Training: Microsoft Windows Performance Monitoring
11 uur
Engels (US)

Training: Microsoft Windows Performance Monitoring

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In deze Microsoft training / cursus maakt u kennis met de basis van performance monitoring in Windows en het gebruik van de belangrijkste instrumenten zoals Windows Resource Monitor, Windows Performance Manager en Windows Task Manager. U leert onder andere het monitoren en diagnosticeren van problemen met de prestaties van Windows systemen. Tenslotte maakt u kennis met de basis en extra performance tools in het Windows Operating System.

Onderwerpen die onder andere aan bod komen zijn CPU, disk I/O, logs tools, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, event viewer, Msconfig, WinSAT en nog veel meer.

Inhoud van de training

Microsoft Windows Performance Monitoring

11 uur

Microsoft Windows Performance Monitoring Basics

  • start the course
  • describe computer performance monitoring and its application in Windows
  • list reasons for monitoring performance
  • characterize performance issues in Windows systems
  • describe types of performance monitoring
  • describe the process for analyzing performance data
  • describe steps for fixing issues identified in performance monitoring
  • describe the key system performance metrics in a computer system, including CPU, memory, disk I/O, and network I/O
  • describe the elements of performance measurement, including time, data, and throughput measurements
  • describe the elements and features of Windows Resource Monitor
  • list the main performance metrics related to processes in Windows, including process count, thread count, and handle count
  • monitor process CPU usage in Windows Resource Monitor
  • monitor process memory usage in Windows Resource Monitor
  • monitor disk I/O in Windows Resource Monitor
  • monitor network I/O usage in Windows Resource Monitor
  • describe the elements and features of Windows Performance Monitor or perfmon
  • list key Windows Performance Monitor objects and use them for system performance monitoring
  • list key Windows Performance Monitor counters and use them for system performance monitoring
  • create graphs to visualize performance characteristics in Windows Performance Monitor
  • create a performance alert in Windows Performance Monitor
  • use Windows Task Manager for basic real-time performance monitoring
  • use Windows Task Manager to monitor memory performance metrics
  • use Windows Task Manager to monitor CPU performance metrics
  • use Windows Task Manager to monitor I/O performance metrics
  • use Windows Task Manager for in-depth monitoring tasks, including counters, process management, and process dumps
  • use Task Manager, Performance Monitor, and Resource Monitor to monitor real-time performance statistics in Windows

Microsoft Windows Performance Monitoring Best Practice

  • start the course
  • examine performance data from a number of sources, over time, to diagnose issues in Windows systems
  • use perfmon to collect historical data in a Windows system
  • analyze data captured with perfmon in a Windows system
  • use Logman to collect historical data in a Windows system
  • use Relog to analyze historical data in a Windows system
  • describe reasons for automating the analysis of performance data in a Windows system
  • describe the features and functions of Performance Analysis of Logs tool
  • install the Performance Analysis of Logs tool
  • import data into the Performance Analysis of Logs tool
  • create reports in the Performance Analysis of Logs tool
  • read reports from the Performance Analysis of Logs tool
  • describe the use of graphs in the Performance Analysis of Logs tool
  • describe low-level system metrics in Windows systems
  • describe the Windows Performance Toolkit for analyzing low-level system metrics in Windows systems
  • collect low-level system metrics in Windows systems using the Windows Performance Recorder
  • analyze low-level system metrics in Windows systems using the Windows Performance Analyzer
  • uncover deeper issues by analyzing low-level system metrics in Windows systems using the Windows Performance Analyzer
  • graph low-level system metrics in Windows systems using the Windows Performance Analyzer
  • describe best practice for performance monitoring of Windows systems
  • describe key CPU metrics and thresholds
  • describe key Memory metrics and thresholds
  • describe key Disk I/O metrics and thresholds
  • describe key Network I/O metrics and thresholds
  • use the Performance Analysis of Logs tool to analyze low-level Windows system performance

Microsoft Windows Performance Tools In Windows Operating Systems

  • start the course
  • recognize some of the key features of Windows Performance Monitor and methods used to access the tool in Windows 7
  • identify some of the key features of Windows Resource Monitor and methods used to access the tool in Windows 7
  • recognize the key features of Windows Task Manager and methods used to access the tool in Windows 7
  • recognize some of the key features of Windows Performance Analyzer and the method used to access the tool in Windows 7
  • recognize some of the key features of Windows Performance Recorder and the method used to access the tool in Windows 7
  • recognize some of the key features of the Performance Analysis of Logs tool and the method used to access the tool in Windows 7
  • recognize some of the key features of Windows Performance Monitor and the methods used to access the tool in Windows 8.1
  • identify some of the key features of Windows Resource Monitor and methods used to access the tool in Windows 8.1
  • recognize some of the key features of Windows Task Manager and the methods used to access the tool in Windows 8.1
  • recognize some of the key features of Windows Performance Analyzer and the method used to access the tool in Windows 8.1
  • recognize some of the key features of Windows Performance Recorder and the method used to access the tool in Windows 8.1
  • recognize some of the key features of the Performance Analysis of Logs tool and the method used to access the tool in Windows 8.1
  • recognize some of the key features of Windows Performance Monitor and the methods used to access the tool in Windows 10
  • identify some of the key features of Windows Resource Monitor and the methods used to access the tool in Windows 10
  • recognize some of the key features of Windows Task Manager and the methods used to access the tool in Windows 10
  • recognize some of the key features of Windows Performance Analyzer and the method used to access the tool in Windows 10
  • recognize some of the key features of Windows Performance Recorder and the method used to access the tool in Windows 10
  • identify some of the key features of the Performance Analysis of Logs tool and the method used to access the tool in Windows 10
  • use different methods to access and explore Windows Performance Monitor, Task Manager, and Resource Monitor in Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10

Windows Performance Monitoring: Additional Performance Tools

  • start the course
  • recognize some of the key features of Windows Reliability Monitor and methods used to access the tool in Windows 7
  • recognize the key features of the Windows Experience index and how to access it in Windows 7
  • use Event Viewer logs to look for resource issues in Windows 7
  • recognize how Event Viewer can e-mail and display messages of low system resources in Windows 7
  • clean and tweak the hard disk to improve the overall performance in Windows 7
  • recognize how to adjust processor affinity and set application priority settings in Windows 7 to improve application performance
  • recognize how to adjust performance options in Windows 7 to improve system performance
  • use Msconfig to adjust settings and improve performance from startup in Windows 7
  • recognize some of the key features of Windows Reliability Monitor and methods used to access the tool in Windows 8.1
  • recognize the key features of the Windows Experience index and how to access it in Windows 8.1
  • use Event Viewer logs to look for resource issues in Windows 8.1
  • recognize how Event Viewer can e-mail and display messages of low system resources in Windows 8.1
  • clean and tweak the hard disk to improve the overall performance in Windows 8.1
  • recognize how to adjust processor affinity and set application priority settings in Windows 8.1 to improve application performance
  • recognize how to adjust performance options in Windows 8.1 to improve system performance
  • use Msconfig to adjust settings and improve performance from startup in Windows 8.1
  • recognize some of the key features of Windows Reliability Monitor and methods used to access the tool in Windows 10
  • recognize the key features of the Windows Experience index and how to access it in Windows 10
  • use Event Viewer logs to look for resource issues in Windows 10
  • recognize how Event Viewer can e-mail and display messages of low system resources in Windows 10
  • clean and tweak the hard disk to improve the overall performance in Windows 10
  • recognize how to adjust processor affinity and set application priority settings in Windows 10 to improve application performance
  • recognize how to adjust performance options in Windows 10 to improve system performance
  • use Msconfig to adjust settings and improve performance from startup in Windows 10
  • run Windows Experience Index in Windows 7 and WinSAT in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 to gather baseline information on your system


Engels (US)
11 uur
90 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Systeembeheerder, Helpdeskmedewerker

Voor het volgen van deze training is geen specifieke voorkennis voor vereist.


Na het volgen van deze training bent u bekend met de basis van performance monitoring in Windows en het monitoren en diagnosticeren van problemen met de prestaties van Windows systemen.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

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Hoe lang heb ik toegang tot de training?

Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

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Je kunt onze Learning & Development collega’s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

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