Training: Google Professional Cloud Developer (Exam PCD)
Cloud algemeen
38 uur
Engels (US)

Training: Google Professional Cloud Developer (Exam PCD)

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Deze training leert je alle kennis en vaardigheden die je nodig hebt om cloud-native apps te bouwen. Ook ben je na het volgen van deze training goed voorbereidt op het Google Professional Cloud Developer-examen.

In deze training:

  • Ontdek je de kenmerken van Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Containers as a Service (CaaS) en Platform as a Service (PaaS).
  • Leer je hoe je sessielengtes kunt instellen voor Google Cloud-services en hoe u API-services (Application Programming Interface) kunt implementeren en beveiligen.
  • Ga je aan de slag met Google Cloud beveliging, beveiligingsmechanismen, container scanning en workload identity federation.
  • Maak je kennis met verschillende Google Cloud-beheertools, zoals: Firestore, Cloud Spanner, Cloud Bigtable, Cloud SQL en Cloud Storage.
  • Ga je van start met de oplossingen voor applicatiemodernisering van Google Cloud, waaronder het Google Cloud Application Modernization Program (CAMP).
  • Leer je hoe je een applicatie bouwt in Google App Engine, hoe je een project maakt met behulp van resource manager API, hoe je gcloud CLI downloadt en installeert en hoe je Google Cloud Console en Cloud Shell gebruikt.
  • Maak je kennis met Cloud Debugger om applicaties te inspecteren en maak je kennis met Cloud Profiler om delen van applicaties te identificeren die de meeste resources verbruiken.
  • Verdiep je je in Google Cloud Testing en HTTP en in het testen van event-driven Cloud Functions.
  • Oefen je met Container Registry, het instellen van Jenkins op Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) en het verbeteren van CI/CD.
  • Onderzoek je strategieën voor het implementeren en testen van applicaties, krijg je een inleiding tot Google Cloud Deployment Manager en leer je hoe je Cloud Build kunt gebruiken om Cloud Run automatisch te implementeren.

Inhoud van de training

Google Professional Cloud Developer (Exam PCD)

38 uur

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Cloud Applications & APIs

  • Businesses and IT leaders across the globe are replacing their

  • legacy, on-premises technology by moving to the cloud. Google Cloud
  • Platform protects your data, applications, infrastructure and so
  • much more. Explore the benefits of moving to the Google Cloud
  • Platform. Examine the microservices architecture and develop
  • microservice apps. Discover the scaling velocity characteristics of
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Containers as a Service (CaaS),
  • and Platform as a Service (PaaS). Then, use Cloud Storage, Cloud
  • Bigtable, Cloud Spanner, and Cloud SQL to define a key structure
  • for high-write applications. Learn how to set session lengths for
  • Google Cloud services and how to deploy and secure application
  • programming interface (API) services. Finally, identify and
  • implement Google Cloud best practices. This course is one of a
  • collection that prepares learners for the Google Professional Cloud
  • Developer exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Infrastructure Design

  • Organizations continue to take advantage of Google Cloud

  • Platform's powerful network to deliver enterprise-class
  • applications. Google uses a secure by design infrastructure,
  • built-in protection, and a global network that helps organizations
  • protect their information. In this course, learn about Google Cloud
  • security, security mechanisms, container scanning, and workload
  • identity federation. Discover how to implement Binary Authorization
  • using Cloud Build and GKE, manage notifications with Secret
  • Manager, and use JSON web tokens and OAuth 2.0 to authenticate
  • services. Finally, practice authenticating using asynchronous or
  • synchronous means between services, control communication between
  • services, and use certificate-based authentication to protect
  • resources. This course is one of a collection that prepares
  • learners for the Google Professional Cloud Developer exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Managing Google Cloud Application Data

  • Google Cloud management tools are tailored to provide

  • organizations with visibility, accountability, and control over
  • their business, reducing costs and complexity while increasing
  • productivity and predictability. In this course, learn about the
  • various Google Cloud management tools, such as Firestore, Cloud
  • Spanner, Cloud Bigtable, Cloud SQL, and Cloud Storage. Explore data
  • retention and the database options available for structured and
  • unstructured data. Discover NetApp Cloud Volumes Services and
  • identify Cloud Storage best practices. This course is one of a
  • collection that prepares learners for the Google Professional Cloud
  • Developer exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Google Cloud Application Modernization

  • Many organizations seek to determine what their return on

  • investment will be if they upgrade their environments, but
  • quantifying the future impact of modernization initiatives can be
  • challenging. Google Cloud's application modernization solutions can
  • help you be more innovative while reducing your costs. In this
  • course, learn about Google Cloud's application modernization
  • solutions, including the Google Cloud Application Modernization
  • Program (CAMP), in addition to hybrid and multicloud applications,
  • API management, mainframe modernization, and more. Next, explore
  • the benefits of using Google's managed service providers,
  • refactoring applications from monolith to microservices, and
  • designing scalable and resilient applications. Finally, learn how
  • to deploy stateful applications. This course is one of a collection
  • that prepares learners for the Google Professional Cloud Developer
  • exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Google Cloud Development Environment

  • Google App Engine requires zero configuration and no server

  • management. It also offers flexibility that allows developers to
  • focus on other applications and processes and write code. In this
  • course, you'll learn how to build an application on Google App
  • Engine, create a project using resource manager API, download and
  • install gcloud CLI, and use Google Cloud Console and Cloud Shell.
  • You'll explore Google developer tools, use Cloud Code to debug
  • applications and Skaffold to automate workflows, set up your
  • development environment on Go, and finally use the local
  • development server. This course is one of a collection that
  • prepares learners for the Google Professional Cloud Developer
  • exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Google Cloud Software Development

  • Using Google Cloud Platform maximizes developers' productivity

  • by offering various tools to assist in software development. Google
  • Cloud Code offers features such as remote debugging, reduced
  • context switching, YAML authoring support, and much more. Learn
  • about Google Cloud Code, deploying Kubernetes apps, and using Cloud
  • Run services. Discover how to use built-in algorithms and identify
  • design patterns. Learn to use Cloud Debugger to inspect
  • applications and Cloud Profiler to identify parts of applications
  • consuming the most resources. Finally, learn about Google DevOps
  • and software development methodologies. This course is one of a
  • collection that prepares learners for the Google Professional Cloud
  • Developer exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Google Cloud Application Testing

  • Organizations are benefiting from using Google Cloud Testing as

  • it is cost-effective, reduces resource requirements, allows for
  • availability and scalability, and enables a quicker testing
  • process. In this course, learn about Google Cloud Testing and test
  • HTTP and event-driven Cloud Functions. Discover how to configure a
  • CI/CD platform and perform unit, integration, performance, and load
  • testing. This course is one of a collection that prepares learners
  • for the Google Professional Cloud Developer exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Building Google Cloud Applications

  • Organizations continuously look for ways to maximize their cloud

  • footprint, and containerization has become a focal point in this
  • evolution. Google Cloud Build is a managed service that enables
  • developers to build, test, and deploy containers quickly across all
  • languages. In this course, learn about Google Cloud Build and how
  • to use it to automate builds. Next, discover how to use
  • community-contributed and custom builders, create a code
  • repository, store build artifacts, and automate App Engine
  • deployments. Finally, practice using Container Registry to store
  • container images, set up Jenkins on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE),
  • and improve CI/CD. This course is one of a collection that prepares
  • learners for the Google Professional Cloud Developer exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Google Cloud Deployment Strategies

  • Deployment strategies are used to implement changes or upgrades

  • in your applications without interruption or downtime for the user.
  • Google Cloud deployment strategies allow for zero downtime, instant
  • rollbacks, and environment separation. In this course, explore
  • strategies for application deployment and testing, an introduction
  • to Google Cloud Deployment Manager, and how to use Cloud Build to
  • automatically deploy Cloud Run. Next, practice using Spinnaker to
  • integrate existing workflows, Tekton to create CI/CD, and Anthos
  • Config Management for configuration and policy management. Finally,
  • learn how to implement various deployments, such as blue/green,
  • traffic-splitting, rolling, and canary. This course is one of a
  • collection that prepares learners for the Google Professional Cloud
  • Developer exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Deploying Google Cloud Applications

  • Google Compute Engine (GCE) offers various advantages for

  • deploying your applications, such as throughput, stability,
  • pricing, backup, and security. Containers on Compute Engine
  • instances allow you to conveniently run your apps on host virtual
  • machines (VMs) with fewer dependencies. In this course, learn about
  • the different types of containers that can be run on Compute Engine
  • instances. Next, discover how to install applications and manage
  • service accounts for VMs, bootstrap applications on Compute Engine,
  • and configure and manage sinks. Finally, practice exporting
  • metrics, using operating system images to create boot disks for
  • instances, and configuring a Binary Authorization policy with
  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). This course is one of a collection
  • that prepares learners for the Google Professional Cloud Developer
  • exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Deploying Google Applications to GKE

  • Google Kubernetes Engine is one of the leading hosted container

  • orchestration solutions. It provides a hosted environment for
  • running containerized applications and managing workloads to your
  • specifications, while integrating with other Google Cloud services
  • for secure, highly available, and scalable deployments. In this
  • course you'll explore Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), deploy a
  • containerized application to GKE, and control access to cluster
  • resources using role-based access control (RBAC) and identity and
  • access management (IAM). Next, you will practice configuring
  • Kubernetes namespaces, identify workload profiles and
  • specifications, and build container images using Cloud Build. You
  • will configure Kubernetes network policy and Kubernetes services
  • and explore how to manipulate the GKE Pod life cycle. Finally,
  • you'll explore how Kubernetes resources and configurations are
  • defined. This course is one of a collection that prepares learners
  • for the Google Professional Cloud Developer exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Deploying Google Cloud Functions

  • Google Cloud Functions is a serverless, event-driven computing

  • service that lets you treat all cloud services as building blocks.
  • Developers can use it to create and implement functions without
  • needing to provision other infrastructures like servers, storage,
  • and other resources. In this course, learn about Google Cloud
  • Functions and its triggers and events, including Pub/Sub and Cloud
  • Storage triggers. Next, discover how to write and deploy Cloud
  • Functions, the types of triggers for calling Cloud Functions, and
  • use HTTP functions. Finally, practice creating an event that
  • triggers CloudEvent and secure Cloud Functions using identity and
  • network-based approaches. This course is one of a collection that
  • prepares learners for the Google Professional Cloud Developer
  • exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Google Cloud Service Accounts

  • Google Cloud service accounts are special account types used to

  • represent non-human functions that authenticate/authorize to gain
  • access to data in Google APIs. Examples of service accounts include
  • running workloads on virtual machines, workstations, or data
  • centers. In this course, learn about the different types of service
  • accounts, create and manage service accounts using the IAM API, and
  • work with the different types of service account keys. Next,
  • discover how to create short-lived service account credentials and
  • manage impersonation and the Service Account Credentials API.
  • Finally, explore how to monitor and view usage patterns and learn
  • about the principle of least privilege. This course is one of a
  • collection that prepares learners for the Google Professional Cloud
  • Developer exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Google Cloud Data and Storage Services

  • Google Cloud Storage is a platform that houses unstructured data

  • sets, typically used for primary or infrequently accessed data.
  • Data and storage services provide flexibility and reliability in a
  • secure location which enables customers to transition to lower-cost
  • classes easily, allows for multiple redundancy options, provides
  • usable archival storage, and provides storage classes for any
  • workloads. In this course, you will learn about application
  • integration and identify import and export best practices. You will
  • learn how to import and export using SQL and CSV and check the
  • status of import and export operations. Finally, you will learn to
  • connect to Cloud SQL, Cloud Spanner, Firestore, and Cloud Bigtable
  • data stores. This course is one of a collection that prepares
  • learners for the Google Professional Cloud Developer exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Google Cloud Compute Services

  • Google Cloud compute services allow you to create and run

  • customizable virtual machines. It automatically deploys, scales,
  • and manages your containers with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) or
  • Cloud Run. You can migrate your apps at your own pace with the
  • ability to move directly to virtual machines or automatically to
  • containers. In this course, learn about service discovery and how
  • to implement it in GKE and Compute Engine. Next, discover how to
  • access instance metadata. Finally, explore how to authenticate
  • users using Identity-Aware Proxy and OAuth 2.0 web flow and cloud
  • APIs with workload identity. This course is one of a collection
  • that prepares learners for the Google Professional Cloud Developer
  • exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Integrating Google Cloud APIs

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services include programmatic

  • interfaces called Google Cloud APIs. Google Cloud APIs allow you to
  • easily connect computing, networking, storage, and machine learning
  • data to your applications. In this course, learn about Google APIs,
  • enable APIs in your Google Cloud projects, and practice making API
  • calls using REST APIs, a Cloud Client Library, gRPC, and the Google
  • APIs Explorer. Next, discover how to send batched requests into a
  • single HTTP request, restrict returned data, and paginate results.
  • Finally, explore error handling for Google APIs, work with cached
  • query results, and use service accounts to make API calls. This
  • course is one of a collection that prepares learners for the Google
  • Professional Cloud Developer exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Managing Google Compute Engine VMs

  • Google Cloud Compute Engine allows you to create and run virtual

  • machines (VMs). Compute Engine instances can be used to run the
  • public images for both Linux and Windows Server. In this course,
  • learn about managing Google Compute Engine VMs. Next, discover how
  • to debug custom VMs, debug using a serial console, and debug a
  • failed VM startup. Finally, explore how to install the Cloud
  • Logging agent on individual VMs, work with the Logs Explorer to
  • analyze logs, and view a resource utilization report. This course
  • is one of a collection that prepares learners for the Google
  • Professional Cloud Developer exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Managing Google Kubernetes Engine

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) provides a managed environment

  • for deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications.
  • GKE consists of multiple machines grouped to form a cluster. In
  • this course, you'll explore the use of GKE workloads, and configure
  • Cloud Logging and Cloud Monitoring. You'll access the monitoring
  • dashboard to view container life cycle events, troubleshoot issues
  • with deployed workloads, and view GKE logs. You will explore how to
  • manage GKE metrics, use custom metrics to capture
  • application-specific data, and identify external metrics. Finally,
  • you will see how to use Pub/Sub to receive notifications from your
  • GKE clusters and autoscale your GKE clusters. This course is one of
  • a collection that prepares learners for the Google Professional
  • Cloud Developer exam.

Google Professional Cloud Developer: Troubleshooting Google Applications

  • The Google Performance Dashboard gives you visibility into all

  • of the Google Cloud network. It shows you the performance of the
  • entire network as well as any of your project's resources. In this
  • course, you'll learn about the Google Performance Dashboard, create
  • a monitoring dashboard, write custom metrics, create log-based
  • metrics, and use Cloud Debugger. You'll review stack traces for
  • error analysis, setup service log exports to BigQuery, view logs in
  • the Google Console, monitor health and performance using Cloud
  • Monitoring, and review application performance using Cloud Trace.
  • You'll also use Prometheus to monitor and alert you on your
  • workloads and OpenTelemetry to monitor and analyze your
  • applications. Finally, you'll measure app performance using Cloud
  • Profiler and use documentation, forums, and Google Cloud support.
  • This course is one of a collection that prepares learners for the
  • Google Professional Cloud Developer exam.


Docent inbegrepen
Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
38 uur
Cloud algemeen
180 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Systeembeheerder, Netwerkbeheerder, Softwareontwikkelaar

3+ jaar ervaring in de cloud sector, waarvan 1+ jaar in het ontwerpen en beheren van oplossingen met Google Cloud wordt aanbevolen.


Aan het einde van deze training ben je optimaal voorbereidt op het Google Professional Cloud Developer-examen.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

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Hoe lang heb ik toegang tot de training?

Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

Waar kan ik terecht als ik vragen heb?

Je kunt onze Learning & Development collega’s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

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