Training: AWS Developer 2020 - Associate
38 uur
Engels (US)

Training: AWS Developer 2020 - Associate

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Wil jij leren hoe je cloudgebaseerde applicaties ontwikkelt, implementeert en debugt met AWS? In deze training ga je daarmee aan de slag. Het is een uitgebreide training die klaar stoomt voor het examen tot AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2020. Door het behalen het examen toon je aan dat je over de juiste technische kennis en vaardigheden beschikt met betrekking tot het ontwerpen en onderhouden van applicaties op het AWS platform.

Deze training laat jou eerst kennismaken met de basiselementen van AWS en vervolgens ga je steeds dieper op de onderwerpen in. Je begint met het creëren en managen van user accounts. Je leert hoe je Amazon Machine Images kan integreren in het AWS platform, hoe je verschillende services kan installeren en samen laten werken in een web server environment.

Je ontdekt hoe je data naar de cloud kunt migreren en welke soorten databases en cloud storages interessant zijn. AWS biedt een infrastructuur voor continuous intergration en continuous delivery (CI/CD). Infrastructuur as Code is een model voor het managen van enterprise infrastructure en AWS CloudFormation kan hier op inspelen.

Tot slot is veiligheid een belangrijk onderdeel, daarom ga je ook aan de slag met de Security Token Service en hoe je deze in kan zetten.

Andere onderwerpen die aan bod komen zijn:

  • AWS service APIs, AWS CLI en SDKs om applicaties te schrijven
  • AWS shared responsibilty model.
  • Applicatie lifecycle management.
  • Basic AWS architecture best practices.
  • Codes schrijven voor applicaties.
  • Gebruik van containers in het development proces.

Inhoud van de training

AWS Developer 2020 - Associate

38 uur

AWS Developer Associate: Identity & Access Management

  • Authentication and authorization are essential to data security.

  • In this course, you’ll learn about the resources and services
  • offered by AWS, and how authentication and authorization are
  • managed on AWS. You’ll then learn about the AWS Management Console
  • for managing services and the use of AWS accounts and their
  • management. Next, you’ll examine IAM users, groups, and roles, as
  • well as AWS regions and availability zones. You’ll see how to
  • register an account on AWS, create an IAM administrative user, and
  • manage IAM users with groups and roles. Lastly, you’ll examine how
  • to enable and configure multi-factor authentication with AWS. This
  • course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for
  • the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2020 certification
  • exam.

AWS Developer Associate: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud is one of the primary services on

  • AWS that enables the provisioning of resizable computing
  • environments referred to as instances. In this course, you'll learn
  • how to configure and launch instances based on Amazon Machine
  • Images on AWS using the EC2 service. You'll examine how to connect
  • to running instances remotely using SSH or RDP. Next, you'll learn
  • about the various instance types and how they are configured with
  • storage resources. You'll see how to configure networking with
  • Virtual Private Cloud including subnetting, IP address allocation,
  • and routing. You'll explore how to take advantage of security
  • groups and network ACLs to beef up security for EC2 infrastructure.
  • Lastly, you'll examine how to align security best practices with
  • the AWS Shared Responsibility Security Model. This course is one of
  • a collection of courses that prepares learners for the AWS
  • Certified Developer - Associate 2020 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate: Interacting with AWS Cloud Services

  • Developers must interact with AWS Cloud Services over and above

  • the manual methods offered by the AWS Management Console. In this
  • course, you'll explore the various methods offered by AWS for
  • interacting with AWS services. You'll learn how to install and
  • configure the AWS command line interface (CLI) on Windows10, Ubuntu
  • Linux 18, and Mac OSX. Next, you'll examine best practices in
  • securing interaction with AWS services and resources by configuring
  • and attaching IAM roles to EC2 instances. You'll explore how to
  • test profile permissions from the AWS CLI and how to decode CLI
  • messages using Security Token Services (STS), then you'll learn how
  • to gather metadata about an EC2 instance with Instance Metadata
  • Service (IMDS). Lastly, you'll discover how to install and
  • configure AWS software development kits (SDKs) and how to integrate
  • SDKs into software code to perform API calls against AWS services.
  • This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares
  • learners for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2020
  • certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate: Storage Services

  • Cloud storage is a fundamentally important aspect of cloud

  • computing. Consequently, it is vital that as a developer, you
  • recognize how AWS implements storage across the AWS Cloud. In this
  • course, you'll learn how the EC2 service uses instance stores and
  • Elastic Block Store for volatile and persistent storage. You'll
  • then learn how CloudFront implements a global content delivery
  • network. Next, you'll examine how AWS implements Elastic File
  • System for file storage and sharing and you'll see how Amazon
  • Simple Storage Service uses buckets to store objects. You'll learn
  • about the various resources and tools AWS provides for migrating
  • data to the cloud and how Amazon S3 implements versioning and
  • encryption. You'll examine how to use Amazon S3 for hosting static
  • web sites and how to enable and configure cross-origin resource
  • sharing in S3. Next, you'll explore the consistency models used by
  • AWS and considerations related to S3 performance. Lastly, you'll
  • see how data is archived in Amazon S3 Glacier. This course is one
  • of a collection of courses that prepares learners for the AWS
  • Certified Developer - Associate 2020 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate: AWS Database Services

  • Data storage and management is central to any application. AWS

  • offers several different types of databases and database services
  • for virtually any type of application and as a developer, it's
  • important to recognize the various database offerings on AWS Cloud.
  • In this course, you'll learn about the various database services
  • offered on the AWS platform. You'll explore relational and
  • nonrelational database options available on AWS, Amazon Relational
  • Database Service, and Amazon DynamoDB. You'll examine in-memory
  • data stores on AWS and options available for migrating data and
  • databases to AWS. Next, you'll learn how to install the AWS SDK for
  • Python and the PyMySQL client library on a development machine and
  • use them to create a security group for RDS in Python code. You'll
  • then see how to create an RDS database instance using the MySQL
  • database engine on AWS and how to install and configure MySQL
  • Workbench to talk to the RDS database instance. Next, you'll learn
  • how to create tables and add records the RDS instance, query that
  • table, and delete it and the security group, all within Python
  • code. You'll see how to create a table in Amazon DynamoDB, add
  • items to the table, and use both the scan and query operations to
  • retrieve data from the table using Python code. Finally, you'll see
  • how to clean things up by deleting the DynamoDB table using Python
  • code. This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares
  • learners for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2020
  • certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate: AWS Elastic Beanstalk (EB)

  • AWS provides several integrated services supporting web

  • application management. Each of these services exposes an area of
  • functionality. As a developer associate, it's critical to recognize
  • not only how the individual components function, but how they work
  • together to provide a flexible and powerful end-to-end web
  • application management infrastructure. In this course, you'll
  • examine how Elastic Beanstalk manages applications and environments
  • with the CLI and the Elastic Beanstalk console. You'll see how to
  • use Elastic Beanstalk to manage web server environments and the
  • infrastructure they run on. Next, you'll learn about .ebextensions
  • config files and how to manage application versions using Elastic
  • Beanstalk. Lastly, you'll examine how to carry out a blue/green
  • deployment on AWS using Elastic Beanstalk. This course is one of a
  • collection of courses that prepares learners for the AWS Certified
  • Developer - Associate 2020 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate: CI/CD in AWS

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) is an automated, repeatable process that streamlines the software development and release cycle. In this course, you'll examine the AWS services that provide infrastructure for CI/CD.

You'll use the CodeCommit version control service to create a CodeCommit repository and AWS CodePipeline to create a pipeline and deploy an application to dev and production.

Next, you'll use CodeBuild to create and configure a build project and CodeDeploy to create IAM service roles and an application and to install and configure the CodeDeploy agent on an EC2 instance.

Finally, you'll create a CodeStar project and use the Cloud9 IDE. This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares you for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2020 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate: AWS CloudFormation

  • Infrastructure as Code is a concept that describes the automated

  • provisioning and management of enterprise infrastructure. In this
  • course, you’ll learn about the Infrastructure as Code model for
  • provisioning and managing enterprise infrastructure and how AWS
  • CloudFormation is used to provide this ability. You’ll start by
  • examining the concept of the Infrastructure as Code model, how AWS
  • CloudFormation helps model and configure AWS resources, and
  • CloudFormation concepts such as stacks, permissions, and templates.
  • You’ll then learn how to create a CloudFormation stack, work with
  • CloudFormation templates, and manage, update, and delete
  • CloudFormation stacks. Next, you’ll see how to work with
  • CloudFormation resources and specify CloudFormation parameters and
  • mappings for templates. You’ll learn how to define conditions for
  • CloudFormation templates and declare optional outputs for
  • CloudFormation templates. Lastly, you’ll learn about CloudFormation
  • intrinsic functions and rollbacks. This course is one of a
  • collection of courses that prepares learners for the AWS Certified
  • Developer - Associate 2020 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate: Configuration as Code

As an aspiring AWS developer, a knowledge of the concept of Configuration as Code and the services that enable it on AWS is essential.

In this course, you'll define Configuration as Code and outline the services that enable its use on AWS, including OpsWorks, Elastic Container Service (ECS), Elastic Container Registry (ECR), and Fargate. You'll explore how to use these services for several tasks, including stacks and application management and the packaging and deployment of applications.

Next, you'll identify the purpose of Docker containers and how to use them for various tasks, and how to apply load balancing to an existing ECS service on AWS. Finally, you'll create and configure ECS clusters, install Docker for Windows, and integrate the AWS X-Ray monitoring service with ECS.

AWS Developer Associate: Application Integration & Microservices

Microservices describe an architecture where software is designed and built as a collection of modular services. In this course, you'll examine how services like Amazon SQS, SNS, and Kinesis are configured and organized in AWS to build highly-available and scalable microservice-based applications.

You'll use Amazon SQS to create and configure Standard, FIFO, and Dead Letter queues. Next, you'll create a Topic and a Subscription using Amazon SNS and publish a message to subscribers.

Finally, you'll create, use and then delete an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream. This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares you for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2020 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate: Serverless Compute Services

Providers of serverless compute services, such as AWS Lambda, provide cloud-based server software and hardware management on a pay-as-you-use basis, lifting this burden from the shoulders of developers.

In this course, you'll explore the benefits of the serverless compute model and how it is implemented on AWS. You'll examine the core components of AWS Lambda, such as functions, event triggers, versions, and aliases, examining best practices for working with these. Next, you'll learn how to create, configure, and manage Lambda functions using the AWS Management Console. You'll learn how to configure and test AWS Lambda logging and monitoring and how to use AWS CloudFormation and AWS X-Ray to configure function monitoring. Finally, you'll learn how to publish AWS Lambda function versions and aliases, and how to work with AWS Lambda function external dependencies.

AWS Developer Associate: Serverless Applications

Serverless applications describe a shift from the traditional three-tier architecture. Create your applications from start to finish as a serverless application, and you only pay for the resources you use. In this course, you'll create serverless templates with SAM, integrate your Lambda function with the API gateway, and use an Aurora Serverless cluster to complete the application.

You'll explore AWS Lambda, API Gateway, the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM), and Aurora Serverless compute services on AWS.

Finally, this course will change the way you think about the traditional three-tier architecture, showing you how to harness the power of going serverless. This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares you for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2020 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate: AWS Security & Encryption

To ensure data and applications on the AWS cloud are secure, AWS developers require a sound understanding of which tools and services to use in a given situation and how to use them.

In this course, you’ll begin by exploring how encryption is used to protect data and how the Key Management Service (KMS) is used to manage and control access keys. You’ll then use the KMS console and the AWS CLI to create a customer master key (CMK). Next, you’ll create secure string parameters using the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. You’ll then examine the Security Token Service (STS) in AWS and how it is used to obtain temporary restricted-privilege credentials for AWS IAM users. Lastly, you’ll work with encryption configurations to manage and monitor encryption requirements using encryption headers.

AWS Developer Associate: DynamoDB NoSQL Database

AWS DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service for performance enhancement and massive scalability. In this course, you'll explore the fundamental operating principles that underpin the DynamoDB service, such as DynamoDB's provisioned throughput, API, indexes, and concurrency model.

You'll configure table properties, namely read capacity units (RCUs), write capacity units (WCUs), global secondary indexes (GSIs), and local secondary indexes (LSIs). Next, you'll learn to create clusters in DynamoDB Accelerator, configure DynamoDB Streams, and enable DynamoDB Time to Live (TTL) for a table.

Next, you'll run DynamoDB commands in the AWS CLI, including ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) transactions. Lastly, you'll configure DynamoDB security, backup, and restore services. This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares you for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2020 certification exam.

AWS Developer Associate: Stateless Applications

  • Stateless applications in AWS provide several benefits,

  • including the ease with which they scale due to the available
  • compute resources. In this course, you’ll begin by exploring how to
  • develop stateless applications on AWS Cloud. You’ll then examine
  • how to use DynamoDB to store application state data. You’ll learn
  • to create a DynamoDB global table on AWS and create tables that
  • automatically replicate across multiple AWS regions. Next, you’ll
  • explore and work with the AWS ElasticCache service to provide
  • caching and create an ElastiCache cluster on AWS. Finally, you’ll
  • persist data with Simple Storage Service (S3), outline how Amazon
  • Elastic File System (EFS) can be used for scalable file storage,
  • and use EFS to create and mount an EFS volume from a running EC2
  • instance.

AWS Developer Associate: Troubleshooting & Monitoring on AWS

Knowing how to correctly use the many AWS cloud services to monitor applications and services for deployment is an essential certified AWS developer skill. In this course, you'll start by exploring the characteristics and purposes of the various troubleshooting and monitoring resources on the AWS cloud before learning how to work with them.

Next, you'll learn to use the feature of AWS CloudWatch, such as metrics, alarms, events, and logs, to monitor resources and visualize collected metric data. You'll then work with AWS X-Ray to monitor, troubleshoot, and improve applications and use AWS CloudFormation to create an Elastic Beanstalk application to generate data for X-Ray. Finally, you'll learn how to create a Trail in AWS CloudTrail to monitor and record API calls and user activity.

AWS Developer Associate: Optimizing AWS

As a certified AWS developer associate, it is critical that you know how to optimize AWS services and resources.

In this course, you'll begin by exploring authorization in the AWS cloud, including AWS Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB). You'll then configure an application load balancer, create a launch template, and work with Auto Scaling Groups (ASG). Lastly, you'll examine AWS storage and performance optimization best practices.

This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares you for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2020 certification exam.


Docent inbegrepen
Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
38 uur
180 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Softwareontwikkelaar

Deze training is geschikt voor developers met minimaal één jaar hands-on ervaring in het ontwerpen en onderhouden van op AWS gebaseerde applicaties.


Na het afronden van deze training beschik jij over de juiste technische kennis en vaardigheden met betrekking tot het ontwerpen en onderhouden van applicaties op het AWS platform. Daarnaast bereidt deze training jou voor op het AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2020 exam.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

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Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

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Je kunt onze Learning & Development collega’s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

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