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Training: Developing Applications Using Java Spring
Java Spring
28 uur
Engels (US)

Training: Developing Applications Using Java Spring

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Het Spring framework is op dit moment een van de meest populaire frameworks voor het ontwikkelen van Java enterprise applicaties. In deze Java Spring training maakt u kennis met dit framework. Zo leert u de basis kennen zoals het opzetten van een ontwikkelomgeving voor Spring. De cursus gaat daarna uitgebreid in op geavanceerde functionaliteiten als annotatie & Java configuratie, MVC, security, data, aspect-oriented programming (AOP) en nog veel meer.

Inhoud van de training

Developing Applications Using Java Spring

28 uur

Java Spring: Spring Application Basics

  • start the course
  • recognize what the Spring Framework is and how it can be used
  • download, configure, and run Spring Tool Suite
  • recognize what the Maven build tool is and how to download and install Maven
  • create a new Java project in Spring Tool Suite and build a Java project using Maven via the command line
  • recognize how to use Maven to manage dependencies within Spring Tool Suite
  • create a Java application that runs atop the Spring framework
  • recognize what a Spring bean is and how to create Spring beans
  • recognize the different scopes a Spring bean can be set to
  • create a Spring application context using various methods
  • configure a bean to set properties using a custom constructor
  • configure a bean to set properties using the properties tag
  • configure a bean to set collection properties
  • configure a Spring bean using the p-namespace
  • use setter injection to set up bean dependencies
  • use constructor injection to set up bean dependencies
  • use values set in external files to set bean properties
  • create and use an anonymous inner bean that is used to configure an outer bean property
  • define methods that run after a bean is instantiated and before a bean is destroyed
  • recognize what Spring autowiring is and how it is used
  • autowire bean properties based on class type
  • autowire bean properties based on name
  • autowire bean properties based on custom constructors
  • use default autowiring in a Spring bean configuration file
  • understand setting up an environment for developing and creating Spring applications

Java Spring: Annotation Configuration and Java Configuration in Spring

  • start the course
  • recognize the basics of configuring Spring applications using annotations
  • use the @Autowired annotation to set bean properties
  • use the @Autowired annotation to set up constructor injection
  • use the @Value annotation to set bean properties
  • make bean autowiring optional based on if a bean is available
  • use the @Qualifier annotation to help reduce any potential ambiguities
  • use the @Required annotation to make sure a bean property is being set via setter injection
  • use the @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations to define methods that run after a bean is instantiated and before a bean is destroyed
  • recognize the origin of alternative annotations that can be used to configure Spring applications
  • use the @Resource annotation to support dependency injection in a Spring application
  • use the @Inject annotation to support dependency injection in a Spring application
  • recognize the basics of implicitly declaring Spring beans by using the component scanner
  • use the @Named annotation to support configuring dependency injection
  • recognize and identify the various stereotype annotations that can be used to declare Spring beans
  • use custom annotations to declare classes that should be registered as Spring beans
  • recognize the basics of configuring a Spring application using Java class files
  • create a Spring application that is configured using a Java class file
  • perform setter injection from a Spring application with a Java-based configuration
  • perform constructor injection from a Spring application with a Java-based configuration
  • set up autowiring for a Spring application configured with a Java-based configuration
  • set up component scanning for a Spring application with a Java-based configuration
  • recognize Spring Expression Language and some of its features
  • use Spring Expression Language to help configure XML-based Spring applications
  • use Spring Expression Language to help configure annotation-based Spring applications
  • use Spring Expression Language to evaluate and set property values
  • use the safe navigation operator to avoid the NullPointerException when using Spring Expression Language
  • use Spring Expression Language to expose data from the Java system properties object
  • understand how to configure Spring applications using both annotation-based configuration, and Java-based configuration, and also to demonstrate using Spring Expression Language

Java Spring: Creating Web Applications Using Spring MVC

  • start the course
  • recognize the Spring MVC framework and how to use it to create Spring-based web applications
  • recognize how HTTP requests and responses flow through the Spring MVC architecture
  • set up Maven dependencies needed to create a Spring MVC application
  • recognize the various components in a Spring MVC application configuration
  • configure a web.xml file for a Spring MVC web application
  • create a servlet configuration xml file for a Spring MVC web application
  • create Spring MVC controllers using request mappings and handler methods
  • create JSP views for use in a Spring MVC application
  • configure a Spring MVC application to locate and use JSP view files
  • use STS to launch and use a Spring MVC application deployed from an Apache Tomcat server
  • recognize the Spring form tags that can be used to help create Spring web forms
  • create a Spring MVC web form
  • validate a Spring MVC web form
  • configure controller handler methods to map to URLs based on the HTTP request method
  • upload files in a Spring MVC web application
  • recognize some of the features that are offered by the Spring MVC framework
  • serve static files from a Spring MVC web application
  • perform redirects from a Spring MVC web application
  • use @ModelAttribute in a controller to declare a method intended to update the model of a Spring MVC application
  • use @SessionAttribute to add data to the current session of a Spring MVC web application
  • use @CookieValue to work with cookies in a Spring MVC web application
  • create a Spring MVC web application using a Java-based configuration
  • recognize some of the arguments and return types we can use when defining Spring MVC handler methods
  • configure Spring MVC handler methods to only map to HTTP requests with certain URL parameters defined
  • configure Spring MVC handler methods to only map to HTTP requests where certain headers are defined
  • access and use HTTP request parameters from within controller handler methods
  • use Spring MVC to create web applications

Java Spring: Working with Data in Spring

  • start the course
  • recognize the various steps in configuring database access in a Spring application
  • set up a Jdbc driver class to help connect to a MySQL database
  • declare a datasource bean that can be used to connect to a running MySQL server
  • declare a datasource bean that gets its properties set from a properties file
  • declare a datasource bean that can provide a pool of database connections for an application to work with
  • create a Data Access Object class that will be used to perform database operations
  • recognize what the JdbcTemplate class is and some of the database access features it provides
  • use a Data Access Object to retrieve records from a database
  • recognize how to use Spring to support basic database operations
  • use named parameters when creating SQL queries
  • retrieve a record from the database converted to a domain object
  • use the update method of the JdbcTemplate class to insert records into a database
  • construct SQL queries directly from the properties of beans using BeanPropertySQLParameterSource
  • use the update method of the JdbcTemplate class to update records in a database
  • use the update method of the JdbcTemplate class to remove records from a database
  • describe database exception handling in Spring applications
  • handle basic database exceptions in a Spring application
  • perform batch updates on a database from a Spring application
  • perform database transactions from a Spring application
  • describe the SimpleJdbc classes provided by Spring for specific database operations
  • insert records into a MySQL table using the SimpleJdbcInsert class
  • call a stored procedure on a database using the SimpleJdbcCall class
  • use the queryForObject method to specify types for data being returned from a database
  • declare a Data Access Object in an XML configuration
  • use a Spring application to access and modify data in a database

Java Spring: Aspect-Oriented Programming Using Spring AOP

  • start the course
  • recognize the concepts involved in Aspect-Oriented Programming
  • recognize some of the benefits of Aspect-Oriented Programming
  • become familiar with AOP terminology
  • create a simple aspect in XML configuration in a Spring application
  • create pointcuts that can be reused
  • create a simple aspect using annotations in a Spring application
  • access information about the current JoinPoint (method execution) in advice body
  • configure Spring AOP in a Spring application with a Java-based configuration
  • understand Spring AOP's proxy-based approach to aspect-oriented programming
  • recognize the different types of advice you can use when using Spring AOP
  • advise a method execution in Spring with Before advice
  • advise a method execution in Spring with After Returning advice
  • advise a method execution in Spring with After Throwing advice
  • advise a method execution in Spring with After (Finally) advice
  • advise a method execution in Spring with Around advice
  • access and work with thrown exceptions within the body of Around advice
  • access and work with values returned from method executions within the body of Around advice
  • recognize how pointcuts are declared
  • declare and combine pointcuts
  • use pointcut expressions to match method executions with specific return types
  • use pointcut expressions to match method executions with specific method names
  • use pointcut expressions to match method executions with specific method parameters
  • recognize the different types of pointcut designators supported by Spring AOP
  • use pointcut expressions to match method executions in packages and classes
  • use the args pointcut designator to match method executions with specific arguments
  • use the bean pointcut designator to match method executions from specific beans
  • use the annotation pointcut designator to match method executions with specific annotations
  • implement aspects and advice in a Spring application

Java Spring: Adding Security Using the Spring Security Project

  • start the course
  • recognize more about the Spring Security project and the features it offers
  • set up the necessary dependencies to use Spring Security
  • set up a filter to be used by Spring Security
  • create an XML security application context for configuring Spring Security
  • require authentication to gain access to a Spring MVC web app by declaring valid users and roles from within Spring Security
  • enable Spring Security to authenticate by using HTTP Basic Authentication
  • recognize the process of configuring Spring Security to use authentication information from an external database
  • create the necessary database tables needed by Spring Security to provide database authentication
  • use Spring Security to secure an application based on database authentication records
  • use a minimal approach to configuring Spring Security to authenticate from database records
  • recognize methods for working with Spring Security and encrypted database passwords
  • configure Spring Security to work with MD5 encrypted database passwords
  • configure Spring Security to work with BCrypt encrypted database passwords
  • recognize how to access and work with Spring Security JSP tags
  • use the authentication tag to access information about the currently logged in user
  • use the authorization tag to require authorization before evaluating page elements
  • recognize some of the various places that Spring Security should be customized
  • configure Spring Security to provide a custom login page
  • configure Spring Security to provide a custom login page routed through a Spring MVC controller
  • configure Spring Security to display authentication errors when using a custom login page
  • configure Spring Security to provide logout functionality
  • recognize the basics of authorization using expressions and Spring Security
  • require authorization before allowing access to a URL in a Spring application
  • require authorization before allowing a method to execute in a Spring application
  • use the Spring Security project to add security to a Java Spring application


Docent inbegrepen
Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
28 uur
Java Spring
90 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

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Na het volgen van deze training kunt u zelfstandig Java applicaties ontwikkelen op basis van het Spring framework.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

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