Training: AWS Developer Associate 2021
AWS Certificeringen
50 uur
Engels (US)

Training: AWS Developer Associate 2021

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Wil jij leren hoe je cloudgebaseerde applicaties ontwikkelt, implementeert en debugt met AWS? In deze training ga je daarmee aan de slag. Je leert de belangrijkste AWS-services en AWS-toepassingen kennen en toepassen. Daarnaast verken je de best practices van AWS-architectuur.

Dit is een uitgebreide training die jou klaar stoomt voor het examen tot AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021. Door het behalen het examen toon je aan dat je over de juiste technische kennis en vaardigheden beschikt met betrekking tot het ontwerpen en onderhouden van applicaties op het AWS platform.

Inhoud van de training

AWS Developer Associate 2021

50 uur

AWS Developer Associate 2021: CloudFormation

  • Infrastructure as code (IaC) is used to automate the

  • provisioning and management of enterprise infrastructure. With the
  • help of this course, explore AWS CloudFormation to provision and
  • manage enterprise infrastructure using the IaC model. Get started
  • by examining how the IaC model is used to provision infrastructure
  • and learning more about the features of AWS CloudFormation, such as
  • stacks, stack sets, templates, and template components. You will
  • then discover how continuous delivery can be used with CodePipeline
  • to automatically create, test, and prepare CloudFormation builds
  • for production release. This course will also help you investigate
  • AWS CloudFormation security features and the use of AWS
  • CloudFormation Designer. Once you've completed this course, you'll
  • have a fundamental understanding of AWS CloudFormation and its
  • features and be a step further in preparing for the AWS Certified
  • Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: Serverless Compute Services

  • Serverless compute services provide cloud-based server software and hardware management on a pay-per-use basis. Use this course to explore the serverless compute model in AWS.
  • Start with a theoretical view of the compute services of AWS Lambda before examining how to work with Lambda functions, including versions, aliases, and advanced configuration settings.
  • Investigate methods for invoking Lambda functions, maintaining state, and using extensions. Then, explore further capabilities, such as configuring Lambda runtime and permissions. Moving along, create various lambda functions and applications.
  • Upon course completion, you'll be able to use AWS Lambda to achieve a serverless compute model. This course is part of a collection that prepares learners for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: AWS Stateless Applications

  • Stateless applications in AWS provide several benefits, including their ability to scale due to the available compute resources. In this course, explore how to develop stateless applications on AWS Cloud.
  • Learn to distinguish between stateful and stateless applications. Explore how AWS DynamoDB, AWS ElastiCache for Memcached, and AWS ElastiCache for Redis are used to create stateless applications. Investigate the features of Amazon Elastic Files System and AWS ElastiCache nodes and clusters.
  • Moving on, create and use an AWS DynamoDB, AWS ElastiCache for Redis, AWS ElastiCache cluster, and AWS Elastic File System.
  • Upon completion, you'll be able to build stateless apps using AWS. This course is part of a collection that prepares learners for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: Cloud Services

  • Working with the full breadth of cloud services in AWS requires

  • access to tools outside of those housed in the AWS Management
  • Console. Use this course to learn how to interact with the many
  • cloud services in AWS. Learn to install, configure, and use the AWS
  • Command Line Interface (CLI) to connect and interact with AWS
  • services and resources. Explore why and how to use Amazon API
  • Gateway. Create an EC2 environment and write a sample application
  • using AWS Cloud9. Then, create and test a simple HTTP API using a
  • Lambda function and the API Gateway. When you're done, you'll be
  • able to make API calls to AWS services using the AWS CLI and SDKs.
  • This course is part of a collection that prepares you for the AWS
  • Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: Configuration as Code

  • Configuration as code (CaC) can save time and reduce human error

  • by keeping configs consistent, manageable, traceable, and secure.
  • AWS developers need to comprehend what's meant by configuration as
  • code (CaC) and the AWS services that enable it. Through this
  • course, learn about the features and benefits of configuration as
  • code. Examine the features of the AWS Elastic Container Service
  • (ECS), Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Amazon Elastic
  • Kubernetes Service (EKS), Amazon App2Container, and AWS OpsWorks.
  • As you advance, learn how to create a cluster with Fargate, an
  • Amazon ECS service, a Docker container on an Amazon ECS service, a
  • container image to an Amazon ECR repository, and an Amazon EKS
  • cluster. Upon completion, you'll be able to start implementing CaC
  • in your own work. This course helps prepare learners for the AWS
  • Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: Storage Services

  • Cloud storage is a vital aspect of cloud computing. AWS provides various services to implement storage in the cloud. AWS developers should be familiar with all of these before choosing the best ones for their needs. Learn about and work with these services in this exam preparatory course.
  • Explore the features and functionality of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon S3 Glacier, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), Amazon Elastic File System (EFS), and Amazon Backup.
  • Next, practice using Amazon S3 and the .NET SDK to work with S3 buckets and objects. Work with vaults and archives using Amazon S3 Glacier. Then use Amazon EFS to store files.
  • Upon completion, you'll be confident in storing objects and files through AWS. You'll also be more prepared for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: Database Services

  • Data storage and management is central to any application. AWS

  • offers several different types of databases and database services
  • for virtually any type of application. And as a developer, it's
  • important to recognize the various database offerings on AWS Cloud.
  • Learn about the functionality of Amazon’s suite of database
  • solutions, including Amazon Relational Database Service, Amazon
  • DocumentDB, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon ElastiCache, and Amazon
  • Keyspaces. Next, explore features of Amazon Neptune Database,
  • Amazon Quantum Ledger Database, Amazon Aurora, Amazon Redshift, and
  • Amazon Timestream. Create and configure an Amazon DocumentDB
  • service and insert and query data. Finally, create a keyspace and
  • table using Amazon Keyspaces, and perform CRUD operations. After
  • completing this course, you will be able to confidently distinguish
  • between Amazon’s database options to select the solution that
  • fulfills your business needs. This course is one of a collection of
  • courses that prepares learners for the AWS Certified Developer -
  • Associate 2021 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: AWS Analytics Servic

  • Once you've collected and stored data and files in AWS, it is essential to be able to do something with them. Luckily, Amazon provides analytics services to capture, process, query, and stream from other AWS services, data stores, and databases.
  • Use this course to gain a theoretical comprehension of how these services work. Explore the capabilities of Amazon AppFlow, Amazon Athena, Amazon CloudSearch, Amazon Elasticsearch Service, Amazon EMR, AWS Glue, AWS Lake, and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams.
  • Moving on, practice creating an Amazon Kinesis stream and an Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application, process data from an Amazon Kinesis stream, and create an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.
  • This course is part of a collection that prepares learners for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: Identity & Access Management

  • Needless to say, authentication and authorization are imperative

  • to data security. As someone working on developing and maintaining
  • AWS-based applications, you may know this intuitively, but you may
  • not how to put these systems in place. Use this course to gain a
  • theoretical background in working with the primary AWS
  • authentication and authorization resources and services. Examine
  • the features, terminology, activities, and considerations involved
  • in using AWS Identity and Access Management, various AWS
  • identities, Amazon Cognito user and identity pools, Amazon Cloud
  • Directory, AWS Directory Service, Resource Access Manager, Resource
  • Groups, Tag Editor, Single Sign-On, and Audit Manager. This course
  • is part of a collection that prepares learners for the AWS
  • Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: Network Security

  • Having a secure cloud environment is crucial for ensuring system and data integrity and security. Cloud environments have numerous methods for meeting these security needs. Use this course to learn some of the most beneficial network security methods when working with AWS.
  • Examine how to use network segmentation, network protocols, and network services. See how to harden a network environment and monitor its security using log and event monitoring.
  • Explore some of the AWS network security tools used to manage, monitor, and protect AWS services. Take an in-depth look at using AWS CloudTrail, AWS CloudWatch, and AWS Elastic Load Balancing.
  • Moving along, practice creating an AWS CloudTrail and a network load balancer as well as using AWS CloudWatch.
  • Upon completion, you'll be able to secure a network in a cloud environment. This course helps prepare learners for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: Security Controls

  • Ensuring the security of your operating systems and applications is a necessary preventative measure. If you're responsible for maintaining AWS applications, you need to know the methods and tools involved in securing them. Use this course to become familiar with the security controls available in AWS to protect its services.
  • Learn how security policies and user permissions manage access to resources. See what's meant by a host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) and a host-based intrusion prevention system (HIPS). And find out how to achieve application security using hardened baselines.
  • Moving on, study methods for monitoring and endpoint security. Then examine how AWS Firewall Manager, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Detective, AWS Audit Manager, and AWS Backup work.
  • This course helps prepare learners for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam. Upon completion, you'll know what AWS security controls you should use.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: Integration Services

  • There are many benefits to using a microservices architecture to develop apps. These include better scalability, fault isolation, and resiliency, among others. Use this course to learn how to use Amazon integration services to build highly available and scalable microservice-based applications.
  • First, learn how Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), and Amazon Message Queue (MQ) are used to interconnect and transfer data. Next, see how messages can be sent using Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). Then, find out how AWS Step Functions and the Amazon Simple Workflow (SWF) service are used to perform actions.
  • Moving on, complete several tasks in Amazon EventBridge and create an Amazon SQS queue and an Amazon Simple Notification Service topic.
  • This course helps prepare for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam. Upon completion, you'll be able to deploy microservice applications using AWS.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: AWS CI/CD Services

  • Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) include automated and repeatable processes that streamline the software development and release cycle. The benefits of CI/CD are numerous, including fewer bugs and improved usability.
  • Take this course to familiarize yourself with the AWS services providing infrastructure for CI/CD. Explore the features and components of AWS CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CloudShell, and CodeArtifact.
  • Learn how to create an AWS CodeCommit version control repository and manage a repository pull request. Create a two-stage pipeline that uses both a versioned S3 bucket and CodeDeploy to release a sample application. Then, create and deploy a sample application using the AWS CodeBuild service and manage packages in an AWS CodeArtifact repository.
  • When you're done, you'll know how to use AWS to create a reliable CI/CD process. You'll also be further prepared for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: Elastic Beanstalk (EB)

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides over 100 services. One would assume it gets pretty time-consuming configuring infrastructure and resources for such a volume of services. It doesn't have to be! Using AWS Elastic Beanstalk (EB), deployment details such as capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling, and application health monitoring are all handled automatically.
  • Use this course to learn how to manage your AWS applications and environments using EB. Explore features, components, and supported platforms. See how EB applications are monitored and examine how Elastic Beanstalk Command Line Interface (EB CLI) works.
  • Moving along, practice using Elastic Beanstalk to create, manage, and deploy various application types as well as to deploy a Docker environment.
  • Upon completion, you'll be able to use AWS Elastic Beanstalk with confidence. This course helps you prepare for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is one of the primary AWS services for provisioning resizable computing environments, known as instances. Use this course to learn how to configure and launch instances using Amazon Machine Images (AMIs).
  • Examine the features of Amazon EC2, EC2 fleets and networks, and Amazon EC2 for AWS Nitro Enclaves. Explore available Linux and Windows instance types. And discover how to monitor Amazon EC2.
  • Moving along, install and configure the LAMP stack and SSL/TLS on both an Amazon Linux 2 and Amazon Linux AMI instance. Then, do the same with WordPress on an Amazon Linux 2 instance.
  • This course helps prepare learners for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam. Upon completion, you'll know how to configure, launch, secure, and interact with computing environments on AWS using the Amazon EC2 service.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: Monitoring Services

  • Correctly monitoring applications and services for deployment is an essential certified AWS developer skill. Learn about the tools available in AWS to monitor services and applications in this vocational course.
  • Examine the features and capabilities of AWS CloudWatch, CloudTrail, X-Ray, Security Hub, and Systems Manager, as well as Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus and Amazon Managed Service for Grafana.
  • As you advance, practice creating a dashboard in AWS CloudWatch. Then use AWS CloudTrail to create a trail and Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) notifications to send messages. Next, configure the AWS X-RAY service and test it using a sample Java application. And finally, configure AWS System Manager to view and control your infrastructure.
  • Upon course completion, you'll know which AWS troubleshooting and monitoring tools to use and how. You'll also be more prepared for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: Optimization

  • As a certified AWS developer associate, it is critical that you

  • know how to optimize AWS services and resources. In this course,
  • you'll begin by exploring optimization in the AWS cloud, including
  • AWS Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB). First, you will
  • learn the features and components of Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, AWS
  • Application Auto Scaling, AWS Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing,
  • and AWS Compute Optimizer. Next, you will learn methods for
  • optimizing storage for Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, and Amazon Elastic
  • File System and the features and components of Amazon CloudFront.
  • Finally, you will configure AWS Auto Scaling using the AWS
  • Management Console, perform auto scaling using the AWS Application
  • Auto Scaling service and Aurora Auto Scaling, create an Application
  • Load Balancer using the AWS Management Console, and create a basic
  • configuration for CloudFront to distribute objects. This course is
  • one of a collection of courses that prepares you for the AWS
  • Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: Troubleshooting Techniques

  • Being able to troubleshoot cloud and network issues is important

  • when trying to resolve failures or operational difficulties. Use
  • this course to learn to employ troubleshooting methodologies to
  • resolve common cloud issues. Explore how to resolve cloud-related
  • issues using troubleshooting methodology and common troubleshooting
  • tools. Discover how to identify and resolve network connectivity
  • problems, security group misconfigurations, and common performance
  • issues. Finally, learn how to troubleshoot common challenges
  • encountered with AWS database and storage services. Upon
  • completion, you'll be able to use various methods and tools to
  • troubleshoot AWS cloud and network problems. This course is one of
  • a collection of courses that prepares learners for the DVA-C01: AWS
  • Certified Developer – Associate 2021 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate 2021: Troubleshooting Cloud Security Issues

  • Being able to troubleshoot security issues is essential to

  • ensuring fully functional systems in the cloud. In this course you
  • will examine some of the common causes of security issues. Learn to
  • troubleshoot security issues due to missing or incomplete
  • privileges, authentication or authorization issues, or network and
  • directory security group issues. Next, discover how to troubleshoot
  • security issues due to expired, revoked, compromised, or
  • misconfigured keys and certificates or due to misconfigured or
  • misapplied policies. Finally, explore a variety of security
  • concerns, including those due to unencrypted data, data breaches,
  • misclassification of data, lack of protocol encryption, insecure
  • ciphers, and cyber attacks. Upon completion of this course, you
  • will be able to confidently troubleshoot security issues in AWS.
  • This course is part of a collection that prepares learners for the
  • AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.


Docent inbegrepen
Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
50 uur
AWS Certificeringen
180 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Softwareontwikkelaar, Webontwikkelaar

Deze training is geschikt voor developers met minimaal één jaar hands-on ervaring in het ontwerpen en onderhouden van op AWS gebaseerde applicaties.


Na het afronden van deze training beschik jij over de juiste technische kennis en vaardigheden met betrekking tot het ontwerpen en onderhouden van applicaties op het AWS platform. Daarnaast bereidt deze training jou voor op het AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 exam.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

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Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

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Je kunt onze Learning & Development collega’s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

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