Training: Aan de slag met Angular 11
12 uur
Engels (US)

Training: Aan de slag met Angular 11

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Angular is een veelgebruikt framework onder ervaren ontwikkelaars die overstappen naar full stack ontwikkeling. Dit framework biedt de tools die nodig zijn om interactieve en dynamische single-page applicaties te bouwen. In deze training komen de verschillende bouwstenen en geavanceerde mogelijkheden van Angular 11 aan bod.

Je gaat van start met een inleiding in de verschillende componenten en modules van Angular. Je leert daarbij een Angular applicatie te maken en te draaien. Daarnaast leer je directives en pipes in Angular 11 te implementeren voor full-stack ontwikkeling en ga je aan de slag met geneste componenten in Angular. Geneste componenten staan het gebruik toe van herbruikbare logica binnen afzonderlijke eenheden, die kunnen geassocieerd worden met één of meerdere verschillende componenten tegelijk. Vervolgens leer je reactief programmeren met RxJS. Het maken van formulieren en het effectief omgaan met formulierelementen in Angular komt eveneens aan bod. Hierbij leer je werken met API’s.

Verder verken je de architectuur van single-page applicaties (SPA’s) en leer je hoe je met Angular routing en beveiliging kan implementeren in zulke SPA’s. Daarnaast ga je aan de slag met services en dependency injections in Angular en leer je hoe je beveiligings- en optimalisatiemaatregelen kan implementeren in Angular 11, zoals authenticatie en autorisatie. Je ontdekt hoe je een applicatie kan optimaliseren, debuggen en hoe je een unit test kan uitvoeren.

Tot slot leer je waarom en hoe je oudere versies van Angular moet updaten naar latere versies en ontdek je alvast de nieuwe functies die beschikbaar zijn in Angular 12.

Inhoud van de training

Aan de slag met Angular 11

12 uur

Angular 11: Getting Started with Angular

Angular helps build interactive and dynamic single-page applications (SPAs) through templating, two-way binding, modularization, RESTful API handling, dependency injection, and AJAX handling. It's a highly demanded technology and a useful language among experienced developers who want to move into full stack development.

Use this course to explore the different building blocks of Angular. Examine some of the advanced features of Angular 11 and install various software components for making use of its features and benefits. Install Node.js, Visual Studio Code, and Angular CLI and learn to create and run an Angular application.

Finally, investigate the different characteristics of package.json files and outline the basics of Typescript. When you're done with this course, you'll have a basic grasp of working with Angular.

Angular 11: Introduction to Components

Angular is a commonly-used language among experienced developers moving into full stack development. Through templating, two-way binding, modularization, RESTful API handling, dependency injection, and AJAX handling, Angular provides the tools needed to build interactive and dynamic single-page applications.

This course elevates a basic working knowledge of Angular by guiding you on some more advanced practices. Learn to create classes in TypeScript and add properties and functions to TypeScript classes. Define decorators in JavaScript and create a simple Angular component. Add templates, styles, and styleUrls to Angular components. Furthermore, investigate binding data with interpolation and ng-bind.

After taking this course, you'll be able to use components in Angular to make the most of this dynamic web framework.

Angular 11: Working With Angular Modules

  • Angular helps build interactive and dynamic single-page

  • applications (SPAs) through templating, two-way binding,
  • modularization, RESTful API handling, dependency injection, and
  • AJAX handling. Take this course to explore the fundamentals of
  • Angular module and examine decorators associated with it. With the
  • help of this course, you'll learn to create an Angular component
  • without CLI, bootstrap components using Angular module, and create
  • feature and shared modules. You'll also discover how to work with
  • third-party modules like BrowserModule and export/import arrays.
  • Upon completion of this course, you'll be in a position to outline
  • the components of Angular Module and deepen your Angular skills for
  • full stack development.

Angular 11: Directives & Pipes

  • Angular helps build interactive and dynamic single-page

  • applications (SPAs) and is a technology that is highly in demand
  • among experienced developers who want to move into full-stack
  • development. Use this course to gain a better understanding of
  • directives and pipes in Angular 11. Examine the use of conditional
  • operators, array iteration through complex objects, and the concept
  • of pagination. This course will also help you discover the
  • functionality of sorting data, the use of built-in pipes and custom
  • pipes, and how to filter a list of data as per user search input.
  • Upon completing this course, you'll have the skills to implement
  • directives and pipes using Angular for full-stack development.

Angular 11: Working With Nested Components

  • Nested components in Angular allow the use of reusable logic

  • within separate units, which can be associated with one or more
  • different components at a time. Take this course to supplement your
  • knowledge of working with nested components in Angular. Try your
  • hand at building a nested component, using the @Input and @Output
  • keywords, and implementing the ViewChild property. After wrapping
  • up this course, you'll be able to use nested components to build
  • applications in Angular that are composed of multiple components
  • working together.

Angular 11: Reactive Programming With RxJS & Observables

  • The RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) library in Angular

  • allows you to engage in reactive programming that uses observables
  • to make it easier to perform a variety of asynchronous operations.
  • Take this course to supplement your knowledge of event-based
  • programming in Angular. Explore the key features of the RxJS
  • library, take advantage of observables over promises, utilize HTTP
  • Requests to retrieve data, and subscribe to observables for data.
  • After completing this course, you'll be able to use Angular with
  • RxJS to create interactive and dynamic single-page
  • applications.

Angular 11: Working With Forms

  • Front-End frameworks like Angular must be capable of accepting

  • data from users and forwarding that data onto a database, usually
  • via an API. Explore forms and the form submission process to
  • endpoints using this course. Learn more about two-way binding, form
  • events like button clicks, and validating forms for user input.
  • You'll also work with APIs to perform some of the CRUD operations
  • that have become synonymous with database programming and examine
  • shareReplay to implement local caching. Having completed this
  • course, you will be able to create forms and effectively handle
  • form controls in Angular.

Angular 11: Navigation & Routing in Angular

  • Angular is a platform and framework for building a breed of applications labeled SPAs (single-page applications). Use this course to discover what that means, explore the architecture of an SPA, and investigate the benefits of building one.
  • In addition to building single page applications, Angular lets you implement routing and security. Practice implementing routing via Angular's routing module. Examine how routing does not involve routing to a physical HTML file but by rendering a 'view.'
  • As with any web-based application, Angular implements routing security using a particular interface called route guards. Learn how to implement this interface, examining its features as you go.
  • By the end of this course, you'll be able to create a single-page application and implement routing using Angular.

Angular 11: Services & Dependency Injection

  • Angular allows the use of one object in another class that

  • consumes it through dependency injections. Try your hand at
  • implementing dependency injections within a component and configure
  • the injected object via the constructor of the consuming class
  • through this course. Examine services in Angular and demonstrate
  • how a service is used in a component. You'll also learn to inject
  • services into components and access data inside of these services.
  • By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge to work with
  • services and dependency injections in Angular.

Angular 11: Security & Deployment in Angular

  • Implementing security and optimization measures is part of the end-to-end Angular development and deployment life cycle. Developers new to or familiar with Angular can use this course to upgrade their skills in these areas.
  • Learn how to implement authentication and authorization in Angular 11. Examine routing at a deeper level to determine the role of routing in authentication. Build authentication and authorization into your app by implementing an interface. Create, activate, and deactivate route guards to realize authentication and authorization. And implement lazy loading to reduce bloating and use of system resources.
  • Moving along, examine the optimization of your application, debug a simple app, and perform a unit test on one of the components. Finally, deploy the Angular app onto an NGINX server.
  • When you're done with this course, you'll know how to optimize the performance and security of your Angular applications.

Angular 11: New Features of Angular 11 & Angular 12

  • When newer versions of Angular are released, their enhanced features may make it necessary to upgrade existing versions or migrate from the previous version of the platform to the latest.
  • Use this course to explore the features of Angular 11 that are new/updated from Angular 10, such as component test harnesses, improved reporting and logging, and the updated Hot Module Replacement (HMR) support. Additionally, investigate the new features available in Angular 12.
  • Learn how to migrate from Angular version 10 to version 11, using the Angular update guide for instructions. Furthermore, examine the CLI command ng update and utilize that command in a simple project.
  • When you've completed this course, you'll be able to recognize why and how you should update older versions of Angular to later versions.


Docent inbegrepen
Bereidt voor op officieel examen
Engels (US)
12 uur
180 dagen online toegang

Meer informatie

Doelgroep Softwareontwikkelaar, Webontwikkelaar

Je hebt basiskennis van Angular. Je hebt kennis van programmeren in TypeScript en/of JavaScript.


Na afronding van deze training kan je webapplicaties maken met Angular 11.

Positieve reacties van cursisten

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Nuttige training. Het bestelproces verliep vlot, ik kon direct beginnen.

- Mike van Manen

Onbeperkt Leren Abonnement

Onbeperkt Leren aangeschaft omdat je veel waar voor je geld krijgt. Ik gebruik het nog maar kort, maar eerste indruk is goed.

- Floor van Dijk

Training: Leidinggeven aan de AI transformatie

Al jaren is onze trouwe partner op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling voor onze IT-ers. Wij zijn blij dat wij door het platform van maatwerk en een groot aanbod aan opleidingen kunnen bieden aan ons personeel.

- Loranne, Teamlead bij Inwork

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Hoe lang heb ik toegang tot de training?

Dit verschilt per training, maar meestal 180 dagen. Je kunt dit vinden onder het kopje ‘Kenmerken’.

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Je kunt onze Learning & Development collega’s tijdens kantoortijden altijd bereiken via of telefonisch via 026-8402941.

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