Training: Ontwikkel je van Programmeur naar API Developer (incl. begeleiding)
Software Development
110 uur
Engels (US)

Training: Ontwikkel je van Programmeur naar API Developer (incl. begeleiding)

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Wil jij jezelf ontwikkelen van programmeur naar API developer? Dan is dit ontwikkelpad voor jou! Application Programming Interfaces (API's) zijn een belangrijk aspect van webontwikkeling geworden, omdat ze de taak van het bouwen van softwareapplicaties kunnen vereenvoudigen. In dit ontwikkelpad zul je vaardigheden verkennen en leren die je in staat stellen om van een softwareprogrammeur naar een API developer te gaan.

Wanneer je kiest voor dit ontwikkelpad, krijg jij:

  • toegang tot trainingen, livelabs en examens over de rollen van programmeur, programmeeranalist, web services en systeemprogrammeur en API developer. Daarnaast krijg je toegang tot nog veel meer trainingen, proefexamens, bootcamps, e-books enzovoort.
  • begeleiding van ons Learning & Development team, samen met jou stellen we doelen, maken we een planning en monitoren we je voortgang.


In het eerste deel van dit ontwikkelpad ligt de focus op API development fundamentals, herbruikbare code, refactoring, Agile en TDD best practices voor API's.


In het tweede deel ligt de focus op software planning en ontwerp, effectieve Rapid Application Development, geautomatiseerd testen, en penetratie testen voor software.

Web services en systeem programmeur

Vervolgens kom je meer te weten over de API levenscyclus en CI/CD best practices, veilige codering, API management, en API foutafhandeling.

API developer

Tot slot ontplooi je jezelf tot API developer. Je gaat aan de slag met API end-to-end ontwikkeling inclusief REST en SOAP, API datamodellen, web technologieën, web API beveiliging, cloud API management, en API ontwikkelingstools.

Inhoud van de training

Ontwikkel je van Programmeur naar API Developer (incl. begeleiding)

110 uur

Patterns in Programming: API Design Patterns

  • In this course, you'll learn about a number of API design

  • patterns, including behavioral, creational, structural, and
  • adapter, as well as design anti-patterns, and software refactoring
  • techniques. You’ll start by examining the overall importance of
  • design patterns, behavioral design patterns and their
  • implementations, and see how to create the iterator design pattern.
  • You’ll then explore creational and structural design patterns and
  • the implementation of each, as well as how to create the singleton
  • and adapter design patterns. Next, you’ll learn about design
  • anti-patterns and the different types, and software refactoring and
  • refactoring techniques for solving architectural coding problems.
  • Lastly, you’ll examine the API pattern principles and the basic
  • design patterns for implementing API resource layout and
  • naming.

Patterns in Programming: Patterns in API Programming

  • Design patterns help programmers resolve common issues by

  • formalizing best practices. In this course, you'll explore
  • API-specific patterns and how they relate to API services. You’ll
  • start by learning about the differences between stateful and
  • stateless API patterns, as well as content negotiation, URI
  • templates, Design for Intent, and how each relates to API services.
  • You’ll then move on to examine the methods for performing
  • versioning, bulk operations, and pagination with API services.
  • Next, you’ll learn about methods for performing sorting and
  • filtering, as well as API notification and error logging with API
  • services. Lastly, you’ll see the differences between REST and SOAP
  • API web services and when to use each, as well as how to implement
  • both a RESTful and SOAP-based web service.

Reusable APIs: Reusable API Code

  • Reusable API code can translate into quicker development and

  • release times. In this course, you’ll learn about the different
  • types of reusable code patterns and best practices when using each.
  • You'll examine the creation of reusable code using a multi-tier
  • software architecture process, a component-based development
  • process, and an API First development process. You’ll then learn
  • the differences between API documentation, specifications, and
  • definitions. Next, you'll move on to look at how to implement both
  • a multi-tier software application and a component-based library.
  • You’ll explore the differences between APIs and web services.
  • Finally, you’ll learn about reusable REST API web services and how
  • to implement them.

Refactor APIs: Refactoring API Code

  • Code refactoring can make code more manageable and efficient,

  • and reduce technical debt. In this course, you’ll learn about the
  • need for refactoring, best practices, and benefits of refactoring
  • code. You’ll then examine technical debt and how to manage it, how
  • to determine whether or not to refactor, and how refactoring
  • relates to test-driven development. Next, you’ll explore available
  • tools to aid in the refactoring process, and the classes of various
  • code refactoring methods and features. You’ll continue with an
  • examination of the code refactoring methods of coordinating data,
  • and simplifying Boolean expressions, method calls, and class
  • hierarchies. Lastly, you’ll explore the process of refactoring code
  • to move towards a microservice architecture.

Agile & TDD Best Practices for APIs: Test-driven Development Strategy

  • Test-driven strategies help you develop highly usable software.

  • In this course, you'll explore a number of test-driven development
  • strategies, including test-driven development, test first
  • development, acceptance test-driven development, traditional
  • software testing, and unit testing. You’ll start by examining the
  • TDD cycle, TDD best practices, and the TFD process. You’ll then
  • examine the similarities and differences between TDD and TFD, as
  • well as TDD and test last development. Next, you’ll learn about the
  • ATDD process and how TDD compares with ATDD. You’ll look at unit
  • testing, including its purpose, best practices, characteristics,
  • and testing tools. Lastly, you’ll see how to perform unit testing
  • with frameworks.

Agile & TDD Best Practices for APIs: Test-driven Development Design Patterns

  • Coupling test-driven development and design patterns will create

  • higher efficiency for the Agile environment. In this course, you’ll
  • examine TDD design patterns and how to develop code using TTD.
  • You’ll learn about mock frameworks and mock objects, their
  • importance, and how to use a mock framework while performing TDD.
  • Next, you’ll explore user stories and best practices for using them
  • in Agile software development. You'll learn the purpose of user
  • story mapping and how to perform user story mapping with an online
  • tool. You’ll see how to write scenarios and scenario outlines using
  • Cucumber and Gherkin scenario syntax. Lastly, you’ll learn how to
  • write scenarios and scenario outlines using Cucumber.

Agile and TDD Best Practices for APIs: SOLID Design Principles

  • SOLID design principles help make software stable and flexible.

  • In this course, you’ll learn about the five SOLID design principles
  • for software development, which are Single Responsibility
  • Principle, Open/Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle,
  • Interface Segregation Principle, and Dependency Inversion
  • Principle. You’ll then explore the use of each of the five SOLID
  • principles in code. Next, you’ll examine the behavior-driven
  • development process, including its benefits, how to perform BDD
  • using Cucumber, and how to integrate BDD into the Scrum process.
  • Lastly, you’ll learn about the similarities and differences between
  • test-driven development and behavior-driven development.

Agile & TDD Best Practices for APIs: API Microservices Using TDD

  • Microservices thrive on independent services to provide

  • flexibility, autonomous processes, and communication through APIs.
  • In this course, you’ll examine the differences between
  • Microservices and APIs, the benefits of using the Microservice
  • Architecture, and the use of TDD for creating microservices. You’ll
  • then learn how to create a simple microservice and the process of
  • using TDD and BDD principles to develop APIs. Next, you’ll explore
  • software testing techniques and tools for performing software
  • testing. Lastly, you’ll learn how to perform a number of testing
  • techniques, including unit testing, integration testing, regression
  • testing, and acceptance testing.

API Development: Introduction to APIs

  • Without APIs, most software would cease to exist. In this

  • course, you’ll learn about the importance of APIs and the move
  • towards cloud-based web services. You'll explore use cases, how
  • they are used for modeling behavior, and how to create a use case
  • diagram. You’ll then examine the differences between common API use
  • cases and public APIs and web services that can be consumed. Next,
  • you’ll learn how to use a weather service web API and examine
  • common API issues when developing and using APIs. You’ll then
  • explore API lifecycle management, and cloud-based APIs and their
  • importance to developers. Lastly, you’ll learn API development
  • skills, characteristics that make a good API, and modern trends in
  • API design.

API Development: Framework Security

  • With all of the options available today, navigating API

  • frameworks can be a challenging task. In this course, you'll learn
  • about API security best practices for developing REST and
  • SOAP-based APIs, as well as how to secure each type of API. You'll
  • also examine the ASP.NET Web API framework, and JAVA, PHP, Node.js,
  • and Python API frameworks. Lastly, you’ll learn how to work with
  • both the JAVA REST and PHP REST API frameworks.


  • Perform Programmer tasks such as implementing the Iterator design pattern, creating a RESTful API Web Service and a SOAP based web service, and creating a multi-tier web application. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after using refactoring tools, creating code using SOLID design principles, creating a simple microservice and creating unit tests.
  • This lab provides access to tools typically used by Programmers, including:
  • - Visual Studio 2019
  • - IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1 (Community Edition)
  • - Docker
  • - GIT
  • - Heroku CLI
  • - Jenkins
  • - Maven
  • - MYSQL
  • - Open JDK 8
  • - Postman
  • - SoapUI
  • - Spring Boot
  • - Virtual Box
  • This lab is part of the Programmer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Programmer to API Developer journey.

Final Exam: Programmer - API

Final Exam: Programmer will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Programmer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Programmer to API Developer Journey.

Human-centered Software Design

  • Human-centered design solves design problems and provides an

  • optimum user experience. In this course, you’ll examine the key
  • concepts, principles, benefits, and drawbacks of human-centered
  • design with the use of examples. You’ll also learn about
  • qualitative data coding, formulating hypotheses, creating
  • prototypes, and generating design specifications. Finally, you’ll
  • explore the differences between storyboarding and prototyping, best
  • practices for prototyping, and prototype evaluation for making
  • data-informed decisions.

Software Requirements Planning

  • In this course, you'll explore the software requirements

  • engineering process and how it applies to API software development,
  • including gathering and validating requirements, and prioritizing
  • features. You’ll start by examining the key elements of the
  • requirements engineering process, and how to work with
  • stakeholders, including stakeholder identification, methods for
  • turning stakeholder demands into requirements, and coaching
  • stakeholders with regards to their requirement selection. You’ll
  • then learn techniques for identifying requirements, best practices
  • for turning requirements into software specifications, and
  • techniques for prioritizing features. Next, you’ll discover tips
  • for identifying hidden requirements and creating a requirements
  • traceability matrix. Lastly, you’ll explore planning requirements
  • for API development, how to apply requirements engineering to
  • software development lifecycles, and how to validate software
  • requirements.

Effective RAD: Rapid Application Development

  • Rapid Application Development can rapidly deliver software

  • solutions that keep your customers engaged and provide the benefits
  • that they are looking for. In this course, you’ll learn about the
  • RAD methodology, including its advantages and disadvantages, and
  • the traditional Waterfall System Development Life Cycle
  • methodology. You’ll then examine comparisons of RAD with the
  • traditional Waterfall SDLC methodology and with the Agile
  • framework. Next, you’ll learn about the considerations and
  • characteristics of RAD and the best practices when performing rapid
  • software delivery. You’ll explore the customer-oriented RAD
  • framework, including best practices, and available RAD tools and
  • frameworks. Lastly, you’ll learn about cross-platform RAD tools and
  • frameworks and how to create an application using the Xamarin
  • development tool.

Effective RAD: Agile Rapid Application Development

Agile principles will be reviewed and how they can be applied to Rapid Application Development and also how to manage Agile quality to prevent issues. The effectiveness of rapid software prototyping will be discussed along with methods and processes for delivering software at a higher velocity.

Automated Testing: Design Patterns

  • In this course, you'll explore automated testing and design

  • patterns, as well as API testing tools, and the roles and
  • responsibilities of software designers during the automated testing
  • process. You’ll start by examining the importance and benefits of
  • automated testing, and the roles and responsibilities of software
  • developers when performing automated testing. You’ll then explore
  • how to effectively use unit tests in automated testing, how
  • automated testing can be used to perform functional testing, and
  • how API testing compares with traditional software testing
  • features. Next, you’ll examine the use of design patterns in
  • automated testing, common automated testing design patterns, and
  • tools and frameworks that can be used in API testing. You’ll then
  • see how to navigate with Selenium WebDriver and how to construct a
  • Selenium page object for a test case. Lastly, you’ll see how to use
  • a Selenium page object to create a unit test and implement
  • automated web testing using Selenium unit tests.

Pen Testing for Software Development: The Penetration Testing Process

  • Penetration testing can identify both known and unknown

  • vulnerabilities and help avoid security breaches. In this course,
  • you’ll learn the importance of penetration testing, what system
  • hardening is, and the requirements of penetration testing. You’ll
  • then examine the differences between penetration testing and
  • vulnerability assessments, as well as the various types, stages,
  • and methods of penetration testing. Next, you’ll learn about white
  • box, black box, and gray box penetration testing, and the
  • differences in penetration testing methodologies. You’ll see the
  • available tools for performing penetration testing, as well as the
  • types of outputs resulting from penetration testing. Lastly, you’ll
  • learn about penetration testing best practices and how to perform a
  • penetration test.

Pen Testing for Software Development: Penetration Testing SDLC, Team Structure, & Web Services

  • Penetration testing in the Software Development Life Cycle helps

  • create a safe and secure end product and minimizes financial and
  • legal risk. In this course, you’ll learn where penetration testing
  • fits in the SDLC, the differences between pen testing and
  • developer, and the importance of developer contributions to pen
  • testing. You’ll then examine the pen testing team structure and the
  • tasks of the pen testing blue, red, and purple teams. Next, you’ll
  • explore the importance of pen testing web services and APIs, what
  • is involved in API pen testing, and the available tools for pen
  • testing APIs. Lastly, you’ll learn how to perform a pen test on a
  • REST API, as well as how to perform a pen test using Burp
  • Suite.

API Design: API Development

  • As a developer, we are always looking to add value through

  • extensibility and reusability in our code. Creating a modern API is
  • a means of achieving that goal. In this course, you'll learn about
  • developing APIs, potential security risks, how to deal with these
  • risks, and how to design reusable API code. Next, you'll examine
  • the different methods and programming languages used for consuming
  • REST API web services. Finally, you'll explore SOAP APIs, along
  • with constraints and best practices to consider when creating
  • them.

API Design: API Strategy & Design

  • A sustainable API comes from creating a solid foundational

  • design. To achieve this goal, a developer must use best practices
  • along with the right tools. In this course, you'll learn strategies
  • for designing reusable API web services as well as methods for
  • determining the API's maturity level. Next, you'll explore the
  • tools available with Swagger, including the API editor, the API
  • code and client generator, the REST API documentation tool, and the
  • REST API testing tool. Finally, you'll learn about methods and
  • tools for designing REST APIs such as Swagger, OpenAPI, and
  • YAML.

API Design: RESTful APIs

  • Given the ubiquity of the web and the HTTP protocol, developers

  • can leverage this to create a modern API through RESTful design. In
  • this course, you'll learn the best practices for developing REST
  • APIs and creating documentation. Next, you'll examine working with
  • REST API resources, CRUD implementations, error handling, HTTP
  • status codes, change management, versioning, pagination, and
  • partial responses. Finally, you'll look at best security design
  • practices such as using JSON Web Tokens and API keys.

Programming Analyst

  • Perform Programming Analyst tasks such as creating prototypes using the Pencil Project, creating an application using a rapid application development tool, implementing a CI/CD pipeline and testing a web application with Selenium Web Driver. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after creating SOAP and REST API web services, writing YAML using Swagger Editor and handling REST API errors.
  • This lab provides access to tools typically used by Programming Analysts, including:
  • - IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1 (Community Edition)
  • - Docker
  • - GIT
  • - Heroku CLI
  • - Jenkins
  • - Maven
  • - MYSQL
  • - Open JDK 8
  • - Postman
  • - SoapUI
  • - Spring Boot
  • - Virtual Box
  • This lab is part of the Programming Analyst track of the Skillsoft Aspire Programmer to API Developer journey.

Final Exam: Programming Analyst

Final Exam: Programming Analyst will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Programming Analyst track of the Skillsoft Aspire Programmer to API Developer Journey.

API CI/CD Best Practices: API Lifecycle Management

  • As the demand for new APIs increases, API Lifecycle Management

  • helps manage API development from start to finish. In this course,
  • you’ll learn about the phases and benefits of the API Lifecycle
  • Management process, as well as the Producer and Consumer design
  • pattern. You’ll then explore API strategy and planning, API
  • implementation and operation, and API governance and governance
  • models. Next, you’ll move on to examine API Lifecycle Management
  • best practices, including monitoring, analytics, security, and
  • versioning techniques. Finally, you'll see how to design a Swagger
  • REST API, implement a Swagger REST API server, test a Swagger REST
  • API, and implement a Swagger REST API client.

API CI/CD Best Practices: API Continuous Integrations/Continuous Deployment

  • In the era of rapid consumption of software products, continuous

  • integration and continuous deployment help produce a continuous
  • flow of software releases. In this course, you’ll learn about CI/CD
  • and how to choose the correct strategy, as well as the benefits and
  • principles of CI/CD when deploying APIs. You’ll then explore
  • testing APIs during continuous integration and best practices when
  • performing API testing. Next, you’ll examine CI/CD pipelines and
  • API deployment, and how to scale the CI/CD pipeline. You’ll learn
  • about best practices when using CI/CD, as well as common CI/CD
  • tools, including Jenkins, Travis, GitLab, and TeamCity. Lastly,
  • you’ll learn how to use the Jenkins CI server, Travis CI, and
  • GitLab CI.

API Strategy Design & Implementation: API Strategy Best Practices

  • Using the correct APIs is vital to creating usable and

  • successful software solutions that meet the customer's needs, so it
  • is important to understand how to plan and create an API strategy
  • properly. In this course, you’ll begin by exploring the importance
  • of planning, best practices when developing API strategies, and how
  • to manage the API life cycle. Next, you’ll examine the advantages,
  • challenges, risks, and key elements to consider when developing an
  • API strategy. You’ll then explore the government API design
  • standards and API governance standards for security. You’ll
  • continue by examining building verses buying API libraries, and
  • whether to use public, private, or partner APIs. Lastly, you’ll
  • explore real-world examples of creating and using API
  • strategies.

API Clean and Secure Coding: Clean Coding

  • Messy code quickly becomes the technical debt that hurts the

  • bottom line of a business and the morale of developers. In this
  • course, you'll learn how to avoid messy code and write clean
  • maintainable API code. You'll also learn the best practices for
  • refactoring, rewriting, commenting code, and avoiding bad
  • habits.

API Clean and Secure Coding: API Secure Coding

  • While it's essential to design, develop, and deploy an API that

  • adheres to your design strategy, it is also vital to ensure that
  • the API will be secure from malicious attacks. In this course,
  • you'll explore how to write secure API code. You'll examine API
  • secure development features and best practices, and the various
  • tools you can use when developing APIs. Next, you'll identify Web
  • API and REST API security principles and outline the best practices
  • for ensuring API security. Finally, you'll recognize various
  • methods for performing API authorization and define the different
  • Web API security standards such as OAuth, SAML, and Transport Layer
  • Security (TLS).

API Management: Strategy & Monitoring

  • The increasing reliance on APIs requires API management

  • strategies and monitoring. Otherwise it can expose the company, its
  • clients, and their information. In this course, you’ll learn about
  • the characteristics and best practices of both API management and
  • API monitoring strategies. You’ll explore the features and benefits
  • of API management tools and how to use the Kong Enterprise tool for
  • API management. Next, you’ll learn about the pros and cons of API
  • monitoring tools and how to use the Assertible API monitoring tool.
  • You’ll also learn about the best API metrics to monitor, the
  • benefits of API testing, and how to use SoapUI to perform automated
  • API testing. Lastly, you’ll examine the roles of containers and API
  • microservices and the benefits they provide to your API monitoring
  • strategy.

API Management: Elasticsearch API Analytics

  • The increasing reliance on APIs and API management requires the

  • ability to collect, augment, store, and visualize system metrics
  • and logs in real-time from host systems and relevant services. In
  • this course, you’ll learn how the components of the ELK stack work
  • together and how to perform API analysis using the ELK stack.
  • You’ll then explore the purpose and benefits of Elasticsearch,
  • Kibana, Beats, and Logstash. Next, you’ll learn how to install and
  • configure Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash. Lastly,
  • you’ll examine the use of Elasticsearch Notifications for notifying
  • team members when API services have issues, and how to install and
  • configure Elasticsearch Notifications.

API Error Handling: Best Practices

  • In the era of abstract service communication via API,

  • implementing error handling using best practices is essential. In
  • this course, you'll learn some of the best methods for handling and
  • identifying REST API error response messages. You'll also explore
  • the sub-elements of SOAP fault blocks. Next, you'll learn about
  • standards for HTTP response codes, REST API JSON response
  • standards, and standard API error messages. You'll explore how
  • Facebook uses the Graph API web service and methods for dealing
  • with debugging and error handling. Lastly, you'll learn how to use
  • .NET Core to create a REST API web service, and handle error
  • handling and custom errors.

Web Services and Systems Programmer

  • Perform Web Services and Systems Programmer tasks such as implementing a Swagger REST API server, implementing a CI/CD pipeline and creating clean code using CSS libraries. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after implementing SSO using OAuth2, connecting to a SOAP web service and performing testing, installing and configuring the ELK stack, and handdling REST API web service errors.
  • This lab provides access to tools typically used by Web Service and Systems Programmers, including:
  • - IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1 (Community Edition)
  • - Docker
  • - GIT
  • - Heroku CLI
  • - Jenkins
  • - Maven
  • - MYSQL
  • - Open JDK 8
  • - Postman
  • - SoapUI
  • - Spring Boot
  • - Virtual Box
  • This lab is part of the Web Service and Systems Programmer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Programmer to API Developer journey.

Final Exam: Web Services & Systems Programmer

Final Exam: Web Services & Systems Programmer will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Web Services and Systems Programmer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Programmer to API Developer Journey.

API Development: REST & SOAP Web Services

How users interact with your API is crucial to its success; APIs that use consistent path and routing strategies are easier to use and more compatible with today's systems. The right version control strategy will allow your APIs to grow feature-rich while not adversely affecting your clients.

In this course, you'll distinguish the benefits of REST and SOAP APIs. You'll demonstrate how to both develop and consume them. Next, you'll discuss the relationship between URIs and URLs. Then, you'll examine API routing and learn how to use it for API versioning control. Finally, you'll learn how to use Schema-first design and the OpenAPI Specification to develop APIs.

API Development: REST API Data Models

Data models are the language of REST APIs, so a consistent approach to data model formatting and validation, as well as choosing the appropriate strategy for inter-API communications using data models, can unlock the potential of your REST APIs. This approach makes them more effective and useable.

In this course, you'll distinguish the differences between XML and JSON and demonstrate how to serialize objects to XML and JSON format. Next, you'll learn how to create a JSON model and validate it for Web API. Finally, you'll classify the differences between public and private APIs and illustrate how to connect to and consume REST APIs.

API Development: Web API Technologies

RESTful APIs allow today's massively distributed systems to communicate and run efficiently, which is made possible by using API standards, standard query syntax, consistency around everyday API operations, and conventional means of deployment.

In this course, you'll explore API response standards for returning data from API methods calls. Next, you'll learn how to implement standard responses and use XML response serialization, basic Web API operations, and the OData V4 query syntax. Next, you'll learn how to perform web API conditional operations, implement route names using nouns and verbs effectively, and use functions, actions, and custom actions. Finally, you'll learn how to deploy an API and web application projects to a local server and the cloud, respectively.

API Development: Client-side Web Service Consumption

With so many online offerings for a user to choose from, an efficient and optimized user interface is crucial to an application's success. To make this happen, software developers should know which client-side UI libraries to use and how.

In this course, you'll examine several possible methods for consuming web services from client-side devices and compare their strengths and limitations. You'll move on to learn how to use these client-side UI libraries to consume REST and SOAP APIs, namely AngularJS, ReactJS, Vue.js, JavaScript, jQuery, TypeScript, and Node.js.

API Development: REST API Semantics

The power of modern distributed web systems comes from the interaction between REST APIs and the applications that consume them. Such complex interactions are made possible partly by common REST API standards such as verb usage (GET, POST, PUT and DELETE) and standardized API routes.

In this course, you'll learn how to create and consume the following REST API methods: GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. You'll also learn how to implement REST API route constraints.

API Development: HTML5 & Hypermedia

  • Today's most successful web sites offer advanced interactivity

  • using a combination of hypertext and hypermedia. HTML5 gives the
  • modern web developer a collection of exciting new tools for
  • building sites that engage the user like never before. In this
  • course, you will learn the difference between Hypertext and
  • Hypermedia. Next, you will learn about the features of HTML5, such
  • as input types, the canvas, SVG graphics, audio, video, web
  • storage, web worker, and geolocation.

API Development: URIs & Caching

Success in today's distributed systems relies on efficient and reliable communication between components, and that is made possible by RESTful APIs that follow standard practices for aspects such as URI naming, versioning, and cache management. In this course, you'll examine best practices for working with URIs and API resources.

You'll then perform API versioning using URIs, and use the URIBuilder class, URI templates, and Windows Workflow Foundation to create URI objects, guidelines for developers, and sets of activities. Next, you'll use ASP.Net Core to implement in-memory caching, distributed caching, and caching using response caching middleware. Finally, you'll carry out advanced REST client testing using the Chrome browser.

API Development: Web API Security

With distributed systems using potentially hundreds of API endpoints, web APIs must employ advanced authentication and authorization techniques and ensure protection against common web-based security attacks. In this course, you'll explore the function and characteristics of Web API authentication and authorization before learning how to use local logins and external authorization services.

Next, you'll learn how to prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks, enable cross-origin requests in Web API 2, and use Web API filters. You'll then implement various authentication methods, namely basic authentication, forms authentication, and integrated windows authentication. Finally, you'll learn how to enforce SSL in a Web API controller.

API Development: Firebase Backend as a Service

The Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) model benefits developers by outsourcing all the behind the scenes aspects of a mobile or web application. In this course, you’ll learn how to use the features of Google’s Firebase development platform to aid in your app development.

You’ll begin by examining the benefits of using a Cloud-based backend service such as Firebase, after which you’ll use the REST API to manage Firebase, and implement Firebase Authentication on a web page. You’ll then use Firebase to configure the Cloud Realtime and Cloud Firestore databases, and the Cloud Storage service. Next, you’ll use Firebase to configure and use Cloud Functions and Firebase Hosting. Lastly, you’ll explore the features of the Firebase Machine Learning Kit, and implement Firebase Performance Monitoring on a web page.

API Development: Cloud API Management

Because of the magnitude of microservice-based API products available online, the management and protection of API access is a critical and vital security concern. Being familiar with how to use a single service for all of the tasks involved will make this ongoing responsibility easier. In this course, you'll learn how to use the Azure API Management service to deploy and host API web services in the cloud.

You'll begin by importing and publishing APIs and creating and publishing API products, before creating mock API responses, and transforming and protecting APIs, all using Azure API Management. Next, you'll use this same service to monitor published APIs, debug APIs, create non-breaking revision changes, and publish multiple API versions. Lastly, you'll learn how to use the Azure API Management developer portal.

API Development: Cloud API Gateways

An API allows applications to access data, business logic, and back-end service functionality, and are often referred to as an application’s front door. In this course, you’ll learn how to work with the Amazon API Gateway service to develop, publish, and maintain various types of APIs.

You’ll begin by exploring various work cases to see the benefits for using Amazon API Gateway as a development tool. You’ll then work with Amazon API Gateway to develop, publish, and maintain an HTTP API. Next, you’ll use the same Amazon API Gateway service to develop, publish, and maintain a REST API. Lastly, you’ll again use the Amazon API Gateway service to develop, publish, and maintain a WebSocket API.

API Development: Tools

APIs are an essential component when developing software applications, and the industry offers many different types of APIs and API development tools. In this course, you‘ll learn how to work with a number of these API development tools to create and manage web servers, databases, and software development platforms, and to use for containerization.

You’ll begin by downloading and installing the Node.js web server, the Apache Tomcat web server, and the Windows IIS web server. You’ll then download and install the MySQL database server and the MongoDB database server. Next, you’ll download and install Visual Studio, Visual Code, Eclipse, and IntelliJ IDEA, all for web and API development. Lastly, you’ll download and install the Docker Desktop virtualization environment.

API Developer

  • Perform API Developer tasks such as creating SOAP and REST web services, creating a JSON model for a Web API, and consuming a REST API service using JavaScript. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after exploring how to consume a REST API service using JQuery, demonstating HTML5 input types, using the Windows Workflow Foundation and authenicating an API using an external service.
  • This lab provides access to tools typically used by API Developers, including:
  • - IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1 (Community Edition)
  • - Docker
  • - GIT
  • - Heroku CLI
  • - Jenkins
  • - Maven
  • - MYSQL
  • - Open JDK 8
  • - Postman
  • - SoapUI
  • - Spring Boot
  • - Virtual Box
  • This lab is part of the API Developer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Programmer to API Developer journey.

Final Exam: API Developer

Final Exam: API Developer will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the API Developer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Programmer to API Developer Journey.


Docent inbegrepen
Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
110 uur
Software Development
365 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Softwareontwikkelaar, Webontwikkelaar

Je beschikt ten minste over kennis en ervaring met programmeren. Je hebt kennis van API-ontwikkeling en het testen van software. Daarnaast ben je vertrouwd met Agile werken.


Na het doorlopen van dit ontwikkelpad heb jij voldoende handvatten om aan de slag te gaan met API development.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

Hoe gaat het te werk?


Training bestellen

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Toegang leerplatform

In de e-mail staat een link waarmee je toegang krijgt tot ons leerplatform.


Direct beginnen

Je kunt direct van start. Studeer vanaf nu waar en wanneer jij wilt.


Training afronden

Rond de training succesvol af en ontvang van ons een certificaat!

Veelgestelde vragen

Veelgestelde vragen

Op welke manieren kan ik betalen?

Je kunt bij ons betalen met iDEAL, PayPal, Creditcard, Bancontact en op factuur. Betaal je op factuur, dan kun je met de training starten zodra de betaling binnen is.

Hoe lang heb ik toegang tot de training?

Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

Waar kan ik terecht als ik vragen heb?

Je kunt onze Learning & Development collega’s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

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Background Frame

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