebied en continu getriggerd worden.

- W. van Uijthoven, IT manager bij gemeente Arnhem

Training: Excel 2013 Compleet

Ik heb al eens eerder een training gehad via en dat was een erg leerzame, leuke ervaring. Nu heb ik via het werk een online cursus en deze lijkt tot nu toe ook erg leerzaam.

- Michelle Brierley

Hoe gaat het te werk?


Training bestellen

Nadat je de training hebt besteld krijg je bevestiging per e-mail.


Toegang leerplatform

In de e-mail staat een link waarmee je toegang krijgt tot ons leerplatform.


Direct beginnen

Je kunt direct van start. Studeer vanaf nu waar en wanneer jij wilt.


Training afronden

Rond de training succesvol af en ontvang van ons een certificaat!

Veelgestelde vragen

Veelgestelde vragen

Op welke manieren kan ik betalen?

Je kunt bij ons betalen met iDEAL, PayPal, Creditcard, Bancontact en op factuur. Betaal je op factuur, dan kun je met de training starten zodra de betaling binnen is.

Hoe lang heb ik toegang tot de training?

Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

Waar kan ik terecht als ik vragen heb?

Je kunt onze Learning & Development collega’s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

Background Frame
Background Frame

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