Training: Oracle Database 12c: Performance Management and Tuning (exam 1Z0-064)
Oracle 12c
9 uur
Engels (US)

Training: Oracle Database 12c: Performance Management and Tuning (exam 1Z0-064)

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In deze Oracle training doe je de kennis en vaardigheden op die nodig zijn voor het behalen van het Oracle Database 12c: Performance Management and Tuning 1Z0-064 examen. Je leert bekende performance problemen te troubleshouten die gericht zijn op de 12c versie van de database.

Onderwerpen die onder andere aan bod komen zijn AWR report, Oracle Enterprise Manager, Automatic Workload Repository, Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor, EM cloud control, SQL binding, query optimizer en nog veel meer.

Inhoud van de training

Oracle Database 12c: Performance Management and Tuning (exam 1Z0-064)

9 uur

Oracle 12c Performance Tuning: Introduction

  • start the course
  • define the components of performance management
  • identify who is responsible for performance management of the Oracle database
  • describe the Oracle tuning methodology
  • describe effective tuning goals
  • list the steps of a general tuning session
  • identify tuning objectives
  • examine top timed events in an AWR report
  • define the concept of DB time
  • describe CPU and wait time tuning dimensions
  • define the time model
  • work with the dynamic performance views
  • describe database wait events
  • describe database wait classes
  • use SQL to display wait event statistics
  • describe commonly observed wait events
  • describe Oracle Enterprise Manager
  • describe the Oracle EM architecture
  • use OEM to view the performance hub page
  • describe the instance alert log
  • describe user trace files
  • describe how to define and limit the scope of a problem
  • list common tuning problems
  • describe the tuning life cycle phases
  • evaluate the balance between performance and business requirements
  • work with Oracle support to file a performance service request
  • use SQL commands to query the dynamic performance views to view tuning information

Oracle 12c Performance Tuning: Automatic Workload Repository

  • start the course
  • describe the Automatic Workload Repository
  • describe the types of statistics stored in AWR and the AWR architecture
  • describe how AWR is administered
  • use a PL/SQL package to manage and modify AWR snapshot settings
  • use EM cloud control and SQL*Plus to generate an AWR report
  • describe the sections of an AWR report
  • describe how to compare two periods in AWR
  • describe the structure of an AWR comparison report
  • describe the ADDM infrastructure
  • describe the ADDM methodology
  • use EM cloud control to identify and review ADDM results
  • describe how to create an ADDM task manually and to modify ADDM attributes
  • describe the ADDM comparison report and compare to its AWR counterpart
  • describe the components of an ADDM comparison report
  • describe the ASH infrastructure
  • specify where to locate the ASH data and how to analyze it
  • describe how to generate an ASH report
  • describe the components of an ASH report
  • describe the challenges and goals of Emergency Monitoring
  • describe the challenges and goals of Real-Time ADDM
  • describe the benefits of Real-Time ADDM
  • use EM cloud control to invoke Real-Time ADDM and view the results
  • use EM cloud control to generate and review an AWR report

Oracle 12c Performance Tuning: Metrics and Monitoring

  • start the course
  • describe the use of metrics and the importance of statistics within an Oracle database
  • define the Oracle database metrics and describe their benefits
  • use dictionary views and EM cloud control to report on database metrics
  • describe the benefits of having statistics histograms
  • define database alerts and the dictionary views associated with them
  • describe how AWR baselines can be used to compare two periods
  • define AWR baselines and its benefits
  • list and describe the types of AWR baselines
  • describe how to create AWR baselines
  • configure AWR baselines and templates
  • describe how baselines are used when defining alert thresholds
  • describe database operations and provide use cases
  • list the scope and concepts around database operations
  • describe how to identify and enable monitoring of a database operation
  • list the steps in identifying, starting, and completing a database operation
  • describe the concept of load database operations and list the dictionary views associated with it
  • describe the PL/SQL package needed to report on database operations
  • use EM cloud control to create baselines and configure alert thresholds upon them

Oracle 12c Performance Tuning: Application Monitoring and SQL Diagnostics

  • start the course
  • list the characteristics of a service
  • list the attributes and types of services
  • describe how services are created and managed
  • identify how to work with services
  • specify how services integrate with database resource management
  • use EM Cloud Control to show how services work in conjunction with the Oracle Scheduler
  • describe how services can be integrated with metric thresholds
  • describe service aggregation and tracing
  • describe how to configure service aggregation
  • list the dictionary views relevant to service performance
  • define the phases of SQL statement processing, and the concepts of cursors and parsing
  • explain SQL binding, executing, and fetching
  • describe the process structures involved with DML and commit processing
  • define the role of the Oracle optimizer
  • define what an execution plan is and uses thereof
  • describe how to generate and view an execution plan
  • describe how to read and understand an execution plan
  • list the dynamic performance views which provide detail about SQL execution plans
  • use the SQL*Plus Autotrace facility
  • use extended SQL tracing
  • describe how to format trace files with TKPROF
  • interpret TKPROF output
  • examine a bad SQL statement and gather information about it using AutoTrace and DBMS_XPLAN

Oracle 12c Performance Tuning: Tuning Problem SQL Statements

  • start the course
  • describe the tasks of the query optimizer during SQL parsing
  • describe the concepts of selectivity, cardinality and cost
  • describe statistics used by the optimizer
  • list the database parameters which influence the behavior of the optimizer
  • describe adaptive and dynamic execution plans
  • describe the cardinality feedback feature
  • describe how manipulating the optimizer_mode parameter affects SQL operations
  • describe the ways in which data is retrieved from the database
  • describe the most commonly used index access paths
  • describe the concept of join operations
  • list the types of join operations used by the optimizer
  • describe the conditions under which each join operation works best
  • describe the basics of sorting and briefly touch on tuning sort performance
  • describe how adding indexes can improve SQL performance
  • describe how index maintenance operations can improve SQL performance
  • describe how space usage of tables can impact performance
  • define the concept of extents and how they relate to the performance of SQL operations
  • describe the structure of a database block
  • list the ways of reducing block visits and describe the methods of block allocation
  • describe block space management with freelists
  • describe the concept of ASSM
  • describe block space management with ASSM
  • define the concepts of block migration and chaining
  • describe how shrinking segments can improve the performance of SQL statements
  • describe how data compression can assist in improving the performance of SQL statements
  • describe the concept of HCC and using the compression advisor
  • examine how inaccurate statistics can mislead the optimizer and rectifying the problem


Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
9 uur
Oracle 12c
180 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Databasebeheerders

Kennis van Oracle Database 12c.


Na het volgen van deze training ben je optimaal voorbereid op het Oracle 1Z0-064 examen.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

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Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

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