Ontwikkel je tot web developer (incl. begeleiding)
Microsoft 365 Role Based Certificeringen
71 uur
Engels (US)

Ontwikkel je tot web developer (incl. begeleiding)

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Wil jij jezelf omscholen tot webontwikkelaar? Dan is dit ontwikkelpad voor jou! Heb je nog geen enkele ervaring op het gebied van webontwikkeling? Geen probleem! Met dit ontwikkelpad word jij voorbereid om je eerste stappen in de IT te zetten én doe jij de nodige kennis en vaardigheden op om als junior webontwikkelaar aan de slag te gaan.

Wanneer je kiest voor dit ontwikkelpad, krijg jij:

  • toegang tot de trainingen Software Programming Fundamentals, Object-Oriented design for beginners, Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) en Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure (AZ-204). Daarnaast krijg je toegang tot nog veel meer trainingen, proefexamens, bootcamps, e-books enzovoort.
  • optimale voorbereiding op de examens AZ-900 en AZ-204 zodat jij de officieel erkende certificeringen kan behalen.
  • begeleiding van ons Learning & Development team, samen met jou stellen we doelen, maken we een planning en monitoren we je voortgang.
  • mentor asset in diverse trainingen.

Basiskennis programmeren

In dit ontwikkelpad ga je van start met de training Software Programming Fundamentals en de training Object-Oriented design for beginners. Dankzij deze trainingen leer je alle basisprincipes van softwareontwikkeling en object-georiënteerd design kennen en leg je de basis voor het omscholingstraject.

Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900)

Daarnaast ga je aan de slag met de training Azure Fundamentals. Je maakt kennis met algemene cloud computing concepten en specifieke Microsoft Azure functies voor het dagelijks beheer van cloudresources. Deze training bereidt je ook optimaal voor op het AZ-900 examen, zodat jij het Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals certificaat kunt behalen.

Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure (AZ-204)

Vervolgens komt de training Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure aan bod. Hierdoor kan jij jezelf ontwikkelen als Azure Cloud Developer en doe je de vaardigheden op die je nodig hebt om optimale Azure-oplossingen te ontwerpen, implementeren, bewaken en optimaliseren. Na het volgen van de training ben je tevens voorbereid om het examen AZ-204 af te leggen en het Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate certificaat te behalen.

Inhoud van de training

Ontwikkel je tot web developer (incl. begeleiding)

71 uur

Software Programming Fundamentals: Design and Development Best Practices

  • start the course
  • describe the concept of planning and its part in the creation of a software application
  • identify why it is important to properly plan your project
  • describe the initial steps taken in planning your software application project
  • identify the main components included in a planning document
  • identify the importance of maintaining and updating your planning document
  • identify issues that your design should address
  • identify the main components of a design document
  • describe how the planning documentation is helpful during the design stage of your project
  • identify the importance of maintaining and updating your design documentation
  • describe the importance of the planning and design stages of software development
  • identify the characteristics of the Sequential software development model
  • identify the characteristics of the Iterative and Incremental software development models
  • describe the features and benefits of using the Waterfall method for development
  • describe the features and benefits of using the Agile software development method
  • describe the features and benefits of using the Spiral software development method
  • describe the features and benefits of using the RAD method for development
  • describe the features and benefits of using the prototyping method for software development
  • describe the purpose, main sections, and importance of a development document
  • describe the benefits associated with implementing coding standards in your project
  • describe the benefits of implementing version control in your documentation and project
  • identify the importance of maintaining and updating your development document
  • list the methodologies and importance of documentation during the software development stage

Software Programming Fundamentals: Source Coding Best Practices

  • start the course
  • recognize the benefits and importance of writing quality source code
  • describe the concept of self-documenting code and its importance in the creation process
  • describe why you should include comments in your code and distinguish good comments from bad ones
  • identify best formatting practices for use in your source code
  • identify source code that utilizes best coding conventions
  • recognize the benefits of using best practices for naming identifiers in your program
  • recognize the various styles used in different programming languages for naming identifiers
  • recognize the best practices used when naming identifiers
  • recognize identifiers that follow the best practices
  • describe the purpose of methods and be able to distinguish between methods and procedures
  • describe method cohesion and its advantages when creating methods
  • identify best practices for working with arguments and distinguish between by value and by reference parameters
  • identify best practices for working with return values
  • identify best practices for working with exceptions
  • identify source code that follows best practices for method writing
  • describe the capabilities of a class, including abstraction and encapsulation
  • recognize best practices for using constructors and destructors
  • identify best practices for declaring a class and creating an object of that class
  • recognize best practices for implementing inheritance and polymorphism
  • describe the characteristics and use of interfaces and abstract classes
  • recognize how to create and work with interfaces
  • recognize how to create and work with abstract classes
  • describe the benefits of following best practices when creating source code

Software Programming Fundamentals: Software Security Best Practices

  • start the course
  • identify the goal of application security and the need to consider security issues in the design and development of software applications
  • list the guidelines for implementing security in your software development process
  • recognize the various ways that your application can develop security problems
  • identify the possible consequences of security problems
  • identify the importance of data validation within your application
  • describe the main functions that your data validation should perform on input data
  • recognize code that follows best practices for validating input data
  • identify the importance of validating and encoding output data returned from your application
  • recognize code that follows best practices for validating output data
  • recognize the importance of implementing authentication within your application and how it relates to security issues
  • identify the various resources requiring authentication and potential associated security issues
  • identify best practices for implementing authentication within your application
  • recognize best practices for creating secure passwords
  • recognize best practices for allowing users to change or recover passwords
  • identify best practices for managing and maintaining passwords
  • describe best practices for safely and securely handling errors in your application
  • list information contained in logs and how to securely handle the log files your application generates
  • identify best practices for securing data that is accessible by your application
  • describe best practices for securing the uploading of files from within your application
  • describe best practices for securing database access from your application
  • identify best practices your application should use for managing memory
  • list the best practices for creating secure applications

Software Programming Fundamentals: Best Practices for Maintaining Code

  • start the course
  • describe what refactoring is and recognize the benefits of performing code refactoring
  • identify code conditions that can benefit from refactoring
  • list the steps involved when performing refactoring on source code
  • identify best practices for refactoring
  • describe how refactoring can be implemented to improve methods in your source code
  • recognize techniques for refactoring program functionality when working with objects
  • describe refactoring techniques to simplify how your program works with data
  • describe how conditional statements in your source code can be optimized with refactoring
  • recognize how refactoring can help optimize calls to methods in your source code
  • describe how to improve generalization in object-oriented programming through refactoring
  • list the benefits and categories of refactoring code
  • identify the benefits of performing maintenance on source code
  • identify the types of peer reviews and describe the benefits of performing inspections on your source code
  • list the roles and responsibilities of the participants involved in peer review inspections
  • list the stages of a software inspection and describe the function of each
  • describe the sources and effects of errors within your software application
  • list and describe the most common types of errors caused by poor programming
  • identify the sources of errors introduced by code improvements and how best to minimize these errors
  • describe how functionality errors occur and how to minimize them
  • list the various methods for testing your programs
  • describe the purpose and principles of unit testing
  • describe the techniques for detecting bugs when testing your programs
  • list the steps involved when debugging your source code
  • identify the benefits of maintaining, testing, and debugging source code

Beginning Object-Oriented Design

  • start the course
  • recognize the basic concepts of OOP
  • create and instantiate a C#/Java object
  • explain what abstract classes are and illustrate with a sample
  • explain what encapsulation is and illustrate with a sample
  • explain what inheritance is and illustrate with a sample
  • demonstrate the concept of polymorphism and show how it works with a code sample
  • recognize the basic concepts of OOD
  • recognize the basic concepts of UML and recommended tools
  • demonstrate the role of use cases in OOD
  • demonstrate how to model classes and objects using UML
  • demonstrate the role of state charts in OOD
  • demonstrate how to create UML activity diagrams
  • recognize the basic concepts of Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)
  • demonstrate the use of a Class Responsibility Collaboration card
  • recognize the basic concepts of object-oriented programming: encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction
  • recognize the basic concepts of SOLID
  • recognize the basic concepts of the Single Responsibility Principle
  • recognize the basic concepts of the Open/Closed Principle
  • recognize the basic concepts of the Liskov Substitution Principle
  • recognize the basic concepts of the Interface Segregation Principle
  • recognize the basic concepts of the Dependency Inversion Principle
  • recognize the basic concepts of GRASP
  • recognize the role of the Information Expert principle in the GRASP pattern
  • recognize the role of the Creator principle in the GRASP pattern
  • recognize the role of the Low Coupling principle in the GRASP pattern
  • recognize the role of the High Cohesion principle in the GRASP pattern
  • recognize the role of the Controller principle in the GRASP pattern
  • recognize the role of Polymorphism in the GRASP pattern
  • recognize the role of the Pure Fabrication principle in the GRASP pattern
  • recognize the role of the Indirection principle in the GRASP pattern
  • recognize the role of Protected Variations in the GRASP pattern
  • recognize the basic concepts of the SOLID and GRASP object-oriented design principles

AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Cloud Computing

  • Cloud computing provides alternative IT solutions compared to

  • traditional on-premises IT solutions. On-premises capital
  • expenditures become monthly operating expenditures with the use of
  • Microsoft Azure. You'll begin with exploring the role that
  • virtualization plays in the cloud. You'll learn about the
  • characteristics that define cloud computing along with cloud
  • deployment models. Next, you'll discover cloud service models such
  • as IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS as well related Azure service offerings.
  • Lastly, you'll explore factors influencing the migration of
  • on-premises IT solutions to the Microsoft Azure cloud. This course
  • is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for the
  • AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification.

AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Managing Azure Services

The effective management of Microsoft Azure services requires knowledge of how Azure services are offered throughout the world as well as how to use management tools.

You'll begin by exploring the relationship between Azure regions and availability zones and how this can be leveraged to provide service high availability. Next, you'll examine Azure management tools such as the portal, mobile app, CLI and PowerShell. Lastly, you'll explore the purpose of resource groups followed by creating resource groups to organize related Azure resources.

This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification.

AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Subscriptions & ARM Templates

Before deploying Azure cloud solutions, an Azure subscription is required. Billing occurs at the subscription level.

In this course, you'll learn the basics of Azure subscriptions, including how to manage them and the relationships subscriptions have to Azure AD tenants. Next, you'll explore how cloud resource management can be achieved using ARM templates. You'll then learn how to work with templates using GUI and command line tools. Lastly, you will explore the Azure Marketplace for packaged cloud solutions.

This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification.

AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Networking

Azure services require cloud network configurations to function correctly.

In this course, you'll begin by learning about Azure VNets, subnets, and IP addressing, as well as how to manage network components using GUI and command line tools. Next, you'll examine when Azure VNet peering should be used and how to peer two VNets together. You'll then learn how to configure a VPN connection into the Azure cloud and determine when to use a content delivery network to cache content globally. Lastly, you'll explore how to provision a private dedicated network link to Azure through ExpressRoute.

This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification.

AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Azure Storage

  • Microsoft Azure cloud storage is highly scalable and underlies

  • many Azure services. You'll begin by learning about managed disks
  • used by Azure virtual machines. Next, you'll explore how Azure
  • storage accounts can store different types of items including
  • blobs. You will then learn how to manage storage account blobs
  • using GUI and command line tools. Next, you will learn how to
  • configure an Azure File shared folder and use the GUI storage
  • explorer tool to connect to and manage a storage account. This
  • course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for
  • the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification.

AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Databases & Data Analytics

Databases can be migrated or deployed into Azure as a managed service. Data analytic solutions are provisioned more quickly and easily than they would be on-premises.

In this course, you'll learn how to deploy various managed SQL solutions, such as Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. You'll explore how to deploy SQL Managed Instance. Next, you'll examine how on-premises database solutions can be migrated to Azure, followed by how to deploy NoSQL solutions such as Cosmos DB. Lastly, you'll examine when data analytic solutions such as Synapse, HDInsight, Databricks and Cognitive Services should be used.

This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification.

AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Azure Virtual Machines & Security Groups

  • Virtual machines are the underlying work engine supporting many

  • Azure services. In this course, you’ll explore how to deploy and
  • manage virtual machines, load balancers, and network security
  • groups. You'll begin by learning how to deploy Windows and Linux
  • virtual machines using GUI and command line tools. Next, you'll
  • examine how to use virtual machine scale sets with a load balancer
  • to increase application high availability and performance. You'll
  • then learn when Azure dedicated hosts should be used. Lastly,
  • you'll learn how to control network traffic with network security
  • groups through GUI and command line tools. This course is one of a
  • collection of courses that prepares learners for the AZ-900
  • Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification.

AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Azure AD & Windows Virtual Desktop

  • Identity and access management provides controlled and limited

  • access to resources after successful authentication. In this
  • course, you’ll learn how to create a new Azure AD tenant using the
  • portal. You’ll explore how to deploy and manage Azure Active
  • Directory tenants, as well as how to create users, groups, and
  • applications. Next, you'll examine how to configure multi-factor
  • authentication and single sign-on for Azure AD users. Finally,
  • you'll learn how to configure Windows Virtual Desktop to allow
  • remote user access to Windows client operating systems running in
  • the Azure cloud. This course is one of a collection of courses that
  • prepares learners for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
  • certification.

AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Resource Governance

  • Azure governance begins with applying policies and RBAC roles to

  • control resource access and check resource compliance with security
  • standards. In this course, you'll begin by learning how to create
  • an Azure management group to organize Azure subscriptions. Next,
  • you'll learn how to work with Azure policy assignments to control
  • resource access and check resource compliance. You'll then explore
  • how to create an Azure environment using Azure Blueprints, as well
  • as how to control Azure resource management through RBAC. Lastly,
  • you'll learn how to tag resources and enable resource locking. This
  • course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for
  • the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification.

AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: App Services

  • Azure App Services are Azure-hosted web applications. Increased

  • high availability and performance of apps can be achieved with the
  • Azure Application Gateway. In this course, you'll begin by learning
  • how to deploy an Azure App Service using the portal. Next, you'll
  • learn how to configure an app custom DNS domain and HTTPS binding
  • to increase network security. You'll then explore how to use
  • deployment slots for production and testing versions of web
  • applications. Lastly, you'll learn how to configure the Azure
  • Application Gateway to load balance a web application. This course
  • is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for the
  • AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification.

AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Software Development

  • Azure offers many software development platform tools in the

  • cloud. You'll begin by learning how to create an Azure App Function
  • followed by recognizing the integration of GitHub with Azure. Next,
  • you'll learn how to deploy a sample test environment using Azure
  • DevTest Labs, then you will create an Azure Logic App. You will
  • then learn how IoT and Azure Sphere provide IoT functionality in
  • the cloud. You’ll also learn how to work with Azure containerized
  • application services. Finally, you’ll learn how to deploy an Azure
  • container registry and instance. This course is one of a collection
  • of courses that prepares learners for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure
  • Fundamentals certification.

AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Security & Compliance

  • Microsoft Azure provides resources and solutions to enhance IT

  • service security and compliance with regulations. You'll begin by
  • discovering what constitutes personally identifiable information
  • and how this is related to various security standards and
  • regulations. Next, you'll examine various Azure security tools
  • followed by reviewing various Azure service level agreements. You
  • will then learn how to deploy Azure Firewall as well as Azure Key
  • Vault. Lastly, you will explore Azure DDoS mitigation and Azure
  • Sentinel threat detection. This course is one of a collection of
  • courses that prepares learners for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure
  • Fundamentals certification.

AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Monitoring & Cost Management

  • Monitoring Azure service usage can enhance security as well as

  • improved performance of deployed services. You'll begin by
  • reviewing individual resource log activity followed by monitoring
  • Azure service health. Next, you'll explore Log Analytics Workspaces
  • and alert notification. You will then how to configure Azure
  • Dashboards for quick access to cloud service status and recognize
  • Azure service previews and general availability. Next, you will
  • learn how to review and filter Azure cloud computing charges
  • related to an Azure subscription. Next, you'll learn how to use the
  • pricing calculator to estimate cloud charges based on selected
  • services. You will then learn how to use the TCO calculator to
  • determine the trust cost of cloud computing over time followed by
  • configuring alert thresholds related to cost. Lastly, you'll
  • explore a variety of cost saving measures including reserved
  • instances. This course is one of a collection of courses that
  • prepares learners for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
  • certification.

Azure Fundamentals

Microsoft Azure is een van de meest gebruikte cloudplatforms. De belangrijkste focus van het Azure Fundamental-lab ligt op de praktische toepassing voor het maken en beheren van cloudresources en -applicaties met behulp van het Azure-cloudplatform. Door het uitvoeren van opdrachten in een echte omgeving verbeter je je praktische kennis en vaardigheden op de diverse examenonderwerpen:

  • Cloud Essential Concepts
  • The Azure Platform
  • Azure Resource Groups
  • Azure Networking Concepts
  • Azure Virtual Machines

Microsoft - AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

  • Understand cloud concepts (15-20%)
  • Understand core Azure services (30-35%)
  • Understand security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)
  • Understand Azure pricing and support (20-25%)

AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Implementing IaaS Solutions

  • Infrastructure as a Service can manage unpredictable demand for
  • resources. In this course, you’ll learn how to create, deploy, and
  • manage IaaS on the Azure platform. You’ll examine the various
  • compute resources available on Microsoft Azure and see how to
  • deploy and manage VMs using the Azure portal and PowerShell. Next,
  • you’ll explore Azure Resource Manager templates. You’ll be
  • introduced to Docker images and containers and how to build new
  • container images using Docker. You'll move on to learn how to
  • manage container deployments using Azure Container Registry and
  • Instances. Lastly, you’ll learn to deploy containers to Azure
  • Container Instances. This course is one of a collection of courses
  • that prepares learners for the AZ-204: Developing Solutions for
  • Microsoft Azure certification exam.

AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: App Service Web Apps

  • Azure App Service is a PaaS solution for hosting your

  • applications which enables you to scale on demand. In this course,
  • you’ll learn how to use Azure App Service for hosting your web and
  • mobile applications, including how to deploy and configure the
  • service and set up a staging site. Next, you'll examine how to
  • configure common settings in your Azure App Service deployment,
  • including how to configure apps to scale automatically and how to
  • use backup and restore to protect against data loss. Lastly, you’ll
  • learn how to monitor application performance and implement Azure
  • Firewall with App Service Environments, a dedicated App Service
  • plan for large scale deployments. This course is one of a
  • collection of courses that prepares learners for the AZ-204:
  • Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure certification exam.

AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Implementing Azure Functions

  • Azure Functions let you run serverless event-based apps that can

  • scale with your workloads. In this course, you’ll learn how to use
  • Azure Functions for building serverless apps. You’ll learn when to
  • use Azure Functions and how a function is comprised of triggers and
  • bindings. You’ll explore how to use Visual Studio Code to create a
  • function and push it to Azure and how to monitor a Functions app
  • using Azure Application Insights. Next, you'll see how to debug a
  • Functions app using back-end diagnostic tools and build a pipeline
  • for Azure Functions using Azure DevOps. Lastly, you’ll learn about
  • Durable Functions and how to write one. This course is one of a
  • collection of courses that prepares learners for the AZ-204:
  • Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure certification exam.

AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Managing IaaS

  • IaaS on Azure lets you provision and scale rapidly on demand

  • while avoiding costs and time associated with managing
  • infrastructure. In this course, you’ll learn to manage IaaS
  • deployments on Azure. You’ll start by examining how to deploy an
  • instance of Azure Kubernetes Service, how to incorporate Azure Dev
  • Spaces for developing containerized apps, and how to use pipelines
  • to deploy images to Azure Container Registry. You’ll explore
  • OpenShift and Azure Service Fabric, including how to use CI/CD
  • methods to deploy an app to Azure Service Fabric. Next, you’ll
  • learn the various database services available in Azure and how to
  • select the best one that suits your application’s requirements.
  • Lastly, you’ll learn how to deploy and connect to an Azure SQL
  • database and how to use Advanced Data Security to protect resources
  • you deploy to Azure. This course is one of a collection of courses
  • that prepares learners for the AZ-204: Developing Solutions for
  • Microsoft Azure certification exam.

AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Development with Cosmos DB

  • Azure Cosmos DB lets you run a distributed NoSQL database with

  • high throughput and low latency. In this course, you’ll be
  • introduced to Azure Cosmos DB and the available APIs for developing
  • solutions to meet the database requirements of your applications.
  • You’ll learn uses of Azure Cosmos DB, how to use the MongoDB API to
  • interact with Cosmos DB, and how to query Cosmos DB using the SQL
  • API. Next, you'll examine how to set up Cosmos DB global
  • distribution and use the SQL API to query JSON documents. Lastly,
  • you’ll see the consistency levels available in Cosmos DB and how to
  • create containers in Cosmos DB. This course is one of a collection
  • of courses that prepares learners for the AZ-204: Developing
  • Solutions for Microsoft Azure certification exam.

AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Blob Storage

  • Azure Blob storage provides tiered, highly-available storage for

  • structured and unstructured data. In this course, you’ll learn how
  • to work with Azure Blob storage. You’ll examine the available Blob
  • storage options on Azure and how to select the proper tools for
  • moving data between storage accounts and containers. Next, you'll
  • look at how to move data between storage containers using the Azure
  • CLI, AzCopy, and the .NET storage client. You’ll learn how to
  • manage storage container properties and metadata using .NET and how
  • to interact with data using the .NET SDK. Lastly, you’ll learn how
  • to archive data with immutable storage, differentiate between the
  • Azure Blob storage access tiers of hot, cool, and archive, and
  • retrieve offline archived data. This course is one of a collection
  • of courses that prepares learners for the AZ-204: Developing
  • Solutions for Microsoft Azure certification exam.

AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Implementing User Authentication & Authorization

  • The Microsoft identity platform is a set of unified, related

  • services for developing applications to authenticate a variety of
  • user accounts. In this course, you’ll learn how to use Azure
  • services for implementing user authentication and authorization.
  • You’ll then learn how to use OAuth 2.0 to protect exposed APIs, the
  • uses of shared access signatures for providing access to resources,
  • and best practices when using SAS. Next, you’ll learn how to create
  • a secure SAS to provide access to an Azure resource and how to
  • include authentication into an application using Azure Active
  • Directory. Lastly, you’ll learn how to enable Azure Multi-Factor
  • Authentication to secure accounts, and use Microsoft identity to
  • both register an application and provide users and groups access to
  • applications. This course is one of a collection of courses that
  • prepares learners for the AZ-204: Developing Solutions for
  • Microsoft Azure certification exam.

AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Secure Cloud Solutions

  • Azure provides various tools for securely storing secrets,

  • connecting services, and configuring application deployments. In
  • this course, you’ll learn how to develop a secure cloud application
  • and the role of Azure Key Vault in secrets management. You’ll
  • examine how to use Visual Studio Connected Services to connect Key
  • Vault to a web app, retrieve a secret using Azure Web Apps with Key
  • Vault, and integrate Key Vault into CI/CD pipelines. Next, you’ll
  • explore how to use the Azure App Configuration service. Lastly,
  • you’ll learn about the role of Azure Active Directory managed
  • identities, including how to create both a user-assigned and a
  • system-assigned managed identity. This course is one of a
  • collection of courses that prepares learners for the AZ-204:
  • Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure certification exam.

AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Securing Azure Resources

  • In this course, you’ll learn how to implement security measures

  • to protect your Azure resources from external access. You’ll
  • explore the security mechanisms and the use of Azure Monitor for
  • collecting and analyzing logs. You’ll then learn about the
  • encryption and decryption of client application data with the Azure
  • Storage Client Library and the use of the Azure AD Application
  • proxy. Next, you’ll examine how to manage secure keys with Azure
  • Storage Service Encryption and use secrets stored in Azure Vault
  • for storage blob encryption and decryption. Finally, you’ll learn
  • about DDoS Protection, Azure Application Gateway and Web
  • Application Firewall, and Azure Sentinel. This course is one of a
  • collection of courses that prepares learners for the AZ-204:
  • Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure certification exam.

AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Integrating Caching & Content Delivery

  • In this course, you’ll learn to use Azure delivery services for

  • distributing application content, as well as how to integrate
  • caching to improve app responsiveness. You’ll explore the uses and
  • best practices of the Azure Content Delivery Network. You’ll then
  • examine how to deploy an Azure CDN endpoint and restrict access
  • using geo-filtering with Azure CDN. Next, you’ll learn to configure
  • caching rules and behaviors in Azure CDN and how Azure Cache for
  • Redis can help improve app responsiveness. Lastly, you’ll learn how
  • to implement the ASP.NET session state provider with Azure Cache
  • for Redis and how to implement the Redis Output Cache Provider.
  • This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares
  • learners for the AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure
  • certification exam.

AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Instrumenting Monitoring & Logging Solutions

  • In this course, you’ll learn how to log, monitor, and diagnose

  • application performance issues with Azure, as well as how to
  • collect and query data using Azure Application Insights. You’ll
  • examine how to use the JavaScript SDK to leverage Application
  • Insights and how to enable data collection from an ASP.NET Core web
  • site. You’ll then explore how to use the alerting function Azure
  • Monitor to identify issues in a web app and how to monitor site
  • availability using Application Insights. Lastly, you’ll learn the
  • causes of transient faults and how to add code to your app to
  • handle transient faults. This course is one of a collection of
  • courses that prepares learners for the AZ-204: Developing Solutions
  • for Microsoft Azure certification exam.

AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Developing an App Service Logic App

  • Logic Apps are a lightweight, scalable service for easily

  • designing and executing business workflows through a browser. In
  • this course, you’ll learn how to use Azure Logic Apps to automate
  • integration tasks using the Azure portal and how to create an Azure
  • Logic App in Visual Studio. Next, you’ll examine how to use
  • connectors to connect an app to external service APIs and create
  • and use a custom connector for a Logic App. You’ll then explore how
  • to use the prebuilt templates for deploying Logic Apps and use ARM
  • to create and deploy Logic Apps. Lastly, you’ll learn how to use
  • the built-in tools to monitor a Logic App and how to code data
  • operations in a Logic App. This course is one of a collection of
  • courses that prepares learners for the AZ-204: Developing Solutions
  • for Microsoft Azure certification exam.

AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Implementing API Management

  • Managing API exposure, usage, and security can be consolidated

  • into one tool on the Azure platform. In this course, you’ll learn
  • how to use Azure API Management to expose and manage APIs and how
  • to use APIM with Azure Kubernetes Services. You’ll then examine how
  • to deploy an APIM instance and how to import an API. Next, you’ll
  • explore how to publish a list of APIs and assign usage quotas, and
  • how to protect your API. You’ll learn how to secure access to APIs
  • and how to use Azure AD to authenticate client access. Lastly,
  • you’ll learn how to use APIM policies to configure your APIs and
  • how to use authentication policies to control API access. This
  • course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for
  • the AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure certification
  • exam.

AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Developing Event-driven Solutions

  • Message-based architectures decouple services and applications,
  • allowing them to run on different platforms at different speeds
  • with resilient, highly-available patterns. In this course, you’ll
  • explore how to use Azure when building message-based applications.
  • You’ll examine how to broker messages and identify when to use
  • either a Service Bus queue or a topic and subscription model.
  • You’ll outline how to code messages to include payload, routing,
  • and serialization information, and to validate message transferal
  • and settlement. Next, you’ll describe message sequencing,
  • scheduling, and expiration in Azure Service Bus and learn how to
  • deploy a new Azure Service Bus. Lastly, you’ll learn how to use
  • Azure Queue Storage to store message queues, build queue storage
  • functions into a .NET app, and manage queues. This course is one of
  • a collection of courses that prepares learners for the AZ-204:
  • Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure certification exam.

AZ-204 - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure: Developing Message-based Solutions

  • Message-based architectures decouple services and applications,

  • allowing them to run on different platforms at different speeds
  • with resilient, highly-available patterns. In this course, you’ll
  • explore how to use Azure when building message-based applications.
  • You’ll examine how to broker messages and identify when to use
  • either a Service Bus queue or a topic and subscription model.
  • You’ll outline how to code messages to include payload, routing,
  • and serialization information, and to validate message transferal
  • and settlement. Next, you’ll describe message sequencing,
  • scheduling, and expiration in Azure Service Bus and learn how to
  • deploy a new Azure Service Bus. Lastly, you’ll learn how to use
  • Azure Queue Storage to store message queues, build queue storage
  • functions into a .NET app, and manage queues. This course is one of
  • a collection of courses that prepares learners for the AZ-204:
  • Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure certification exam.

Microsoft - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure

Microsoft - Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure


Docent inbegrepen
Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
71 uur
Microsoft 365 Role Based Certificeringen
365 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Webontwikkelaar

Voor de AZ-900 is geen specifieke voorkennis vereist; echter adviseren wij wel dat je algemene IT- kennis of ervaring hebt.

Om de AZ-204 training goed te kunnen volgen, heb je tussen de 1 en 2 jaar praktijkervaring en ervaring met Microsoft Azure. Tevens kun je codes schrijven met behulp van een Azure ondersteunde taal: zoals C#, Java, of soortgelijks.


Na het volgen van dit ontwikkelpad ben jij bekend met de basisprincipes van het programmeren van software. Daarnaast beschik jij over fundamentele kennis en vaardigheden om jezelf te ontwikkelen als Microsoft Azure Cloud Developer. Tevens ben jij optimaal voorbereid op het AZ-900 examen en AZ-204 examen. Let op, de examenvouchers voor deze examens zijn niet inbegrepen bij de prijs.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is icttrainingen.nl onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van icttrainingen.nl maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

Hoe gaat het te werk?


Training bestellen

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Toegang leerplatform

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Direct beginnen

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Veelgestelde vragen

Op welke manieren kan ik betalen?

Je kunt bij ons betalen met iDEAL, PayPal, Creditcard, Bancontact en op factuur. Betaal je op factuur, dan kun je met de training starten zodra de betaling binnen is.

Hoe lang heb ik toegang tot de training?

Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

Waar kan ik terecht als ik vragen heb?

Je kunt onze Learning & Development collega’s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via support@icttrainingen.nl of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

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