Training: Oracle database 12C: Installation and Administration (exam 1Z0-062)
Oracle 12c
33 uur
Engels (US)

Training: Oracle database 12C: Installation and Administration (exam 1Z0-062)

Vanaf € 422,29 € 349,00

Vanaf € 422,29 € 349,00

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1 x Training: Oracle database 12C: Installation and Administration (exam 1Z0-062)   + € 422,29 € 349,00
€ 349,00
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In deze Oracle 12c training / cursus leert u de de architectuur en concepten van de Oracle database 12c kennen. Met deze kennis kunt een database op de juiste manier installeren en beheren. Deze cursus behandeld specifiek hoe u een database kunt opzetten door rekening te houden met de architectuur, beveiliging, opslag, backup en het onderhoud.

Onderwerpen die onder andere aan bod komen zijn de de architectuur van een database, management tools, netwerkomgevingen, gebruikersbeveiliging, opslag, backup, recovery en het verplaatsen van data, onderhoud en nog veel meer. Naast deze training kunt u de training Oracle Database 12c Revisions volgen. Beiden leiden op voor het officiële Oracle examen 1Z0-062. Alleen de Oracle Database 12C Revisions is gericht op de laatste versie van het Oracle ILT examen.

Inhoud van de training

Oracle database 12C: Installation and Administration (exam 1Z0-062)

33 uur

Oracle Database 12c – Install and Upgrade: Database Architecture

  • recognize Oracle Database 12c Architecture structures
  • recognize the storage structures used in the Oracle Database 12c Architecture
  • describe Oracle multitenant architecture
  • describe the functions of Oracle Net Services
  • view instance configurations in Oracle Database 12c
  • identify and explore components of the Oracle Database 12c Architecture

Oracle Database 12c – Install and Upgrade: Installation

  • recognize how to plan an Oracle installation
  • describe the operating system groups used when configuring your system to install the Oracle Grid infrastructure
  • specify the installation method to use in a given scenario
  • prepare for Oracle Software and Grid Infrastructure installation
  • identify the minimum requirements for installing the Oracle Database software
  • describe the considerations for installing a Oracle 12c database using the DBCA
  • describe how to create Oracle 12c databases using the DBCA
  • identify how to use Oracle Restart to manage components
  • install and manage an Oracle Database 12c

Oracle Database 12c – Install and Upgrade: Upgrading

  • specify the upgrade and migration method to use in a given scenario
  • perform preupgrade tasks or checks in a given scenario
  • describe how DBUA aids the database upgrade process
  • perform post-upgrade tasks for Oracle Database 12c
  • migrate data using Oracle Data Pump
  • upgrade to Oracle Database 12c

Oracle Database 12c - Administration: Database Architecture and Management Tools

  • describe Oracle 12c database memory structures
  • recognize the different background processes used by an Oracle 12c database
  • identify the logical and physical storage structures in an Oracle 12c database
  • use database management tools in a given scenario
  • describe how to initiate Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c
  • manage the Oracle Database Architecture

Oracle Database 12c – Administration: Manage the Database Instance

recognize the functions of database initialization parameters manage a database instance in given scenario describe the characteristics of dynamic performance and dictionary views perform database view and management tasks

Oracle Database 12c – Administration: The Network Environment and User Security

  • describe the characteristics of naming methods
  • configure network connections in a given scenario
  • recognize predefined administrative accounts
  • grant privileges in a given scenario
  • choose the appropriate password management security setting for a given scenario
  • implement user security in a given scenario
  • manage network and user security

Oracle Database 12c – Administration: Storage structures and Undo Data

  • recognize the configuration options available when creating Oracle Database 12c tablespaces
  • describe how to manage Oracle Database 12c tablespaces
  • recognize how to space is managed in Oracle Database 12c using segments
  • describe how to monitor space allocation in Oracle Database 12c
  • manage threshold levels on a database tablespace
  • describe the characteristics of the undo data feature
  • manage tablespaces and undo data in a database

Oracle Database 12c – Administration: Data Concurrency and Auditing

  • recognize the characteristics of database locks
  • resolve locking conflicts in a given scenario
  • recognize the characteristics of auditing in Oracle Database 12c
  • recognize how audits are implemented
  • implement auditing in a given scenario
  • recognize how fine-grained auditing policies are implemented
  • manage data concurrency and auditing in Oracle Database 12c

Oracle Database 12c – Administration: Backup, Recover, and Move Data

  • recognize the types of failure that can occur in a database
  • identify how to configure Oracle Database 12c to prevent media failure
  • recognize database backup strategies
  • back up databases in Oracle Database 12c
  • recognize issues that may occur during data recovery
  • recognize how to use Data Pump Export and Import to move data between Oracle Databases
  • describe the characteristics of SQL*Loader
  • prepare for and perform database recovery tasks

Oracle Database 12c – Administration: Maintenance and Performance Tuning

  • recognize the characteristics of AWR and ADDM
  • recognize the functions of different types of advisor
  • identify how to monitor performance in a given scenario
  • recognize how to configure parameters for automatic memory management
  • describe the considerations involved in gathering optimizer statistics
  • determine which type of advisor to use in a given scenario
  • describe how to perform maintenance and performance tuning tasks on a database

Oracle Database 12c – Administration: Resource Manager, Scheduler, and Support

  • identify how Database Resource Manager can be used to manage resources
  • describe how Database Resource Manager works
  • identify how to monitor the Resource Manager
  • describe how Schedule can be used to simplify management tasks
  • identify the advanced features of the Scheduler
  • use Oracle Scheduler to automate tasks
  • describe the characteristics of online patches
  • manage and monitor data, and automate tasks

TestPrep 1Z0-062 Oracle Database 12c: Installation and Administration

TestPrep 1Z0-062 Oracle Database 12c: Installation and Administration


Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
33 uur
Oracle 12c
180 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Databasebeheerders

U heeft basiskennis van databases.


Na het volgen van deze training kunt u oudere versies upgraden naar Oracle Database 12c en kunt u deze database installeren en beheren.
Let op, dit examen vervalt op 30 januari 2023.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

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Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

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