Training: Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP®) 2022
Security Specialist
15 uur
Engels (US)

Training: Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP®) 2022

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Is jouw organisatie bezig met de overgang naar de cloud en wil je weten hoe je dit op een verantwoorde manier kunt integreren. De Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP®) 2022 training geeft goed zicht op de security-aspecten die bij een overgang naar de Cloud van belang zijn.

Tijdens deze training bouw je cloud security- vaardigheden op die je nodig hebt om de cloud omgevingen en aangeschafte cloud services te beheren.

Naast dat je leert hoe je gevoelige cloud-data beveiligt, leer je meer over:

  • Cloudconcepten en architectuur en design
  • Cloud data security
  • Cloud platform & infrastructuur beveiliging
  • Cloud applicatie beveiliging
  • Cloud security operations
  • Legal en compliance

Let op, deze training is nog niet compleet. De eerste hoofdstukken zijn beschikbaar, de andere hoofdstukken komen binnenkort online.

Inhoud van de training

Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP®) 2022

15 uur

CCSP 2022: Cloud Computing Concepts & Reference Architectures

  • There are several cloud computing fundamental definitions,

  • characteristics, and building block technologies each CCSP
  • candidate should know. Learn about these and other core cloud
  • computing concepts in this CCSP course. Explore the core
  • fundamentals, core concepts, and technologies of cloud computing,
  • such as cloud roles and responsibilities, broad network access,
  • virtualization, and others. Next, study cloud computing's shared
  • considerations and value propositions, including interoperability,
  • agility, security, resiliency, performance, and more. Finally,
  • examine the impact of cloud and related technologies like data
  • science, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things
  • (IoT), DevSecOps, and others. This is one of a collection of
  • courses that fully prepares the learner for the (ISC)² Certified
  • Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) 2022 exam.

CCSP 2022: Cloud Security Concepts & Design Principles

  • Candidates for the CCSP exam will need to have a foundational

  • knowledge of cloud security concepts and design principles. Through
  • this course, learn about the cloud security concepts and design
  • principles of the CCSP 2022 exam. Learn about cryptography,
  • identity and access control, and the cloud secure data lifecycle.
  • Next, study networking and virtualization security, common cloud
  • threats, cloud security hygiene, and cloud-based business
  • continuity and disaster recovery plans. Finally, discover the
  • functional security requirements and responsibilities for cloud
  • service types and design patterns and explore DevOps security. This
  • is one of a collection of courses that fully prepares the learner
  • for the (ISC)² Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) 2022
  • exam.

CCSP 2022: Cloud Data Security

  • One of the most tested areas on the CCSP exam is the critical

  • function of cloud data security. In this course, you will explore a
  • wide array of data concepts and storage architectures. You will
  • discover data obfuscation techniques like masking, anonymization,
  • and tokenization as well as Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and
  • Information Rights Management (IRM). Finally, you will explore data
  • discovery, classification policy, and data event auditability and
  • traceability. This is one of a collection of courses that fully
  • prepares the learner for the ISC2 Certified Cloud Security
  • Professional (CCSP) 2022 exam.

CCSP 2022: Cloud Infrastructure & Platform Components

  • Each CCSP candidate must approach the exam in two roles. One

  • role is that of a customer of a large cloud service provider, and
  • the other is that of a security manager overseeing their own cloud
  • data center infrastructure. With this course, look deeper at cloud
  • infrastructure and platform components. In this course, learn about
  • the physical and network cloud environments. Next, explore cloud
  • communications and the compute resources of cloud. Finally, examine
  • cloud virtualization resources, core components of cloud storage,
  • and the management plane. This is one of a collection of courses
  • that fully prepares the learner for the ISC2 Certified Cloud
  • Security Professional (CCSP) 2022 exam.

CCSP 2022: Data Center Design & Risk Analysis

  • CCSP exam candidates will need to have a solid foundation in

  • best practices for data center design and managing potential cloud
  • risks and vulnerabilities. In this course, you will explore the
  • aspects of resilient and secure data center design, including
  • logical, physical, and environmental considerations. You will also
  • explore cloud infrastructure risk assessment, cloud
  • vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks, as well as cloud risk
  • mitigation strategies. This course is one of a collection that
  • prepares the learner for the ISC2 Certified Cloud Security
  • Professional (CCSP) 2022 exam.

CCSP 2022: Planning & Implementing Security Controls

  • Security controls play a critical role in effective

  • cybersecurity management. Properly planning and implementing
  • security controls helps to provide protection for a wide variety of
  • infrastructures within an organization. Through this course,
  • explore tactical approaches for planning and implementing security
  • controls. Learn about planning and executing on-premises physical
  • and environmental protection. Next, discover how protection works
  • for operating systems and storage. Finally, explore communication
  • object resource protection in a cloud data center, cloud identity
  • management (IdM), and auditing mechanisms. This is one of a
  • collection of courses that fully prepares the learner for the ISC2
  • Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) 2022 exam.

CCSP 2022: Cloud Business Continuity Planning

  • When it comes to continuity of operations, the CCSP candidate

  • must look at business continuity from the perspective of data
  • center security management, as well as leveraging cloud managed
  • services for continuity as a large customer. In this course,
  • explore the main elements of business continuity planning (BCP).
  • You will focus on the business impact analysis (BIA), including
  • Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO), and
  • recovery service levels. Then, you will examine different backup
  • and restore policies and take a look at disaster recovery planning
  • (DRP) and managed DRP cloud solutions. Finally, you will discover
  • various disaster recovery plan testing strategies. This is one of a
  • collection of courses that fully prepares the learner for the ISC2
  • Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) 2022 exam.

CCSP 2022: Application Security Awareness & Life Cycles

  • A primary goal of the CCSP exam is to determine if each

  • candidate can offer assurance that a cloud DevOps solution can be
  • transitioned into a DevSecOps solution. This process involves
  • confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, availability, and
  • properly implementing non-repudiation services. With this course,
  • learn about application security and secure software development
  • life cycle (SDLC) processes. Explore cloud application architecture
  • components and development and cloud development basics. Next,
  • learn about SDLC business requirements and phases, as well as
  • software threat modeling methods. Finally, examine secure coding
  • methods, the software configuration management (SCM) process, and
  • versioning. This is one of a collection of courses that fully
  • prepares the learner for the ISC2 Certified Cloud Security
  • Professional (CCSP) 2022 exam.

CCSP 2022: Software Assurance & Validation

  • It's one thing to make an impressive presentation to upper

  • management and acquire the necessary resources to lower risks to
  • your cloud resources. However, the decision-makers will expect an
  • ongoing assessment of the success of the various implemented
  • countermeasures and controls. With this course, learn about cloud
  • software development assurance and validation. Explore functional
  • and non-functional testing approaches and security testing methods.
  • Next, examine OWASP API security strategies and the basics of
  • supply chain management. Finally, learn about third-party software
  • management and open-source software validation and vulnerabilities.
  • This is one of a collection of courses that fully prepares the
  • learner for the ISC2 Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)
  • 2022 exam.

CCSP 2022: Identity and Access Management Solutions

  • Today, as employees gain access to their work apps and networks

  • through a variety of devices, many cloud organizations are
  • transitioning to zero trust environments where identity
  • verification replaces traditional security perimeters – and
  • implementing strong identity and access management solutions can
  • help them better manage security risks. In this course, explore
  • cloud identity access management and identity management services,
  • federated identity, identity providers, single sign-on,
  • multi-factor authentication, cloud access security brokers, managed
  • security service providers, and secrets management services. This
  • is one of a collection of courses that fully prepares the learner
  • for the ISC2 Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) 2022
  • exam.

CCSP 2022: Build & Implement a Physical & Logical Cloud Infrastructure

  • This course looks under the hood at the logical and physical

  • aspects of the cloud data center, whether it be on-premises or at a
  • cloud service provider. Explore hardware-specific security
  • configuration requirements and installation and configuration of
  • management tools. Next, examine virtual hardware security
  • configuration requirements, focusing on software-defined security
  • (SDS) and storage area network (SAN) security, including best
  • practices of storage and network controllers. Then, learn how to
  • install guest OS virtualization tools. Finally, focus on secure
  • network configuration with DNS Security Extensions and transport
  • layer security. This is one of a collection of courses that fully
  • prepares the learner for the ISC2 Certified Cloud Security
  • Professional (CCSP) 2022 exam.

CCSP 2022: Operate & Maintain Physical & Logical Cloud Infrastructure

  • CCSP exam candidates will be expected to have a strong

  • foundation in the continual operations and maintenance of the cloud
  • data center. In this course, you will explore the physical and
  • logical cloud infrastructure from an operations and maintenance
  • perspective, including network security controls, operating system
  • hardening, patch management, and Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC).
  • Then, you will examine hypervisor cluster management, including
  • clustered host and guest OS availability, virtual machine cluster
  • performance, and capacity monitoring. Finally, you will take a look
  • at backup and restore functions of hosts and guests. This is one of
  • a collection of courses that fully prepares the learner for the
  • ISC2 Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) 2022 exam.

CCSP 2022: Operational Controls & Standards

  • An integral part of a Certified Cloud Security Professional’s

  • role is to implement operational controls and standards, like those
  • from Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and
  • International Organization for Standardization/International
  • Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) 20000-1. In this course, you
  • will discover common governance processes. Begin by exploring
  • configuration management and change management to ensure accurate
  • information is available and maximize successful service changes.
  • Then, focus on how to keep business functions maintained in the
  • event of a disaster through continuity management. Learn how to
  • protect your organization with a comprehensive information security
  • management plan and how to set clear business-based targets for
  • service performance with service level management strategies. Next,
  • investigate the differences between incident and problem
  • management, and release and deployment management. Finally, examine
  • availability and capacity management to ensure that IT services
  • meet the needs of customers and users. This is one of a collection
  • of courses that fully prepares the learner for the ISC2 Certified
  • Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) 2022 exam.

CCSP 2022: Manage Security Operations

  • Most large cloud service providers manage their global resources

  • with a regional security operations center (SOC). SOC activities
  • include intelligent security control monitoring, log capture and
  • analysis with SIEM and SOAR systems, incident management, and
  • vulnerability assessments. Through this course, learn how to manage
  • and control security operations. Examine third-party communication
  • management and security operations centers. Next, learn about
  • various intelligent security control monitoring solutions and log
  • capture and analysis. Finally, explore the incident management and
  • vulnerability assessment processes. This is one of a collection of
  • courses that fully prepares the learner for the ISC2 Certified
  • Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) 2022 exam.

CCSP 2022: Legal Requirements, Privacy Issues, & Risk Management in the Cloud

  • Cloud computing presents a number of unique risks and issues

  • since it routinely crosses many geographic and political
  • boundaries, and international legislation, regulations, and privacy
  • requirements can conflict with one another. In this course, examine
  • the legal and privacy issues that a Certified Cloud Security
  • Professional can expect to face. Begin by investigating conflicting
  • international laws, eDiscovery, and Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)
  • guidance. Then, focus on personal privacy issues related to
  • protected health information (PHI), personally identifiable
  • information (PII), and privacy impact assessments (PIAs), and
  • compare privacy requirements including ISO/IEC 27018, Generally
  • Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP), and General Data Protection
  • Regulation (GDPR). Finally, explore risk management by assessing
  • risk management programs and studying regulatory transparency
  • requirements, including breach notification, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX),
  • and GDPR. This is one of a collection of courses that fully
  • prepares the learner for the ISC2 Certified Cloud Security
  • Professional (CCSP) 2022 exam.

CCSP 2022: Cloud Audits, Methodologies, & Contracts

  • In this final Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) course, the legal, risk and compliance objectives of Domain 6 continue to be explored. Through this course, gain a better understanding of cloud audits, methodologies, and contracts.
  • Begin by exploring audit controls, reports, and their impact. Next, examine the topic of gap analysis and internal information security management systems. Finally, learn about other key concepts, including policies and stakeholder involvement, specialized compliance requirements, the impact of distributed IT, business agreement requirements, vendor management, contract management, and supply-chain management.
  • This is one of a collection of courses that
  • fully prepares the learner for the ISC2 Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) 2022 exam.


Engels (US)
15 uur
Security Specialist
180 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Netwerkbeheerder, Securityspecialist

Het wordt aanbevolen dat je bekend bent met CCSP CBK - domeinen.


Na succesvolle afronding van deze training kun je Cloud risico's inschatten voor je organisatie, richting geven aan een Cloud security roadmap en mogelijke controle maatregelen voorstellen. Tevens is deze training een goede voorbereiding op het ISC2 CCSP® examen.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

Hoe gaat het te werk?


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Op welke manieren kan ik betalen?

Je kunt bij ons betalen met iDEAL, PayPal, Creditcard, Bancontact en op factuur. Betaal je op factuur, dan kun je met de training starten zodra de betaling binnen is.

Hoe lang heb ik toegang tot de training?

Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

Waar kan ik terecht als ik vragen heb?

Je kunt onze Learning & Development collega’s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

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