Training: CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005)
CompTIA Server+
37 uur
Engels (US)

Training: CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005)

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In deze CompTIA training bereid jij je voor op het halen van het CompTIA Server+ certificaat. Je leert het opzetten, onderhouden, troubleshooten, beveiligen en supporten van server hardware- en software inclusief virtualisatie. Aan het einde van de training kan jij snel inspelen op issues in de serveromgeving, kan jij omgaan met disaster recovery, algemene beveiligingsprocedures, server roles en ben je bekend met termen en concepten die gebruikelijk zijn in deze industrie.

Onderwerpen die onder andere aan bod komen, zijn het moederbord, geheugen, processor, BIOS, virtual machines, netwerk basisbegrippen, opslag, backup, replicatie, disaster recovery en nog veel meer.

Inhoud van de training

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005)

37 uur

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Server Components

  • Server technicians are now responsible for both on-premises and cloud-based servers. There are many factors to consider when managing these environments. Learn how to plan for server component configuration and environmental conditions in this thorough course.
  • Explore how servers solve business problems. Examine server firmware components, such as Basic Input Output System (BIOS) settings and its successor, Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). Then, practice configuring BIOS settings.
  • Next, examine server form factors that help determine the space needed in an equipment rack. Study the roles that CPU, RAM, buses, and interfaces play in a server environment. Plan server power draw and server room HVAC and fire suppression. And learn how to prevent static charge damage to sensitive electronic components.
  • Upon completion, you'll be able to better plan for specific server environments and requirements. You'll also be more prepared for the CompTIA Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Configuring Server Components

  • Virtualization has become a foundation for on-premises and cloud computing. Therefore server administrators and data center technicians need to know how to configure virtual machine (VM) CPU and RAM settings. Take this mostly hands-on course to learn what's involved in virtualization.
  • Start by exploring how hypervisors relate to virtual machines (VMs). Distinguish between the two types of hypervisors. And look into hypervisor hardening.
  • Getting hands-on, practice configuring virtual CPUs for VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V VMs. Manage CPU settings for AWS and Azure. And configure memory, or RAM, for VMware Workstation, Microsoft Hyper-V, and AWS and Azure instances in alignment with IT workload requirements.
  • Upon completion, you'll be able to plan and configure the setup for both on-premises and cloud VMs. You'll also be more prepared for the CompTIA Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Servers & Cloud Computing

  • Cloud computing has become increasingly common in the second and third decades of the 20th century, with no signs of cloud adoption slowing down. Therefore, as someone working in a server environment, you'll need to be confident in your understanding of cloud computing characteristics, tools, and service agreements.
  • Use this course to bring your cloud computing acumen up to speed. Explore the benefits and characteristics of cloud computing. Examine various cloud types, including public, private, hybrid, and community clouds.
  • Moving along, practice using GUI (graphical user interface) and CLI (command line interface) tools to manage cloud services. Then, examine various cloud service-level agreements.
  • When you're done, you'll be able to distinguish cloud deployment types and SLAs for cloud services. You'll also be more prepared for the CompTIA Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Deploying Cloud IaaS

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) concerns storage, networking, firewalls, virtual machines, and other cloud services. To be at the top of their game, server admins should know how to deploy various IaaS solutions.
  • Learn how to deploy IaaS solutions related to storage, networking, and virtual machines in this wide-spanning course. First, get a theoretical overview of IaaS. Then, practice deploying AWS and Microsoft Azure cloud storage solutions, virtual networks, and Windows and Linux virtual machines (VMs). After that, create a custom cloud-based VM.
  • Next, deploy cloud services using cloud automation templates. And finally, use role-based access control (RBAC) and cloud policies to limit the cloud administrative activities available to cloud technicians.
  • When you're done, you'll be able to deploy several IaaS solutions and restrict cloud server access. You'll also be more prepared for the CompTIA Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Deploying Cloud PaaS & SaaS

  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS)

  • are two popular and valuable cloud service models. Both play a
  • unique role in managing certain aspects of cloud computing. If
  • you're an IT professional working in server environments, you need
  • to know what these two cloud service models entail. Take this
  • course to learn all about PaaS and SaaS solutions. Furthermore,
  • practice deploying databases in the AWS and Microsoft Azure clouds.
  • Configure a SaaS cloud solution. Use an automation template to
  • deploy a PaaS solution. And use several strategies and tools to
  • keep cloud computing costs to a minimum. Upon course completion,
  • you'll be able to deploy PaaS and SaaS solutions and control cloud
  • computing costs. This course also helps prepare you for the CompTIA
  • Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Server Storage

  • Many storage solutions and characteristics available on-premises

  • are also available in the cloud. These storage solutions are often
  • primarily based on the hard disk drive (HDD) and solid state drive
  • (SSD) technologies. Learn about HDD and SDD as well as other
  • technologies in this technical course. In addition to a theoretical
  • explanation of HDD and SDD storage, learn how to configure virtual
  • HDD and SSD disks for cloud virtual machines. Configure cloud files
  • in various cloud storage tiers. Examine when NAS (network-attached
  • storage) and SAN (storage area network) storage should be used and
  • how RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) is used. Then,
  • practice configuring software RAID in Windows and Linux. Upon
  • completion, you'll be able to work with HDD and SDD storage as well
  • as NAS, SANs, and software RAID levels. This course also helps
  • prepare you for the CompTIA Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Server Roles

  • A crucial part of deploying and managing physical and virtual servers is determining the proper licensing requirements. Factors to consider are the number of physical or virtual CPUs and concurrently connected users. Find out more about server roles and licensing in this theory and practice-based course.
  • Explore various server roles and the licensing requirements for specific server use cases. Look at the ways servers can be installed. And see how scripting environments can not only automate server deployment but also help with ongoing server management.
  • Moving on, practice creating a Linux BASH shell script, a Windows PowerShell script, and a Python script.
  • Upon completion, you'll be able to plan server role deployments and licensing requirements and use scripting to automate server management. You'll also be more prepared for the CompTIA Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Role-specific Server Deployment

  • Specific server roles have different uses and software installation requirements. Server technicians need to know about these as well as how to manage servers locally and remotely. Use this mostly practical course to learn what's involved in managing servers and deploying server roles.
  • Examine several GUI and command-line management tools and standards. Then, practice installing a Windows and Linux on-premises virtual machine (VM). Remotely manage the Windows server using RDP and the Linux server through SSH. And learn how to configure SSH public key authentication.
  • Moving on, deploy specific server roles, such as an email, web, hypervisor, and update server. Finally, configure VMs in the cloud.
  • When you're done, you'll be able to install on-premises VMs, manage servers remotely, deploy server roles, and enable server updating. You'll also be more prepared for the CompTIA Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Network Directory Services

  • A network directory service uses a distributed database, which

  • contains various objects, replicated among multiple servers. When
  • working with servers, you need to know how to manage these
  • directory services. Take this mostly hands-on course to learn how
  • to achieve this. Discover how Microsoft Active Directory works.
  • Then, try your hand at creating a new forest and domain in an
  • on-premises virtualized environment. Join computers to the domain
  • for centralized authentication and management purposes. And plan
  • Group Policy settings for domain users and computers. Moving on,
  • inventory servers before configuring a cloud-based directory
  • service and joining devices to it. When you're done, you'll be able
  • to plan, deploy, and manage on-premises and cloud-based directory
  • services. You'll also be more prepared for the CompTIA Server+
  • SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): File System Security

  • Today’s IT security ecosystem requires strong file system security. This is achieved not only through a robust file system permissions implementation but also controlled network access. Learn how to handle file system security in this mostly hands-on course.
  • First, get a theoretical overview of how file system security works in Windows and Linux environments. Then, practice configuring permissions for network shared folders and setting NTFS file and folder permissions.
  • Next, use the Windows built-in Encrypting File System (EFS) option to encrypt files and folders. Enable disk volume encryption using Microsoft BitLocker. Encrypt files using OpenSSL. Configure Linux file system permissions. And work with file hashing in Windows and Linux.
  • Upon course completion, you'll be able to implement and manage Windows and Linux file system permissions, encryption, and file system hashes. You'll also be more prepared for the CompTIA Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Network Communications

  • Learning the various aspects of network communications hardware and
  • software is vital to anyone working in a server environment. Use this theory and practice-based course to get a grip on configuring virtual networks and virtual network interface cards (NICs).
  • Explore how network communications hardware and software map to the OSI model. Identify different types of communication networks such as LAN and VLAN. Then, learn how network switching and network routing work.
  • Moving on, practice deploying a hypervisor virtual network. Next, practice configuring IP routing in the cloud and virtual network peering. Then, identify various types of NICs and cables. And finally, practice configuring on-premises and cloud-based virtual machine NICs.
  • Upon completion, you'll be able to identify various network models and configure virtual networks and virtual NICs. You'll also be a step closer to being prepared for the CompTIA Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Working with TCP/IP

  • TCP/IP has become the standard software-based network protocol suite
  • used globally. Those working in a server environment need to have a robust understanding of the protocols and services of TCP/IP and their configuration. Learn all about these configurations in this course.
  • Explore IPv4 addressing and IP subnetting and practice configuring IPv4 manually. Next, learn about DHCP and deploying a Windows DHCP server. Then, examine how TCP and UDP transport protocols differ.
  • Moving on, practice configuring IPv6 addresses manually and also configuring IP addresses in the cloud. Explore DNS and practice the deployment of a Windows DNS server and the configuration of DNS zones in the cloud. And finally, explore NTP and its configurations.
  • When you're done, you'll be well versed in the configurations of the different TCP/IP services. You'll also be further prepared to sit the CompTIA Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Authentication & Authorization

  • Controlling access to network resources is a vital security

  • concern. Resource access is controlled first by authentication,
  • then by specific permissions for authorized resource use. Physical
  • security strategies allow controlled access to IT computing
  • equipment at the user and server levels. In this course, you will
  • first list physical security strategies then determine how to
  • harden specific systems and limit the use of USB removable media
  • through Group Policy. Next, you will manage users and groups in
  • Active Directory, Linux, and the AWS and Azure clouds. You’ll then
  • configure multi-factor authentication (MFA) in AWS and Azure.
  • Finally, you’ll define how identity federation works and enable
  • access control through cloud-based RBAC roles and attribute-based
  • access control. This course is part of a collection that prepares
  • you for the CompTIA Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

  • A public key infrastructure (PKI) is a hierarchy of digital

  • security certificates. The top of the hierarchy consists of a
  • certification authority (CA) and optional subordinate registration
  • authorities (RAs). CAs and RAs issue PKI certificates to users,
  • devices, and apps. Examine the PKI hierarchy and key PKI components
  • including the certification authority, digital certificates, and
  • chain of trust. Learn how to configure a private CA on-premises and
  • in the cloud as a managed service. Explore the details contained
  • within a PKI certificate and configure certificate templates which
  • serve as a blueprint for issuing various types of PKI certificates.
  • Next, you'll learn how to acquire certificates on-premises and in
  • the cloud followed by a look at working with OpenSSL. Upon
  • completion, you'll be able to plan, implement, and manage PKI
  • environments both on-premises and in the cloud. You'll also be a
  • step closer to being prepared for the CompTIA Server+ SK0-005
  • certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): CompTIA Server+: Network Firewalls

  • In cybersecurity, firewalls control what type of traffic is

  • allowed into or out of a server or network. There are a variety of
  • firewall types designed for specific use-cases and these solutions
  • can come in the form of a dedicated hardware or software appliance,
  • or could be software running within a general purpose operating
  • system. Discover common network and wireless security threats and
  • mitigations, and how packet filtering firewalls work. Learn to
  • configure a Windows and Linux firewall and work with cloud-based
  • packet filtering in AWS and Microsoft Azure. Finally, discover how
  • proxy servers and network address translation (NAT) work in
  • securing the network. Upon completion, you'll be able to select and
  • implement the appropriate firewall solution on-premises and in the
  • cloud. This course is part of a collection that prepares you for
  • the CompTIA Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Network Security Protocols

  • Protecting servers from threats means protecting the surrounding

  • IT ecosystem. This involves configuring the appropriate network
  • security protocols correctly and deploying threat detection
  • solutions. Begin by exploring how transport layer security (TLS)
  • supersedes secure sockets layer (SSL) and how it is used to encrypt
  • and authenticate network transmissions. Discover how to disable SSL
  • and enable TLS on Windows and Linux servers. Enable an HTTP binding
  • for an on-premises and cloud-based web app and examine how IPsec is
  • used to secure network traffic, and how IPsec is configured in
  • Windows. Moving on, learn how to spoof network traffic using freely
  • available tools and work with intrusion detection, intrusion
  • prevention, and VPNs. Upon completion, you'll know how to configure
  • network security protocols such as TLS and IPsec and be familiar
  • with working with intrusion detection systems and VPNs. This course
  • is part of a collection that prepares you for the CompTIA Server+
  • SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Data Privacy & Protection

  • Data privacy has become engrained in laws and regulations all

  • over the world. Server technicians must take the appropriate steps
  • to secure sensitive data in alignment with applicable laws and
  • regulations. Discover items that constitute personally identifiable
  • information (PII) and protected health information (PHI) and
  • identify common data security standards such as GDPR, HIPPAA, and
  • PCI DSS. Differentiate between various types of malware and
  • discover how the art of deception is practiced through social
  • engineering. Next, examine data loss prevention (DLP) and implement
  • data discovery and classification on-premises and in the cloud.
  • Lastly, examine key storage media destruction techniques. Upon
  • course completion, you'll be able secure data in alignment with
  • applicable laws and regulations. You'll also be more prepared for
  • the CompTIA Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Server Troubleshooting

  • The importance of ongoing server management for server technicians
  • cannot be overstated. At the least, it helps them avoid being overwhelmed by troubleshooting hardware problems in a crisis. With this course, gain confidence in server troubleshooting.
  • Explore the steps in the CompTIA troubleshooting process. Then, work with the Windows, Linux, and cloud services logs, followed by implementing centralized Windows and Linux logging hosts.
  • Moving on, examine common hardware and software problems encountered in server environments. Next, work with the common Windows and Linux network troubleshooting commands. And finally, learn how to monitor the performance of Windows and Linux servers.
  • Upon completion, you’ll be able to identify the common server hardware and software problems and troubleshoot them. You can also use this course to prepare for the CompTIA Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.

CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005): Planning For The Worst

  • Keeping IT services running in the inevitable event of some kind

  • of disruption is possible only with up-front planning for business
  • continuity and disaster recovery procedures. Explore strategies for
  • managing business continuity and disaster recovery and examine
  • various options for alternate sites, including the cloud. Practice
  • how to enable IT service high availability in a variety of ways.
  • Finally, discover how to manage on-premises and cloud backups,
  • cloud replication, and file versioning. Upon course completion,
  • you'll be able to plan for continued IT service availability in the
  • event of disruptions. You'll also be more prepared for the CompTIA
  • Server+ SK0-005 certification exam.


Docent inbegrepen
Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
37 uur
CompTIA Server+
180 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Netwerkbeheerder

Het is aanbevolen om het certificaat CompTIA A+ te hebben (of vergelijkbare ervaring) inclusief 1 tot 2 jaar IT ervaring.


Na het volgen van deze training ben jij in staat zelfstandig server hardware en software te bouwen, te implementeren en te beheren.

Daarnaast ben jij voorbereid op het CompTIA Server+ examen (SK0-005)

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

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Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

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Je kunt onze Learning & Development collega’s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

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